

词汇 river snail
释义 river snail
river snail发音



water snail───水蜗牛

water snails───水蜗牛

dew snail───露水蜗牛

giant snail───巨蜗牛

liver opal───肝蛋白石

river bank───河岸;河堤

river basin───[水文]流域


She was struggling to attract customers until she concocted an original signature dish, dredging up an unknown gastropod from the muddy Banks of the Yangtze and christening it "the spicy river snail."───吸引客源一直困扰着她,但自从她用长江沿岸泥泞的滩涂上一种不知名的软体动物为材料,独创了一道名为“风味田螺”的招牌菜后,情况大有改观。

Objective To investigate and analysis the influence on snail ecology by water level of the Yangtze River, water table, soil humidity and air temperature after the Three Gorges Dam Project.───目的了解三峡建坝后长江水位的变化,引起地下水位、土壤含水量、气温等因素变化对钉螺生态的影响程度。

Binyang food is endless, the most famous is the Binyang acid powder, white vinegar cut, Fried river snail, dog paw, roll powder.───宾阳的美食也是数不胜数,最闻名的就是宾阳酸粉,白切狗肉,炒田螺,狗爪,卷筒粉等。

Binyang food is endless, the most famous is the Binyang acid powder, white vinegar cut, fried river snail, dog paw, roll powder.───宾阳的美食也是数不胜数,最闻名的就是宾阳酸粉,白切狗肉,炒田螺,狗爪,卷筒粉等。

A Study of River Snail Goddess Type Korean Folktales───朝鲜族田螺娘型故事初探

Determination of Trace Mercury in the River Snail by Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption───冷原子吸收法测定田螺中汞的含量

Research on Taurine Extraction in River-Snail───田螺中牛磺酸的提取工艺研究

Breeding techniques for river snail───田螺的养殖技术

The Effect of pH Value Towards River Snail's Existence and Growth───pH值对田螺生存和生长的影响


She was struggling to attract customers until she concocted an original signature dish, dredging up an unknown gastropod from the muddy banks of the Yangtze and christening it "the spicy river snail.

  • river bottom
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  • river thames
  • river themes
  • river flows in you
  • river snail
  • river banks
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