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词汇 pollution control
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population control───人口控制;种群控制

population controls───人口控制;种群控制

production control───生产控制

production controls───生产控制

infection control───感染控制

out of control───失去控制

traction control───牵引力控制系统;循迹控制系统

appellation contrôlée───受控名称

mission control───n.太空航行地面指挥中心;n.(MissionControl)调度中心


Eastern European pollution control has been notoriously ineffective.───东欧的污染控制一直以无效而闻名.

The pollution-control team is at the scene and is due to start sucking up oil any time now.───污染控制小组就在现场,现在随时准备开始吸油。

There is only, at best , random monitoring of wastewater effluent by the pollution control agency.───污染控制机关充其量只是偶尔检查工厂的排水情况.

In - car air pollution control measurement and control technology are analyzed.───论述了车内空气质量的控制措施和技术.

The case for air pollution control is gaining ground throughout the country.───控制空气污染的建议在全国得到越来越多人的拥护.

Automobiles must be built according to safety standards, and must carry pollution - control devices.───汽车的制造必须符合安全标准, 车上必须具备控制污染装置.

The company is dedicated to the professionalism of environmental pollution control company.───本公司是专门从事环境污染治理的专业性公司.

The duty of the pollution - control for the laboratory chemists was also emphasized.───强调“谁污染,谁治理”是化学工作者义不容辞的职责.

Subsidies are better suited to encourage pollution control than pollution reduction.───津贴法尤其适用于鼓励污染控制而不是减少污染.

The public insist that pollution control measures be installed.───公众坚决主张采取控制污染的措施.

Air pollution control will be expensive.───控制空气污染是要费钱的.

Once the regulations are final, the industry would have three years to comply by taking steps such as installing pollution control devices or changing ingredients or fuels.───一旦此项法规最终定稿,水泥行业将有三年的时间,通过安装污染控制装置,或者更换原材料或燃料等措施逐步实现达标。

Some countermeasures and suggestions for pollution control are also proposed.───提出了控制府河双流段水污染的对策建议.

Executives at Rino International, which is based here in Dalian and makes industrial pollution control systems, declined to comment, beyond saying that it is conducting business as usual.───国际绿诺科技在这里以大连为基址,制造工业污染控制系统,它的高管们拒绝对此发表评论,逞强说这是正常商业行为。

We spent several million dollars trying to correct the problem, and two years later, the Pollution Control people said over 50 percent of the streams met the standard for recreational use.───我们花费了几百万美元进行治理,两年后,州污染控制与生态局报告说50%的河流已经达到了能够进行消遣活动的标准。

At this point we should consider the best results that air pollution control can achieve.───在这方面我们应该研讨一下控制空气污染可能达到的最佳效果.

River area today, the Fort White water pollution control.───现今区内浑河 、 白塔堡河水污染得到有效控制.

Pollution control of lead in food is very important for people health.───铅是重金属元素,因此食品中铅污染的控制对人体健康至关重要.


The costs of pollution control must be considered.

  • pollution prevention
  • pollution definition
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