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词汇 rubber bullets
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rubber bullet───橡胶子弹

rubber boots───橡胶靴,消防胶靴

rubber burns───橡胶烧伤

rubber plants───橡胶植物;室内盆栽的大叶植物

silver bullets───银子弹;良方,高招

tracer bullets───曳光弹;曳光子弹

dumdum bullets───哑弹

red mullets───羊鱼

rubber bands───[橡胶]橡皮筋;摩擦索线


Seven people were wounded when soldiers fired rubber bullets to disperse crowds.───有7人在士兵们发射橡皮子弹驱散人群时受了伤。

Police are again using shotguns loaded with beanbags rubber bullets to disperse the crowds.───警察再次使用装满橡胶弹的散弹枪来驱散人群。

Rubber bullets were used to break up the demonstration.───橡皮子弹曾被用于冲散游行队伍。

The army has been called in to help. Police have been using water cannon and rubber bullets to break up the most violent protests.───军队已被调遣来应对这些局面,警察开始使用水枪和橡皮子弹来驱散激进的暴力抗议分子。

Infuriated, he said he even threw rocks at police after he was tear-gassed and police fired rubber bullets.───他义愤填膺地说,在警察向他发射催泪瓦斯和橡胶子弹后,他甚至开始向警察扔石头。

Police attacked Occupy Oakland with rubber bullets and tear gas in the wee hours of Tuesday morning; there were at least a hundred arrests.───星期二凌晨,警察用橡皮子弹和催泪弹袭击在奥克兰进行占领运动的人们,至少有100人被捕。

The troops responded with rubber bullets and tear gas, and some appeared to have opened fire.───军队用橡皮子弹和催泪瓦斯还以颜色,似乎还有士兵开火了。

Police said they had to resort to live ammunition against protesters after running out of rubber bullets.───该国警方表示,他们在用完橡胶子弹后不得不又拿起真枪实弹来打击抗议者。

In tiny Bahrain men have died as the security forces sprayed protesters with rubber bullets and smothered them in tear gas.───由于安全军队用橡皮子弹扫射抗议者并用催泪瓦斯窒息他们,很多人在小巴林已经死去。


Rubber bullets are designed to incapacitate people rather than kill them.

Yes, he had been there in the thick of it, braving the rubber bullets and the tear-gas.

Inmates still fighting are hit with rubber bullets.

The demonstration was attacked by the military, several women were arrested and at least two shot with rubber bullets.

Seven people were wounded when soldiers fired rubber bullets to disperse crowds.

Rubber bullets were used to break up the demonstration.

Police in riot gear in turn fired. 37-caliber rubber bullets and beanbag weapons.

In February demonstrators calling for Bird's departure were dispersed by police using tear gas and rubber bullets.

In Beit Sahour, a women's demonstration of more than 1000 was disbanded with the use of tear gas and rubber bullets.

  • rubber gloves
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  • rubbers 7
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  • rubber seals
  • rubbers the movie
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  • rubber pad




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