

词汇 property market
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property markets───地产市场;房地产市场;物业市场

property assets───不动产

property ladder───财产阶梯

property man───n.道具管理员

property men───n.道具管理员

property taxes───财产税(propertytax的复数)

property value───n.房产价;属性值


Beijing more than 600 square metres of vacant property market impact?───北京600多万平米空房对房产市场有何影响?

The property market is tottering.───房地产市场摇摇欲坠。

The property market is complex because it is heterogeneous in nature.───该物业市场是复杂的,因为它在本质上是异类.

Beijing property market cooling small Huxing next year overreach?───北京楼市小户型今年过火明年降温?

The commercial property market is declining.───商业性房地产市场正在下跌.

Now is a good time to invest in the property market.───现在是对房地产市场投资的好时机。

Selected, high - end property market prices are rising dramatically.───部分 高端 房地产市场价格大幅上涨.

If a city grows faster, its property market should enjoy premium.───如果城市发展速度快, 其房地产也会更快地发展.

The company has emerged as a major player in the London property market.───那家公司已崭露头角,成为伦敦物业市场的主要竞争者。

Hot money from the property market will flow away.───同时,大批盘踞在中国楼市的热钱,会撤离.

The booming coastal property market signals an economy awash in cash.───沿海城市的房地产市场泡沫就已经发出了现金浪潮冲击经济的信号.

The economic downturn is now showing its teeth on the property market.───现在,经济滑坡对地产市场的影响反映出来.

The bottom had fallen out of the city's property market.───该市的房地产市场已陷入极度低迷。

The brothers cleaned up a profit in the property market.───那兄弟几个在房地产市场捞了一笔钱.

The property market is rebounding.───楼市正反弹.

bottom had fallen out of the city's property market.───该市的房地产市场暴跌。

a brief and unsuccessful flirtation with the property market───对房地产市场一时兴起、并不成功的介入


It's all go in the commercial property market.

Payne dealt in the risky syndicated property market.

A recent development in the property market has been the creation of sheltered accommodation for the elderly - both rented and private.

Investors in the property market are worried about rising inflation.

The property market remains largely inactive.

The property market is tottering.

Bank lending to the property market dried up, some property firms have gone bust and land prices have begun to slip.

The property market has softened, but not collapsed.

The property market has been in the doldrums for months.

  • property market
  • property price
  • property of
  • property company




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