

词汇 rattled around
释义 rattled around
rattled around发音



rattle around───喋喋不休

rattles around───嘎嘎作响

batted around───详细讨论;到处游荡

rattling around───格格作响

called around───到处打电话

rallied around───团结在......的周围

rooted around───翻找;乱翻

waited around───呆呆地等;空等

rattle around in───居住在大而空荡的房子里


He always let me drop the first coins into the empty jar. As they rattled around with a brief, happy jingle, we grinned at each other.───他总是让我第一个往空坛子里投硬币,当那些硬币旋转着发出短暂、悦耳的声响时,我们就会开心地相对而笑。

As the storm rattled around Stamford Bridge, some of the floodlights were affected and the pitch was close to unplayable in part.───暴雨如期而至斯坦福桥,一些投光灯受到了影响,部分场地也关闭了。

the world factory output is plunging at its fastest pace in decades as the consequences of slumping demand have rattled along the supply chain.───下跌的需求在供应链上磨得嘶嘶作响,导致全球的工业产量正以数十年来最快的速度下跌。

as they rattled around with a brief. happy jingle , we grinned at each other.───当他们伴随着短促而欢乐的叮当声咯咯直乐时,我俩相视而笑。

He quit school in the fifth grade and rattled around the country as a house painter and a dishwasher.───他读到五年级时便退学回家,在全国到处游荡,当过家庭油漆工,也洗过盘子。


As the storm rattled around Stamford Bridge, some of the floodlights were affected and the pitch was close to unplayable in part.

Dad and I rattled around miserably in the house after Mum died.





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