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词汇 reeled in
释义 reeled in
reeled in发音



heeled in───假植

heled in───完成时间

reel in───卷;绕

reels in───卷;绕

reined in───控制;放慢;止住

rolled in───蜂拥而来;有大量的(钱财等);就寝;到达

ruled in───统治

sealed in───密封的;焊死的



He reeled in a big trout.───他绕起钓丝,钓起一条大鳟鱼。

The angler reeled in and went home.───那个钓鱼人绕起钓丝回家了。

It later consumed a large snapper that was being reeled in.───它吃掉了一只绑在鱼线上的大鲷鱼。

Whimpering, the wolf reeled in circles, then fell and did not get up.───这只狼呜咽地叫着,缩成一团,后来倒在地上,没有爬起来。

The tape is then reeled in and the highest mark on the tape wet by the oil is read and recorded as the height of the oil in the tank.───然后,将尺卷起,读出并记录量油尺上被油润湿的最高处,即为罐内油的高度。

But having successfully reeled in Florida on Election Day, he's not likely to do anything to tick off its space-happy voters either.───但是选举日那天在佛罗里达州获得压倒性胜利后,奥巴马也不太可能把那些喜欢航天计划的投票人一脚踢开。

Some anglers reeled in and went home.───有些钓鱼的人绕起钓丝回家了。

His brain reeled in terror , and for moments he could not even tell how near or far it was .───恐惧令他脑子一片混乱,有好一会儿他分不清楚这堆东西是远还是近。

O'Neill later learnt the staff had been safely evacuated from their offices, but he still reeled in shock at the events.───稍后奥尼尔得知,员工都被安全疏散,但依沉浸在震惊之中。


The angler reeled in and went home.

Some anglers reeled in and went home.

One fragment of her mind reeled in shock but a rational response formed even as the connection spun its thread: Of course.

Slowly the fisherman reeled in his line, bringing the fish ashore.

Sam reeled in a 7 pound fish.

Gleacher reeled in the first fish.

He reeled in his fishing line.

He reeled in a big trout.

Almost every turn reeled in a marvelously inventive scene.

  • reeled up
  • reeled from




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