

词汇 orthodox jewish
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orthodox Jews───东正教犹太人

orthodox Jew───正统犹太教;正统派犹太人



orthodox medicine───正统医学

Orthodox Judaism───正统派犹太教

Orthodox Church───n.希腊正教;东正教




As we entered an Orthodox Jewish neighborhood, Larry said, "Oy gevalt!"───当我们进入传统的犹太街坊时,拉里大叫“天啦,逾越节!”

In many orthodox Jewish communities, for example, learning is more highly prized than wealth.───比方说,在许多正统犹太社区里,人们更加推崇的是教育,而非财富。

Ultra-Orthodox Jewish men look at a forest fire that broke out near kibbutz Beit Oren in the north of Israel.───以色列北部靠近基布兹拜特哈奥伦地区,极端正统派犹太男子注视着正在燃烧的森林大火。

The inclusion of the headquarters of an ultra-orthodox Jewish group was obviously intended to send its own message.───一家极端正统的犹太人集团的总部也遭到袭击,其中的含义再清楚不过。

Oreet Ashery's alter ago Marcus Fisher is an orthodox Jewish man, standing in the artists' parents' bedroom in Jerusalem at the age of 31 .───阿瑟瑞的另一个自我马库斯是一个正统的犹太男人。在作品中,31岁的他正站在在耶路撒冷的艺术家“父母”的卧室里。

Ultra-Orthodox Jewish men use a welder's helmet (left) and a glass filter to watch Tuesday's partial solar eclipse from Jerusalem, Israel.───超正统的犹太人通过一个焊接工的头盔(图左)和一个玻璃过滤器在以色列的耶路撒冷观测周二的日偏食。

It was an Orthodox Jewish community.───那里有个东正犹太教社区。

Even as this battle raged, Nariman House, the home of an ultra-orthodox Jewish group in south Mumbai, was coming under attack.───在这场战斗猛烈进行的时候,NarimanHouse,一家极端正统的犹太人集团位于孟买南区的总部甚至也遭到袭击。

Usually I respond to this question with another question: Why does a Christian nun or an orthodox Jewish woman cover herself?───我通常用另一个问题回应这个问题:为何基督教修女或正统的犹太妇女要把自己遮盖起来呢?


Statement The video feature Ashery dressed-up both as an Arab man and an orthodox Jewish man. The two characters are bound in an endless repetition of acts and the power of inertia.

Q . Was this the orthodox Jewish Temple or the Essene Temple?

Ms. Shteynshleyger's life has been largely defined by her separateness: as an immigrant in America, a religious Jew in the art world, a single parent in the Orthodox Jewish community.

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