

词汇 banking system
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braking system───[车辆]制动系统;[车辆]刹车系统

billing system───计费系统

gaming system───游戏系统

sensing system───感测系统;测读系统

charging system───充电系统;收费系统;加料系统

banking sector───银行业;[金融]银行部门

cooling system───[动力]冷却系统

grading system───分级系统;学校评分方式;评分制度

heating system───供暖系统,供热系统


So there does need to be a change to the banking system.───因此,银行体系的确需要变革.

Historically these factors had led to a different attitude from the UK banking system.───从历史观点看,这些因素就导致了与英国银行不同的营销方式.

If this trend continues, it will put pressure on the banking system.───假如这趋势持续下去, 或者会影响银行体系,为银行体系构成压力.

As contrasted with the banking system as a whole, however.───当然,与银行整体系统相比.

Mr Guo is optimistic about bad debts in the banking system overall.───郭先生对银行体系的坏帐总体乐观.

Surplus funds led to the banking system and ultra - Reserve rate increased significantly.───资金富余导致银行体系的超储率大幅上升.

Today it has arguably been the downfall of the banking system.───现在可以说是银行业体系崩溃的根源.

He was clear, too, that the banking system would require a bail - out .───他还明确表示, 银行系统将需要 纾 困.

The specie held by the banking system actually declined.───银行体系所持有的金银实际上减少了.

In addition, Switzerland is famous for its chocolate, cheese and banking system.───此外, 瑞士还以其巧克力, 奶酪以及银行业著名.

Should this phenomenon continue, our banking system will be affected.───这个情况如果持续下去, 会影响我们的银行体系.

Suppose Greece defaults. That will spread losses across the European banking system.───假设希腊出现违约, 损失将波及整个欧洲银行业体系.

Because they can be collected quickly and cheaply through the banking system.───因为可以通过银行系统较快捷、费用较低地来托收.

Restricting the flow of money into and out of China protects the country’s immature banking system.───限制流入和流出中国的货币可以保护国内还不成熟的银行系统。

For example, in a banking system, you may have an object that manages account transfers.───例如在一个银行系统的,你可以有一个对象,管理帐户转帐。

This is the latest in a series of shocks to the Scandinavian banking system.───这是一系列对斯堪的纳维亚银行系统的冲击中最近的一次。

Our country's land banking system is still in its fledgeless stage.───我国土地储备制度在发展上还处于初期阶段。

The fastest restructuring of a banking system in economic history.───这也是经济史上银行系统最迅速的一次重组.


The structure of the US banking system is changing.

The more complex the banking system, the more difficult it is to do this.

Kapiti's flagship product is Equation, an AS/400-based back-office banking system, launched in 1988.

This weakness of the banking system came during a period of rapid economic growth.

The international banking system began to crack.

A sound banking system matched to new banking needs.

The regulatory structure for the banking system is almost entirely pro-cyclical.

A country that maintains a strong banking system and a strong, stable currency reaps real rewards.

The whole banking system was thrown into confusion.

  • banking institution
  • banking with lnb
  • banking supervision
  • banking accounting




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