metal barrier───金属栅栏
pain barrier───n.痛苦极限
postal carrier───邮递员
safety barrier───安全势垒,安全栅;[航]停机拦截网
thermal barrier───[航]热障;保温层;绝热层
impenetrable barrier───不可逾越的障碍
class barrier───阶级壁垒
If the cells did cross the placental barrier, the child's immune system should have recognised them as foreign invaders and destroyed them.───如果癌细胞确实穿过胎盘屏障,孩子的免疫系统应该会将它们视为入侵者,从而消灭它们。
that swainsonine could damage placenta and endanger directly fetuses through placental barrier.───证明,苦马豆素能损害胎盘并通过胎盘屏障直接作用胎儿。
Pregnant women are also cautioned not to clean Kitty litter boxes because of the risk that Toxoplasma crossing the placental barrier and causing complications.───怀孕的女性也要注意,不要去倒猫沙盒,因为会有弓形虫穿过胎盘屏障,导致并发症的风险。
Effects of Diagnostic Contrast-enhanced Ultrasound on Placental Barrier Permeability: Experimental Study───诊断性超声造影对胎盘屏障通透性影响的实验研究
An experimental study on permeability of basic fibroblast growth factor through placental barrier in rats───碱性成纤维细胞生长因子对胎盘屏障通透性的实验研究
Effect of diagnostic contrast-enhanced ultrasound on permeability of placental barrier───伊文思蓝定量评估超声造影对鼠胎盘屏障通透性影响的实验研究
Pregnant women are also cautioned not to clean kitty litter boxes because of the risk that Toxoplasma crossing the placental barrier and causing complications.
Terbutaline crosses the placental barrier and blood-brain barrier of the fetus, which may lead to an autistic-spectrum disorder and other developmental disorders.
Trophoblast cells, as the outermost covering of placental barrier, are directly bathed in the maternal blood, might be the key sites for invasion of HBV into placentae.
Pregnancy: Coumadin is contraindicated in women who are or may become pregnat because the drug basses through the placental barrier and may cause fatal hemorrhage to the felus in utero.
- placental barrier