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词汇 rise up
释义 rise up
rise up发音


耸立; 上升; 起来造反; 起义


ride up───(衣服等离开了原来的位置)缩上去

wise up───使知道;使了解;告诉

wised up───使知道;使了解;告诉

wises up───使知道;使了解;告诉

write up───写文章赞扬;提高资产等的账面价值;详细记载;补写

ease up───v.缓和;放松;减轻

fire up───生火;煽动

give up───放弃;交出

hike up───飘起


Rise up, O Judge of the earth, Render recompense to the proud.───诗94:2审判世界的主阿 、 求你挺身而立 、 使骄傲人受应得的报应.

Seven massive columns rise up from a marble floor.───七根巨大的圆柱从大理石地面拔地而起。

The water droplets change back to vapour and rise up.───小水滴重新变成水蒸气上升到空中.

The mountain rise up in a steep wall of rock.───这座山高而陡,形成一道岩石屏障.

We are one; let our singing rise up into the stars.───我们是一体; 让我们的歌声直上天星.

He has a dream that his country will rise up.───他梦想祖国振兴起来.

Rise up , my love, My beauty, and come away.───我的佳偶, 我的美人,起来, 与我同去.

The whole family inclines to rise up early.───全家人都愿意早起.

The temperature can rise up to thirty - eight degrees Celsius in summer.───夏季气温可能升到38摄氏度.

He warned that if the government moved against him the people would rise up.───他警告说如果政府对他采取行动,人民将起来反抗。

He called on the people to rise up against the invaders.───他号召民众起来反抗入侵者。

After the festival, the temperature will rise up and rainfall increases.───清明节过后, 气温将上升,降雨量增加.

He that lies down with dogs must rise up with fleas.───近朱者赤,近墨者黑.

The intimidate bulk of mt everest rise up before the climber.───登山者面前耸立著险峻的埃佛勒斯峰.

And a voice came to him: Rise up, Peter; slay and eat!───13又有声音向他说, 彼得,起来, 宰了吃!

They finally rise up and burst their fetters.───他们最后挺身而起,挣开枷锁.

Rise up and help us; redeem us because of your unfailing love.───26求你起来帮助我们, 凭你的慈爱救赎我们.

Rise up, sons of the Horde! Blood and Glory await us!───起来, 部落之子! 鲜血与荣耀在等待我们!


The people rise up, and dictators go down.

He incited people to rise up against the government.

He that lies down [sleeps] with dogs must rise up with fleas.

Sisters, we must rise up and defeat our oppressors.

In my dreams, memories of dead People rise up.

He that lies down with dogs must rise up with fleas.

He called on the people to rise up against the invaders.

The only thing I wanted was to rise up from the table and leave this house.

A woman called on the population to rise up against the government.

  • rise up to
  • rise and fall
  • rise time
  • rises over




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