

词汇 as easy as pie
释义 as easy as pie
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(as) easy as pie───(一样)容易

easy as pie───极容易

sweet as pie───甜得像馅饼

as large as life───像生命一样大

as big as life───与原物一样大

as early as───早在…的时候

as many as───多达;和…一样多


Baking great bread is as easy as pie with this new bread maker.───有了这个新面包机,烤出上好的面包真是小菜一碟.

So what this study suggests is that for many people self-deception is as easy as pie.───所以这项研究说明人们极其容易自我欺骗。

Finding recipes in America is as easy as pie.───在美国寻找食谱可谓易如反掌.

The examination as easy as pie.───这次考试容易得很.

We all think studying English as easy as pie. Do you think so?───我们大家都认为学英语很容易. 你这样认为 吗 ?

The convenience of modern freeways, railways and airplanes makes travel in America as easy as pie.───现代高速公路 、 铁路和飞机使得在美国旅行很轻易.

The convenience of modern freeways, railwaysairplanes makes travel in America as easy as pie.───现代高速公路 、 铁路和飞机使得在美国旅行很容易.

All the examinations were as easy as pie.───所有的考试都很容易.

Learning to drive these latest automatic cars is as easy as pie.───学会驾驶这些最新的自动汽车是极容易的事。

It's as easy as pie.───易如反掌.

That job was as easy as pie.───那工作容易极了.

You let me do it my way, and it will be all as easy as pie.───这桩事如果你让我按自己的方法去做, 那么就会不费吹灰之力.


You let me do it my way, and it will be all as easy as pie.

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