

词汇 bark up the wrong tree
释义 bark up the wrong tree
bark up the wrong tree发音

把某事物搞错了; 捕风捉影



to be barking up the wrong tree───找错树了

back the wrong horse───下错赌注

rub up the wrong way───弄错方向了

rub sb up the wrong way───惹某人生气

rub the wrong way───激怒,惹怒

bark at the moon───吠月;徒劳无功

burn up the road───烧了这条路

on the wrong tack───航向错误,走错道路

on the wrong track───想法不对;在错误的轨道


Mr. A may bark up the wrong tree if he thinks he can fool her.───如果A先生认为可以愚弄她的话,那他就认错人了.

Mr. Smith may bark up the wrong tree if he thinks he can fool her.───如果史密斯先生认为可以愚弄她的话,那他就认错人了.

If you wanna borrow money from me, you bark up the wrong tree.───要想找我借钱,你找错了对象。

Mr. A weselves bark up the wrong tree if he imagines he can fool her.───如果A男士认为能够愚弄她的话,那他就认错人了。


If you think that, you're barking up the wrong tree altogether.

Could he once again be barking up the wrong tree?

You're barking up the wrong tree if you're expecting us to lend you any money.

She thinks it'll solve the problem, but I reckon she's barking up the wrong tree.

If he expects to borrow money from me, he is barking up the wrong tree.

The police spent three months barking up the wrong tree on the murder investigation.

People who feel sorry for my old bridesmaid and travelling companion are barking up the wrong tree.

Scientists in Switzerland realised that most other researchers had been barking up the wrong tree.

They have maybe barked up the wrong tree.

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  • barky trees
  • bark up the wrong tree
  • barky the barking dog
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  • barking mad
  • barker implement
  • barky dog




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