rare feat───罕见的壮举
a treat───犒劳;款待
rare beast───稀有野兽
rare breed───凤毛麟角;稀有品种
real treat───真正的款待
This rare treat even comes fly-free, but apparently there's a shortage and there's none to be had anywhere in the bazaar.───这种情况极少见,摊位上甚至连一只苍蝇也没有,显然,鸡肉缺货了,并且集市其他摊位也没有。
Long ago, when he had been left alone while the Dursleys went out to enjoy themselves, the hours of solitude had been a rare treat.───很久以前,每当德思礼一家出去玩,而他一个人被留下的时候,那孤独的几个小时总有一种罕见的恐惧感。
Rare treat: Beef should be excluded from our diet, according to the Food Standards agency.───难得一吃:据食品标准局建议,我们的饮食应排除牛肉。
To go with him to picture galleries was a rare treat.───同他一起参观画廊是一种难得的享受。
Now, we consider it a rare treat to stay home and cook.───而如今,我们觉得呆在家里煮饭反倒是件很稀奇的事了。
When we were children, my husband and I remember, eating out was a rare treat.───当我们还是孩子的时候,我和丈夫都记得外出就餐是一件很稀罕的自我款待。
Kind of rare treat in this cafeteria.───这可是学生食堂里少见的待遇啊!
Since then she had learned that pickle or sauce was a very rare treat.
We hope the trend continues, until such aural excursions become a regular happening rather than a rare treat.
For a city dweller, used to a constant fog of light, it can be a rare treat to sleep in undisturbed treacly darkness.
It was rare treat, and it helped elevate the film to special status.
You've got everything planned: a rare treat.
The butter was a rare treat.
- rarefaction curve
- rarefying meaning
- rarefaction fan
- rare treat
- rarefaction define
- rarefy data
- rarefaction curves
- rare interview
- rare condition
- rare metals
- rarely is
- rarefaction and compression
- rare occasion