

词汇 resources conservation
释义 resources conservation
resources conservation发音



nature conservation───自然保护;自然保育;自然保持

energy conservation───[物]能量守恒;能源节约

soil conservation───[土壤]土壤保持

deserve consideration───值得考虑

resource allocation───[计]资源分配

wildlife conservation───野生生物保护

acute observation───急性观察


Population control, resources conservation and environment protection should be put on our agenda.───要把控制人口,节约资源,保护环境放到我们的议事日程上。

Resources conservation awareness needs to be strengthened.───资源开发保护意识有待加强。

Pending approval from Alberta Environment and the Energy Resources Conservation Board, the company said its goal is to begin operating Quest by 2015.───阿尔贝塔环境能源保护委员会的申请批复仍在进行当中,公司表示他们的目标是在2015年之前投产。

Form love resources, conservation of resources, protecting the environment consciousness, thereby better for the scientific development.───形成爱护资源,节约资源,保护环境等意识,从而更好的持续科学发展。

Concentrations for study include natural resources conservation and research. sustainability. environmental studies. and marine sciences.───其主要课程包括:自然资源保护及研究,可持续发展与环境研究,及海洋科学。

Therefore, carring out the investigation of germplasm resources status and resources conservation work has important practical significance.───因此,对石斛属植物资源现状进行调查和开展保育工作研究具有重要的现实意义。

Our country to the farming resources conservation legislation, the law enforcement and the legal relief all has many problems.───我国对耕地资源保护的立法、执法和法律救济都存在不少问题。

Realize power saving technology acting on its own and construct resources conservation society───实现节电技术自主创新建设资源节约型社会

The Significance of Forest Resources Conservation in Qinling Mountainous Area as well as Sustained Management and Utilization───秦岭林区森林资源保护的意义和可持续经营利用


Population control, resources conservation and environment protection should be put on our agenda.

  • resources conservation




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