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词汇 pipe dream
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pipe dreams───白日梦;排箫之梦


ice cream───冰淇淋

pipe organ───管风琴

like a dream───毫不费力地;轻而易举地;完美地

maple cream───槭糖浆

pipe organs───管风琴

pipe wrench───管扳钳;管子钳

vivid dream───逼真的梦


This is a pipe dream at best--but one that we should at least aspire to.───这充其量就是一个白日梦,不过我们至少应该对此怀有渴望。

You had to put it all on the line for some Vegas pipe dream.───你为了圆拉斯维加斯的梦,把什么都压上了.

For me, a pipe dream to travel to The Moon.───对我而言, 去月球旅行只是白日梦.

Father's plan to build a forest cabin by the lake was just a pipe dream.───父亲想在湖滨筑一林中小屋的计划不过是个美梦罢了.

Her plans for a movie career were nothing but a pipe dream.───她计划进入影视圈简直就是在做白日梦.

The Financial Times described it as a " Cross between a frustrated cartel and a pipe dream. "───《金融时报》把它描绘成一个 “ 失败的卡特尔 ” 和白日痴梦相结合的杂种.

I have this pipe dream about being emperor of the universe.───一些现代派绘画具有梦幻色彩.

You could waste your whole life on a pipe dream.───你可以在白日梦上浪费一辈子时间。

It's believed that her plans for a movie career had all been merely a pipe dream.───有人说她那些当明星的计划只不过是白日梦罢了.

Objective enough, many have a pipe dream. Insist on correct.───目标一个就够, 多了也成空想而已. 坚持正确.

Early retirement is a pipe dream for many.───早退是许多人都有的白日梦.

What a pipe dream!───真是做梦!

Otherwise, the drive for the four modernizations will become a pipe dream.───否则, 搞四个现代化就会变成一句空话.

It's believed that her plans for a movie career had all merely a pipe dream.───有人说她那些当明星的计划完全是不切实际的梦想.

His philosophical draft Perpetual Peace was no idealistic pipe dream.───他的哲学草稿《论永久和平》并非理想主义者的空想.

In environments like this, requirements are effectively changing all the time and stability of requirements is a pipe dream.───在这样的环境下,需求随时都会发生有影响的更改,需求的稳定只是个白日梦。

Adams was articulating it as an attainable outcome, not as a pipe dream.───亚当斯将美国梦描述为一个可以实现的目标, 并非白日梦.

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