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词汇 pulmonary tuberculosis
释义 pulmonary tuberculosis
pulmonary tuberculosis发音




pulmonary embolisms───肺栓塞;肺血管阻塞症


pulmonary arteries───n.[解剖]肺动脉

pulmonary embolism───肺栓塞;肺血管阻塞症

pulmonary function───肺功能;肺机能

pulmonary hypertension───[生理]肺动脉高血压;肺动脉血压过高;[生理]肺动脉高压症

coronary thrombosis───[内科]冠状动脉血栓形成


pulmonary artery───n.[解剖]肺动脉


Such infections include pulmonary tuberculosis and cryptococcal meningitis.───这些感染包括肺结核和隐球菌脑膜炎等。

Objective To improve pulmonary tuberculosis and and its clinical diagnosis level.───目的提高对肺结核的认识和临床诊断水平.

Objective To study the effective surgical way for serious relapse multidrug resistant bacillary cavitary pulmonary tuberculosis.───目的寻找通过外科手段治疗内科无法根治的复治耐多药菌阳重症空洞型肺结核的有效途径.

Immune mechanisms in the pathogenesis of pulmonary tuberculosis.───在肺结核发病的免疫机制。

Objective : To detect environmental risk factors type 2 diabetes mellitus complicated with pulmonary tuberculosis ( T 2 DM - PTB ).───目的: 探索2型糖尿病并发肺结核 ( T2DM-PTB ) 的环境危险因素.

Objective To investigate the X - ray signs of pulmonary tuberculosis in senility.───目的进一步认识老年肺结核的 X 线特征.

Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of smearculture negative pulmonary tuberculosis by combining different methods.───目的探讨不同方法联合检测对菌阴肺结核的诊断价值.

Granulomatous disease can become quite extensive. Here are numerous confluent granulomas a case of pulmonary tuberculosis.───肉芽肿性疾病是十分常见的. 图示:肺结核病大量融合性肉芽肿.

Objective To analysis the acid - base imbalance of serious pulmonary tuberculosis with infection.───目的分析重症肺结核继发感染的酸碱失衡情况.

Pulmonary tuberculosis can be prevented by vaccination.───打疫苗可以预防肺结核.

he ever had pulmonary tuberculosis? For example, phthisis or.───他以前有过肺部的病史么?比如,肺结核、肺心病之类?

X - ray Findings of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Senility ( An Analysis of 150 Cases )───老年肺结核的 X 线征象 ( 附150例分析 )

Objective : To investigate the change of serum protein electrophoresis in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis.───目的: 了解肺结核患者血清蛋白电泳谱的情况.

Objective To develop a scoring system for predicting smear - negative pulmonary tuberculosis and to evaluate its performance.───目的建立涂阴肺结核诊断记分系统,并研究其诊断性能.

Objective : To explore the diagnostic value of anti - TB to pulmonary tuberculosis.───目的: 探讨血清结核抗体对肺结核的诊断价值.

Objective To probe the causes of death of coal miners pneumoconiosis complicated with pulmonary tuberculosis.───目的探讨煤工尘肺合并肺结核及其并发症的致死原因.

Herein, we present the case of a 79 - year - old male with pulmonary tuberculosis and concomitant tuberculous tenosynovitis.───在此我们报告一例79 岁 男性病患同时罹患肺结核合并腕结核性腱鞘炎,结核性腱鞘炎经三个月延迟后才被确认.

  • pulmonary edema
  • pulmonary valve
  • pulmonary hypertension




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