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词汇 wild boar
释义 wild boar
wild boar发音




wild boars───[脊椎]野猪

wild oat───小颚花;野生燕麦

wild pear───野梨

tilt board───倾斜台

wild beast───n.野兽

wild brier───野生欧石南

wild pears───野梨

wild bird───野鸟

wild card───n.(计算机中的)通配符;持外卡的选手;无法预言的人(或事物)


The handles were carved out of cattle bones and the bristles were made from wild boar or horsehair.───把手由牛骨刻成,刷子毛由野猪或马毛制成。

boar readily hybridizes with the domestic pig.───野猪很容易和家猪杂交。

He jabbed at the wild boar with his bayonet.───他用刺刀猛刺那头野猪.

The team sent some people out hunting and they bagged a wild boar.───那个队派了一些人去打猎,他们打了一头野猪.

Animal resources are leopard, wild boar, roe deer, fox and so on.───动物资源有金钱豹 、 野猪 、 狍 、 狐等.

What will be produced if a sow runs with a wild boar?───如果一个母猪与一个野猪交配将会生下什么来 呢 ?

Yes, besides wild boar, I hunted owls, eagles, rabbits and squirrels.───是的, 除了野猪外, 我还猎过猫头鹰.老鹰. 兔子和松鼠.

Wild boar are numerous in the valleys.───山谷里有无数野猪出没。

The wild boar ran away before the hunter could get a shot in.───猎人还没有打中一枪,野猪就逃掉了.

We also had some wild boar meat there. It had different flavor from the pork.───我们也在那吃了一些野猪肉, 味道和猪肉不同.

Culinary suggestions Side of beef with boletus mushrooms. Wild boar , venison. Roast duck with cherries.───配餐建议:蘑菇配单面牛肉. 野生鹿肉, 烤鸭配樱桃.

There, a porcupine, wild boar, pig, stupid pig, Ukraine, pig eight quit of little piglets species.───有, 豪猪, 野猪, 蠢猪, 笨猪, 乌克兰小乳猪, 猪八戒等的种类.

The wild boar crept into the underbrush the wolf jumped up a tree.───说完,野猪急急忙忙地藏进了灌木丛里,狼跳到一棵大树上.

We disturbed a wild boar that had been foraging by the roadside.───我们惊动了一只一直在路边觅食的野猪。

Dachshunds have also been used to hunt foxes and believe it or not, wild boar.───腊肠也被用作去捕猎狐狸,不管你信不信, 还有捕猎野猪.

Wild boar occasionally cause damage to farm crops in some remote areas.───在一些偏远地区偶尔会有野猪出没,对农作物造成损害.

Wild boar battalion sergeant major of the Han Mok died!───野猪营的汉莫军士长阵亡了!

The wild boar backed and filled as the wolves circled and took nips.───当狼围拢来进攻时,野猪来回走动,不知所措.

The wild boar ploughs the earth up like a furrow, and does irreparable damage in the cultivated lands.───这只公野猪把土翻得像犁沟似的, 给这些耕地造成了不可弥补的损失.

The clever hunter brought the queen the heart of a wild boar.───聪明的他用一只野猪的心交了差.

The dog had its belly ripped up by a wild boar.───狗的肚子给野猪撕裂了.

The hunters were closing in on the struggling wild boar.───猎人们向在挣扎中的野猪靠拢.

The rage of a wild boar is able to spoil more than one wood.───野猪发怒毁树多.

Earls of Wilbraham, quasi wild boar ham.───威尔白莱罕(即“野猪大腿肉”)伯爵家.

Wild boar are numerous in the valleys.───这些山谷里有无数的野猪。

This is the first chance I've had to see " The wild Boar Forest ".───我是第一次有机会看 “ 野猪林 ”.

They sent some people out hunting and bagged a wild boar.───他们派了一些人去打猎,打了一头野猪.

The hunter darted a javelin at a wild boar.───猎人向一头野猪投去标枪.

Herbivorous animals to wild boar, deer, roe, and so on for food.───以草食性动物野猪 、 鹿 、 狍等为食.

Special wild boar is a kind of wild boar which has been domesticated and improved.───特种野猪是经过人工驯化改良后的一个野猪品种.

Wild boar readily hybridises with the domestic pig.───野猪很容易和家猪杂交。

The wild boar lay stiff and rigid after being shot.───中枪的野猪挣扎了一会后就僵卧在地上,一动也不动了.

The old man stuck a wild boar.───老汉用梭标刺死一头野猪.

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