(马铃薯、胡萝卜等的)根用蔬菜; 根菜类蔬菜
root vegetables───根用蔬菜,根菜;[园艺]根菜类蔬菜
cook vegetables───烹饪蔬菜;炒菜
boil vegetables───煮蔬菜
chop vegetables───切菜
green vegetable───青菜
roasted vegetables───烤蔬菜
eat vegetables───吃蔬菜
raw vegetables───未经加工的蔬菜
sea vegetable───海菜
We talked week about growing beets. Today we have advice about growing another root vegetable, carrots.───上星期我们讨论了甜菜的生长, 今天,我们来讨论另外一种根菜即胡萝卜的生长.
cousin of cabbage and broccoli, kohlrabi is a turnip-like root vegetable that is either light green or purple and white striped.───大头菜是卷心菜和西兰花的近亲,是一种类似于芜菁的根类蔬菜,有淡绿色或紫色和白色的条纹。
Beets are a tasty root vegetable that do not to grow.───甜菜是一种可口的根菜,而且耕种也不费事.
They had sweet potatoes and many other kinds of root vegetable.───他们有甜土豆和其他多种根类蔬菜。
Chaucer would not have called that familiar root vegetable a "carrot", because the word comes from the French carotte.───乔叟不会把这种常见的根菜叫做“胡萝卜”,因为这个词来自法语carotte。
Today we have advice about growing another root vegetable, carrots.───今天就种植另一种食根植物 —— 胡萝卜,给出一些建议.
Today we have advice about growing another root vegetable, carrots easy to raiseeasy to harvest.───今天我们将报道另一种根茎蔬菜的种植方法:胡萝卜.
Beets are a tasty root vegetable that do not require much work to grow.───甜菜是味道很好的有植物,不需要太多的照料就可以生长.
We talked week about growing beets. Today we have advice about growing another root vegetable, carrots.
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