broken water───碎波
prose writer───散文作家
fresh water───湖水,[地质]淡水
gripe water───驱风剂(商标名称)
home waters───国内水域
rose chafer───蔷薇花金龟
waste water───污水,废水
Revolution are not made rose water.───革命不是玫瑰花露.
Revolution is no rose water.───革命不是玫瑰露.
Every time, the air is heavy with the aroma of rose water everywhere.───玫瑰香水,无论何时,无论何地, 空气中芳香四溢.
The key ingredients are damask rose water, frankincense, neroli, black tea and cranberry.───它关键成份是大马士革玫瑰纯露 、 乳香 、 橙花 、 红茶和蔓越莓.
Tasty ice cream with rose water, saffron, pistachios and chunk's of cream.───由香草冰激凌和玫瑰水,藏红花,开心果和奶油制成。
tired or irritated eyes soak cosmetic pads in rose water and rest on closed eye LIDS.───眼睛疲劳甚至生疼,可以将化妆棉垫在玫瑰香水中浸湿,然后闭上眼敷在眼皮上。
Squeeze rose water out.───挤出玫瑰花露.
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