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词汇 political views
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political view───政见

political crisis───政治危机

political arena───政治舞台

political boss───政治老板

political chaos───政治混乱

political creed───政治信条

political life───政治生活




People often share their political views with their parents.───人常常跟自己的父母政治观点一致。

He was lampooned for his short stature and political views.───他的矮小身材和政治观点使他成了受奚落的对象。

They had nothing but scorn for his political views.───他们对他的政治观点只有鄙夷。

I asked Jack for his political views, but he said he preferred to hold aloof .───我问起杰克的政治观点,他说他宁愿避而不谈。

Joe and I used to be very good friends, but our political views came between us.───我原来有个好朋友Joe,但我们不同的政见弄得我们之间有隔阂了。

It was a time when, according to his manifesto, his political views began to transmute.───根据他的宣言他的政治观点一度开始转变。

They said not to take anything he said too seriously, especially his political views.───他们说不要把他所说的过于当真,尤其是他那些政治见解。

Skip the cute quotes or statements of your religious or political views at the bottom of your E-mail.───在电邮末尾,请忽略那些有关你宗教或政治观点的精巧的引用和陈述。

Negotiations do not involve religious beliefs, sex or refute their political views to avoid misunderstandings and disputes.───谈判中,不要涉及宗教信仰、性问题或批驳对方的政见,以免引起误解和争执。


Their political views conflicts with ours.

Her political views are slightly left of centre.

They had nothing but scorn for his political views.

We're worlds apart in our political views.

His political views have a savour of fanaticism.

People often share their political views with their parents.

He was well-known for his extreme political views.

Stephen's political views often weren't compatible with her own.

His political views were anathema to me.

  • politically these nations tend to be
  • political view
  • politically re-active
  • politically charged
  • politically correct
  • political bosses
  • political activist
  • politically incorrect
  • political prisoners
  • politically incorrect
  • political views




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