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词汇 putting off
释义 putting off
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cutting off───切断

shutting off───切断;关掉

dusting off───抹去灰尘

getting off───下车;起飞速率

hitting off───适合;将…打掉

letting off───放出;准许…暂停工作;宽恕

pulling off───赢得;脱下;努力实现

pushing off───推迟;离开

putting on───穿上;上演;增加;假装;使…上场


He keeps putting off going to the dentist.───他把看牙医的事一拖再拖。

sorting through your snail mail, writing those thank you notes you’ve been putting off, reading the book you keep meaning to read, reviewing and editing your to-do lists, etc.───你可以把你的邮件梳理一番,把原定推迟的感谢回复提前完成;或者读一读你一直打算看的书;重新整合一下你的日程表什么的也可以啊。

Summer is a time to relax, regroup and catch up on all those things you've been putting off all year.───夏天是休养整顿、并处理一年中积压事务的时候。

Amid so much economic uncertainty, many are rethinking career plans, putting off marriage and avoiding the stock market like the plague.───经济如此地不确定,许多人都重新考虑他们的职业计划,推迟婚姻,像躲瘟疫一样避开股市。

In short procrastination is a habit if you will, a very bad habit, that consists in putting off something for the next day.───简言之,拖拉就是一种习惯,一种坏习惯,把事情推托到以后干是它的主要特征。

Maybe you're putting off doing anything about your finances because you think you don't have time.───也许你正推迟做任何有关你的财务的事情,因为你认为你没有时间。

Is such a workaholic that she even keeps putting off going to the dentist .───她是个工作狂,甚至一直拖延着不去看牙病。

Putting off treatment for other medical problems might not be so bad, but a serious heart problem can mean sudden death.───停止其他医学问题的处理可能不是那么糟糕,但严重的心脏问题意味着猝死。

Scott: Yes, you know that Eagle Scout Badge I've been putting off for a while now?───史科特:是的,你知道我耽搁拿那块童子军鹰章好久了,是吧?


You've been putting off making that phone call for days - I think it's about time you grasped the nettle!

Then he was putting off telling Spider.

Putting off the surgery would imperil the girl's life.

Don't delay, you're only putting off the evil hour.

He keeps putting off going to the dentist.

It's putting off prospective buyers.

He kept putting off writing the report so I had to chivvy him along.

You can simply go on putting off the evil day and eventually find yourself smoking as much as ever.

Putting off the evil hour, she suspected.





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