

词汇 round table
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n.圆桌会议; 协商会议; 出席圆桌会议的人们


round tables───圆桌会议



ground cable───地下电缆;浮筒锚链

Round Table───圆桌会议,协商会议

ground cables───地下电缆;浮筒锚链

ground tackle───锚泊装置




You Artur, the leader of the glorious knights of round table.───你,亚瑟王, 光荣的圆桌骑士的领袖.

The conference room was spacious and handsome, and we seated ourselves at a large round table.───在宽敞精致的会议室里, 我们围着一张大圆桌坐下.

He set at a round table.───他坐在圆桌边.

On the round table were placed many dishes which I couldn't name.───桌子上摆满了我叫不上来名字的饭菜。

In the castle he had a round table, where he sat with his knights.───在城堡里他有一张圆桌,他和他的骑士们都坐在那里。

Round table. Stretch to resize. Width and depth dimensions are displayed.───圆形桌. 可拉伸以调整大小. 显示宽和深的尺寸.

At Merlin's instigation, Arthur founds the Fellowship of the Round Table.───在梅林的建议下,亚瑟王创建了圆桌骑士团。

Put them on the round table.───放在圆桌上,椅子够吗?

The next round - table meeting has been set for December.───下一届圆桌会谈已拟定于12月召开.

I'd like a round table that can sit ten.───我想要一张可以坐十个人的圆桌子.

They took a seat at the small round table.───他们在那小圆桌旁坐下.

My Cuisine Pioneer assignment was the Round Table Steak House.───这次先锋食客被安排在圆桌武士牛排屋.

I'm not aware of the IPR round table meeting you mentioned.───关于你提到的知识产权圆桌会议,我不了解具体情况.

We have a round table in our dining room.───我们的餐厅有一张圆桌.

They took their seats at the small round table.───他们在一张小圆桌旁坐了下来.

A round table is on the right side of the sitting room.───起居室的右手边有一张圆桌子.

The three of them sat at the only round table, Sollozzo refusing a booth.───他们三个坐在餐厅里唯一的圆桌旁, 因为索洛佐拒绝坐在隔间里.

One small round table, for small adhoc meetings of 2-3 people.───一个小圆桌,供2至3人的小型会议使用。


At Merlin's instigation, Arthur founds the Fellowship of the Round Table.

  • round balloon
  • rounded edges
  • round uppetiree
  • roundly panned
  • rounded out
  • round and red
  • round apple
  • round rugs
  • roundworm picture
  • round by
  • roundshaped holder
  • roundly crypto
  • rounded corner
  • roundhead food
  • round three
  • rounding calculator whole number
  • round brush
  • rounded figure
  • round coffee table
  • round handicap
  • roundly synonym




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