road rages───n.公路暴怒,路怒(指司机之间常因恶劣的驾驶条件而动怒或诉诸暴力)
road race───公路赛
roid rage───类固醇癫狂
road racer───公路赛车手
road races───公路赛
roid rages───罗伊德怒不可遏
road rash───路疹;(从自行车或滑板上掉下而造成的)皮肉严重擦伤
road bridge───公路桥;道路桥
road racers───公路赛车手
Never take the other driver personally as the person only acting on road rage instinct.───不要太过敏感,失控驾驶者只是天性如此,不是针对某个人.
This article about the rise in the incidents of road rage attracted considerable public concern.───这篇关于交通暴躁情绪的文章引起了公众的广泛关注.
Do you have the problem with road rage?───你有公路愤怒症?
For years people have called it road rage.───多年来,人们称之为行路狂暴情绪.
Two women were being hunted by police after a road rage attack on a male motorist.───两名妇女因在一次道路暴行中袭击一名男司机而正被警方追捕。
The following are common manifestations of road rage.───以下是“路怒症”常见的表现形式。
It's not worth risking lives over a little road rage.───一点公路情绪不值得去冒生命危险.
Get out of the way road rage. Here comes desk rage.───闪开让路,这是暴躁的驾驶人;现在更有暴躁的上班族.
Police say it may be a case of road rage gone to the extreme.───警方表示这可能是一起因交通暴躁情绪演变成的极端事件.
Get pumped for extreme motocross off - road racing with wild riders, road rage & crazy jumps!───获得泵浦极端赛车场外道路上赛车与野生骑手道愤怒 与 疯狂跳!
This is why we have road rage and blog wars.───这也就是为什么我们会有公路上争吵和博客上论战了。
- road signs
- road construction ahead
- road play
- roadway length
- roadside diner
- road head
- roadway tracking
- road runner
- road transport
- road trips
- road off
- roadway rv calera
- roadbed train
- roadsides in bloom calendar
- road ahead
- road out
- road carefully
- road rage
- road bed 420
- road race
- road mats