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词汇 rank and file
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rank and filer───颜色和锉刀

rank and files───n.普通士兵,普通成员;工党的普通党员


back and fill───adv.出尔反尔;前进时帆忽张忽缩

track and field───田径;田径赛

park and ride───停车换乘;停放车辆后换乘公共汽车进城措施

track and fields───田径;田径赛

park and rides───停车换乘;停放车辆后换乘公共汽车进城措施

Indian file───单行,一路纵队


There was widespread support for him among the rank and file.───那些普通职员们都普遍支持他。

They seem to be losing the support of the rank and file.───他们好像正失去基层会员的支持.

You're the person who's supposed to keep the troop, the rank and file motivated.───你是那个应该保持军队和普通士兵积极性的人。

The rank and file always watch to see if cadres'deeds match their words.───群众对干部总是要听其言、观其行的.

About 100 casualties occurred in the rank and file.───士兵伤亡一百人左右.

There was a great deal of rank and file supporting for the strike.───基层非常支持这次罢工.

About a hundred casualties occurred in the rank and file.───士兵伤亡约百人之众.

Wench & amp ; Masseuse : Here is found rank and file massage and wenching for rank and file pirates.───按摩师和妓女: 这里有适合普通海盗成员的按摩和性服务.

The payment offered to the rank and file is extremely poor.───列兵的待遇极低.

There are now considerable political differences between leadership and the rank and file.───在领导层与普通百姓之间存在着相当大的政治分岐.

What will the rank and file think of the proposal?───人民群众怎么看待这一提案?

the rank and file of the workforce───普通劳动者

Such facts cannot be concealed from the rank and file.───这种事瞒不了士兵群众的眼睛.

The view into top management from the rank and file was just as obscure, Benioff knew.───尼奥夫知道通过级别和文件进入高层管理的观点常是模糊的。

Conscripts form the bulk of the army's rank and file.───这个部队的士兵大部分都是新应征入伍的战士.

The rank and file voiced their concerns over the new contract.───官兵对新合同深表关切.

Substantial numbers of rank and file members ignored their union's advice.───有相当一部分普通员工不理睬工会的建议。

It seems that the rank and file of the party hadn't been consulted.───似乎没有征求广大普通党员的意见。

State governments were more representive of the rank and file.───各州政府代表着普通人民.

The trade union leader has been elected from members of the rank and file.───工会领袖是从普通会员中选出来的.

He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt.───他快乐在普通士兵前进到音乐已经赢得了我的蔑视.

There was widespread support for him among the rank and file.───在普通员工中他得到广泛的支持。

And that is likely the culprit for his lukewarm endorsement from the Microsoft rank and file.───这也许就是他得到了微软不愠不火的评价和归档的罪魁祸首.

The strike was supported by the union rank and file.───这次罢工得到了工会成员的支持.

We put forward a slogan that really fired the imagination of the rank and file.───我们提出了一个确实使战士感到鼓舞的口号.


The payment offered to the rank and file is extremely poor.

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