

词汇 quick turn
释义 quick turn
quick turn发音




kick turn───n.踢转

quick study───学得快的人

kick turns───踢腿转身

quick fire───急射

quick time───齐步走的步速;一种常用的视频图像文件格式


quick fires───急射

quick march───齐步行进

quick times───齐步走的步速;一种常用的视频图像文件格式


Quick Turn of Brain is a kind of thinking and language game.───脑筋急转弯是一种思维游戏,也是一种语言游戏。

The driver averted an accident by a quick turn of the steering wheel.───那司机急转方向盘,避免了一次意外事故的发生。

Quick turn the gas off. Cover the pan. Be careful!───快点,把气关了. 把锅给盖上. 小心一点!

The driver averted an accident by a quick turn of the steering wheel.───司机将方向盘急转,避免了一次意外.

Quick, turn off the gas; the milk will boil over.───快把煤气关掉, 牛奶要溢了.


James Hansen, wrote in a recent letter: "We have not passed a point of no return. We can still roll things back in time but it is going to require a quick turn in direction."

He flipped a cigarette to the sidewalk and ground it out with a quick turn of his heel.

I took a quick turn around the apartment, but I did not linger long.

The water/The bath is running over - quick, turn the taps off.

Quick, turn off the gas; the milk will boil over.

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