

词汇 rock the boat
释义 rock the boat
rock the boat发音


破坏现状, 捣乱


to rock the boat───摇摇船

miss the boat───错失良机

cook the books───做假帐

packetted boat───打包船

across the board───全面地;包括一切地;以三等分的钱数赌同一匹马赢得前三名

to miss the boat───误船


mock the idea───嘲笑这个想法

packet boat───n.客货船;定期客船


was told to keep her mouth shut and not rock the boat.───有人叫她闭嘴,不要招惹是非。

Hey, don't rock the boat.───嘿, 别惹事.

There is no need to rock the boat , this situation is already too messy.───别再火上浇油了, 现在已经够焦头烂额的了.

Don't rock the boat or it will capsize!───不要摇晃小船,否则它会翻的.

Politicians don't like to rock the boat around election time.───政治家们不愿在大选期间制造麻烦.

An easygoing manager, he won't rock the boat unless it's absolutely necessary.───除非必要, 这个随和的经理不会打破当前的局面的.

They seldom rock the boat or annoy the mayor or board of aldermen with unusual budget requests.───他们很少捣乱或提出过分的预算要求来为难市长或市议会.

Concede, once again. You don't like to rock the boat.───又一次做出让步,你不喜欢找麻烦。

Why rock the boat and change anything?───为什么不摇动船只改变一切事情呢?

I said I didn't want to rock the boat in any way.───我说过我根本不想挑事。

I try to walk soft and not rock the boat.───我尽可能地小心行事,不去打搅大家.

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