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词汇 bureau of land management
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Bureau of Land Management───(美国)土地管理局

demand management───需求管理

demand managements───需求管理

fund management───[金融]基金管理;[金融]资金管理

people management───人员管理

sound management───健全的管理;健全经营;声音处理

total quality management───全面质量管理;综合品质管理

yield management───收益管理;产量管理

Bureau of the Budget───预算局


Late last month 200 people packed a Bureau of Land Management hearing in Golden, Colorado.───上月末,200人齐聚科罗拉多州古尔登土地管理局听证会。

The Bureau of land Management has announced recreational restriction on federal land near Arizona.───美国国土资源管理局宣布对亚利桑那州附近的联邦土地实行娱乐限制。

The federal Bureau of Land Management was assisting in the investigation.───联邦土地管理局也在协助调查。

Michael Kunz, archaeologist with the Bureau of Land Management in Fairbanks, suggested the child could have been eaten rather than cremated.───费尔班克斯土地管理局的考古学家MichaelKunz推测,这个孩子是被吃掉了,而不是被火化了。

This above image is the U. S. Bureau of Land Management's Crude Helium Enrichment Facility in Texas.───上图是位于德克萨斯州地质管理局的天然氦提取设施。

Lujan involved a Bureau of Land Management review of executive orders withdrawing many public lands from resource development.───卢汉一案涉及到土地管理局对从资源开发中撤出许多公共土地的行政命令的审查。

The U. S. Bureau of Land Management had its first ever land-lease auction for geothermal resources, and it produced 57 leasing agreements.───美国土地管理局举行了历史上的首次针对地热资源的土地租赁拍卖,达成了57份租赁协议。

The Bonneville Salt Flats is administered by the Bureau of Land Management for public use and enjoyment.───在巴纳维亚盐带平地的管理工作由土地管理局供市民使用和享受。

Or Americans can buy a burro taken from the wild by a federal agency, the Bureau of Land Management.───或者美国人也可以从一个联邦部门-国土管理局那里购买从野外获得的驴子。


This site was badly vandalized, but several years ago the Bureau of Land Management hired a conservator to remove the graffiti and preserve the images.

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