

词汇 potash feldspar
释义 potash feldspar
potash feldspar发音



soda-lime feldspar───钠石灰长石

soda-lime feldspars───钠石灰长石


potash alum───明矾;钾矾

potash alums───明矾;钾矾

potato flour───土豆粉;马铃薯粉



Therefore, the color can not be used as a characteristic marker of potash feldspar.───因此,颜色不能作为钾长石鉴定时的特征性标志。

Namely temperature of potash feldspar decomposition and calcium are favorable forming feldspar.───即温度升高对钾长石分解及钙长石形成均有利.

This paper introduces some results of investigation on the processing technology for a certain potash feldspar ore.───介绍了某钾长石矿石的选矿工艺研究。

The crystallization temperature of potash feldspar decomposition and snow calcium silicon stone synthetic reactions.───晶化温度对钾长石分解及雪硅钙石合成反应影响最大.

Color is an important indicator to identify potash feldspar.───颜色是鉴别钾长石的一个重要标志。

Wenshui County is rich in minerals, mainly coal, iron, limestone, potash feldspar and so on.───文水县矿藏丰富, 主要有煤 、 铁 、 石灰石 、 钾长石等.


Potash feldspar quartz crenulate often appears on the top of rock masses which are related to the molybdenum deposits.

Namely temperature of potash feldspar decomposition and calcium are favorable forming feldspar.

Therefore, the albitization of plagioclase is shown in the early stage of diagenesis and albitization of potash feldspar appears only in the late stage of diagenesis.

Potash feldspar porphyroblasts occur in large quantity in the granite closely related to the gold ore deposits in the Zhaoyuan-Yexian area, especially in the Guojialing porphyritic granite.

The crystallization temperature of potash feldspar decomposition and snow calcium silicon stone synthetic reactions.

  • potash fertilizer
  • potash formula
  • potash alum
  • potash mining
  • potash feldspar




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