order books───订货本(orderbook的复数)
order about───支使;不断差遣
prayer book───n.祈祷书
code book───密码本
grade book───记分册;成绩册
open book───极坦率的人;一目了然的事物
order form───定货单,[贸易]订货单
order mark───订货标志
The order book is at the office.───命令书下达在办公署.
He has a full order book for his boat-building yard on the Thames.───他在泰晤士河边的造船厂订单充足。
We'd like to meet your requirements, but our order book is very full.───我们很愿意满足你们的需要, 不过我们的货单已订得满满的了.
We have a full order book for the coming year.───我们来年的订货簿已经记满了。
Spinetta is expected to conduct a thorough review of Areva's financial position and order book.───Spinetta被寄予彻底检查阿海珐的财务状况和订货单的厚望。
Boeing's order book includes 74 new 787 widebodies, totaling about $ 9 billion.───波音公司的定单包括74架宽体机新787, 价值9亿美元.
Lennie: Well he told me that he expects his order book will soon be full.───伦尼: 嗯,他告诉我,预期订货簿不久就会写得满满的.
Order Book - Upper part of this window is used for displaying and working with orders.───买卖指示 - 上部分是用来显示所有未成交的买卖指示.
The company has a full order book.───该公司的货物被订购一空(公司定货本已满).
current order book is still 821 after cancellations.───现在787客机的订单刨去已取消的,还有821架。
And despite the recession, it has a full order book with some requests from the most unlikely places.
He has a full order book for his boat-building yard on the Thames.
Rolls-Royce has a strong order book in aero gas turbines and the prospect of further large orders in a buoyant aircraft market.
Rolls-Royce's order book stands at a record £7 billion.
It hopes its own order book is solid but knows that double ordering is going on in the sector.
Quickly he generated an international order book, building refineries and tanks all over the world.
We have a full order book for the coming year.
By 1950 the order book was full to overflowing.
Now one has a healthier order book while the other finds its delivery times and its storage needs slashed.Sentencedict.com
- ordered pairs
- order a pizza
- ordered pair
- order sister
- order in
- order pickup
- order qty
- order a bowl
- order sheet
- ordering customer
- order a meal
- order about
- orderly manner
- order around
- order by
- order checks
- orderly way
- ordering flowers
- ordered home
- orderly governance
- order fulfillment