

词汇 phase of the moon
释义 phase of the moon
phase of the moon发音



ask for the moon───想要天上的月亮;异想天开,想入非非

State of the Union───国情咨文

reach for the moon───想要获得很难得到的东西;设立过高的目标

Lake of the Woods───森林之湖

bark at the moon───吠月;徒劳无功

hair of the dog───n.解醉酒;醒酒液

howl at the moon───对着月亮嚎叫


When it provides so much more than just the time: temperature, phase of the moon, and accuracy within one second per year, for example.───在潮差逐日变化的半个朔望月的周期里,有朔望大潮,它与月相有关。

In addition the vigilance of the enemy was undoubtedly relaxed owing unfavourable phase of the moon.───此外,敌人由于月色不佳,当然也放松了警惕.

Age and phase of the moon for the date selected.───年龄和阶段的月球的日期选定.

In addition the vigilance of the enemy was undoubtedly relaxed owing to the unfavourable phase of the moon.───此外,敌人由于月色不佳,当然也放松了警惕。

Some of it has to do with meteorological conditions, and some with the phase of the moon.───有的与当时气象条件有关,有的则与月相有关。

Lunar Cubit illuminates inversely with the phase of the moon; at a new moon, it's entirely alight, at the full moon, all dark.───月光肘尺随着月相的变化相反地照明;新月时,它完全亮着,满月时,它完全变暗。

was a calendar that provided information about the sunrise and the phase of the moon, a long-range weather forecast, and church holy days.───《可怜理查德历书》是一本提供有关日出、月相、长期天气预报和宗教圣日方面的信息的历书。


When it provides so much more than just the time: temperature, phase of the moon, and accuracy within one second per year[http://Sentencedict.com], for example.

Thereafter the degree of intensity tapers off until it is at its minimum during the third quarter phase of the moon.

In the tidal difference daily variations, there is a period of half lunar month of syzygy spring tides related to the phase of the moon.

One of you asked, Is the phase of the moon consistent across the United States?

One of you asked the phase of the moon consistent across the United States?

Age and phase of the moon for the date selected.

Lunar Cubit illuminates inversely with the phase of the moon; at a new moon, it's entirely alight, at the full moon, all dark.

The friendly monk thought for a while and then gave his answer. "It can be cold in any phase of the moon, from new to full and back to new again."

The phases of the moon include the new and the full moon.

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