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词汇 pay raises
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pay raise───加薪;涨薪

pay rises───加薪

pay rise───加薪



hay rakes───[农机]搂草机;二层台


pay cables───收费电缆电视

pay grades───工资等级;薪金等级


That means they can both ask for pay raises for upcoming movies.───那意味着他们都可以为参演即将到来的续集而要求增加片酬。

Google recently gave pay raises to all of its employees worldwide, according to Schmidt.───施密特说,Google最近提高了全世界员工的薪金。

Large pay raises were authorized in 2006, 2008, and 2011.───和2011年大幅度的工资提升都得到了批准。

Tamura of Ota Hospital said his hospital had to cut bonuses and did not award basic pay raises to its staff to cope with the reductions.───大田医院田村说,他的医院不得不削减奖金和获奖基本没有向员工加薪,以配合减少。

The company exploited the workers by falsely promising them pay raises.───这家公司假惺惺地允诺给工人加工资,实际上在剥削他们。

Among other thing, it is intended as a warning to unions not to use higher inflation as a lever to demand hefty pay raises.───最重要的是,这等于在警告各工会不要利用通货膨胀为杠杆企图大幅提高薪酬。

He was always concerned about pay raises, retirement plans, medical benefits, sick leave, vacation days and other perks.───他总是很关心加薪、退休政策、医疗补贴、病假、工薪假期以及其他额外津贴这类的事情。

The pay raises reflect a shortage of workers that employers on China's east coast have been complaining about for several months.───薪酬增长反映了劳工短缺的现实,中国东海岸的雇主们为此已经抱怨达数月之久。

During those talks, the North demanded pay raises for workers and land-use fees for the South Korean companies that use the complex.───在会谈中,北韩要求提高在开城工业园区工作的北韩员工的工资以及工业园区内南韩企业的土地使用费。


Each year, instead of percentage pay raises, teachers could be compensated with stuff.

The employees think that most pay raises are based on favouritism.

The issue of pay raises remains unsettled.

The merit system replaced automatic yearly pay raises.

Council members were asked to forgo their pay raises.

Well, like everyone else, they pine for promotions, pay raises, and job security.

They are considering 1 percent pay raises and $ 500 across-the-board annual pay hikes to take effect in April 1997.

For workers, bigger pay raises undoubtedly seemed overdue, and something to celebrate.

Hough, 35, advocates making sacrifices in the district, such as not giving teacher pay raises.

  • pay rises
  • payments login
  • payer tin
  • pay and return
  • payment slip
  • pay to
  • payment order
  • pay a big price
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  • paying off
  • pay sb sth
  • pay out for
  • payable at
  • pay the piper
  • pay lip service to
  • payroll taxes
  • payer conjugations
  • pay in advance
  • pay mode
  • pay a fee
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