particulate inheritance───[遗]颗粒遗传
pains in the neck───极讨厌的人或事
participant observation───参与观察
participant observations───参与观察
participating insurance───分红保险
participating insurances───分红保险
Participants will have study tour opportunities to visit the application of information technology in Shanghai, Zhejiang province and Jiangsu province.───将组织学员到浙江省、江苏省和上海本地参观考察信息技术的应用情况。
Article 2 the administration of registration of the official participants in Shanghai World Expo which are engaged in business activities in the pavilions shall be governed by these Measures.───第二条上海世博会的官方参展者在展馆内从事经营活动的登记管理适用本办法。
SETTING and PARTICIPANTS: the study was conducted in the Laboratory of Toxicology, Shanghai Institute of Planned Parenthood Research.───地点和对象:在上海市计划生育研究所毒理学实验室完成。