trace back───追溯
race track───竞赛的跑道;[核]跑道形电磁分离器
roach back───弓背
came back───回来;记起;恢复原状,重新流行
date back───追溯到;回溯至
fade back───淡调背景
gave back───归还;反射;恢复
rang back───回电话
Eventually, Ted followed the frantic Spotty across the empty lot as Spotty paused to race back and bark encouragingly.───最后,特德跟着这只发疯似的小狗穿过空地,小狗停步奔回,吼叫着,催特德快点儿。
Then they cut the wires securing two Renoirs and race back down the stairs with their booty, past a woman who lies whimpering on the floor.───随后,又切断了两幅雷诺阿画作的保险丝,带着战利品跑下楼梯,跨过正在地板上哭泣的女人。
dream, the road is always empty, as I can turn around with my tires squealing and race back.───梦中的街道总是没有人,我调转车头,轮胎发出刺耳的尖声。
Most fans sip a cold drink, or possibly dip into a large bag of popcorn, while watching the women's teams race back and forth on the court.───大部分球迷一边慢悠悠地喝着饮料,或者手抓一大袋爆米花,一边欣赏着两支女子球队在球场上来回奔跑。
My sister and I take one more look and race back to bed.───我和姐姐恋恋不舍地看了最后一眼,便飞速奔回到温暖的床上去。
Eventually, Ted followed the frantic Spotty across the empty lot as Spotty paused to race back and bark encouragingly. The little dog led.───最后,特德跟着发狂的斯波蒂穿过空地,斯波蒂则停下跑回来,鼓舞人心地吠叫着。这只小狗领着特德。
In the dream, the road is always empty, as I can turn around with my tires squealing and race back.───在梦里,那条路总是空荡荡的,因为我能够转过弯,轮胎发出尖叫声,朝回驶去。
Not surprisingly, my thoughts often race back to the children I killed.───而他却让我经常回想起死在自己手下的那些孩子。
He had been helped by quitting the race back in July.───他是在7月退出竞选的,那次淡出对他很有帮助。
I knew it would be a race back to Stuart Street and I was pleased that it ended in an honourable draw.
- raced clue
- race you down
- racer x challenger video
- race relations
- raced off
- race by race
- race off
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- race out
- race control
- raced to
- race back
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