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plays off───使出丑,使暴露弱点;使相斗;把…假装

days off───休息日;休假日

lays off───解雇(layoff的第三人称单数)

pass off───停止;完成;忽视

pay off───付清;取得成功;贿赂;报复

paces off───步测(用脚步量出)

packs off───送走;把…打发走;匆匆离开;寄出

pairs off───使……成对;撮合

palms off───拿仿品哄骗


Now, the effort pays off.───现在,努力有回报了。

He pays off what others owe.───欠账的是别人,还钱的却是他。

You know, hard work always pays off.───要知道,努力总会有回报的。

Its short wheelbase gives it a busy ride over expansion joints, but that pays off on curvy roads, where the 335i comes into its own.───其短轴距赋予它一个繁忙乘坐的伸缩缝,但回报的曲折道路,那里的335i进入自己的。

This is a bit of extra work, but it pays off handsomely because all of the posts will then display in reverse order, as you can see.───这需要做一点额外工作,但是可以获得丰厚的回报,因为如您所见,所有贴子都将以倒序显示。

But the point that all that planning and preparation pays off during the later phases of the project is well taken.───但是所有计划和准备在稍后项目进行良好的阶段就会得到回报。

Do not send form letters. Tailor each letter to the company, department and, if possible, specific position. The extra effort pays off.───不要发通用信件。为每一家公司、部门、如果可能的话为要申请的职位度身打造每一封信,付出是会有回报的。

The system pays off for the company too the interns routinely work full time hours but collect no health benefits.───那个系统也给实习生例行公事地全职工作报酬,但这对大学生健康不利。

Perhaps, but it will be hard to see how Google can resist following Facebook's lead if the network's social-app initiative pays off.───如果Facebook的社交应用软件获得了预期效果的话,或许我们将很难看到谷歌怎样避免对于Facebook的跟风。


I think if you show a bit more consideration for other road users, you'll find it pays off.

While relinquishing management takes more self-control than many women feel capable of, it pays off in unanticipated ways.

Trotting a bait down at the same depth you have seen them turning very often pays off with a fish or two.

He pays off his creditor in twelve instalment.

We have certainly begun to recognize that many workers want these policies and that it pays off for businesses to provide them.

With Spectra or Dyneema, we have to adjust in the sleeving, and here a little extra care pays off dividends.

It's an understated effect that pays off well in capturing the consumer's eye.

Enabling the children to make choices pays off in many ways.

Hard work has a payoff. Laziness pays off now.

  • pays for




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