old guards───保守派;保守势力
Old Guard───拿破仑一世的禁军;美国共和党的极端派
on guard───警惕;站岗
color guard───护旗队;扛旗者(等于colourguard)
home guard───n.(第二次世界大战时组织的)英国地方军;地方志愿军
nose guard───鼻卫,护鼻塞
roof guard───车顶护板
the old guard───保守者
Red Guard───红卫兵
The old guard of the prevailing paradigm has lost interest in debating scientific questions.───普遍范式老一代卫道士对讨论科学问题已经失去了兴趣.
After the Winona address, Midwesterners were certain that Taft had deserted to the Old Guard.───威诺纳演讲以后, 中西部人确信塔夫脱已倒向保守派一边.
Old Guard of the backpack has already installed a dress parade will be held.───老近卫军的背包里早已装好了届时举行阅兵式的礼服.
Those new ideas will never please the old guard.───那些新的思想决不会使保守分子高兴.
The old guard was in charge again.───保守派重新掌控了国家。
The conservative old guard had re-established its political supremacy.───这位保守派的老卫士已重新建立起其政治上的支配地位。
The old guard is only now recognizing the fact that your present reality is beyond saving.───守旧的保护人现在才认识到你们的当下世界实相已不能挽回.
The Old Guard dies but it never surrenders. "───这些保守派是宁肯死了也不认输的.
First, he agreed with his Old Guard friends that such a move would disrupt the Gop.───第一, 他同意保守派朋友的意见,认为这样会分裂共和党.
It will not be easy to winkle out the old guard and train younger replacements.───解雇老警卫、再训练年轻警卫取而代之并不是件容易的事。
Abbas. old guard leaders returned from exile with the late Palestinian President Yasser Arafat in 1994.───属于“老人帮”的领导人是1994年和已故的巴勒斯坦领导人阿拉法特一起结束流亡回到巴勒斯坦的那批人.
It's not surprising that Old Guard feminists, surveying their are dismayed by what they see.───无怪乎那些保守的女权主义者在审视运动自身时, 会惊异于所看到的结果.
The old guard did not like the changes that Barros introduced.───保守派不喜欢布鲁尔推行的这些改变。
Not yet ready to make war on the old Guard , he came to terms with them.───由于尚未准备好向保守派作斗争, 就与之友好相处.
The old guard did not like the changes that Brewer introduced.───保守派不满布鲁尔推行的这些变革。
Simultaneously, the old guard of the prevailing paradigm will be filled with rage and horror.───在此同时, 普遍范式老一代卫道士们将一个个充满愤怒和恐惧.
The old guard of leaders are closed off behind walls built of yesterday's ideology.───领导人的老警卫们生活在用过去的意识形态筑成的高墙内,与世隔绝。
First, he agreed with his Old Guard friends that such a move would disrupt the party.───第一, 他同意保守派朋友的意见,认为这样会分裂党.
Property prices in Canberra collapsed as the old guard packed their bags and fled.───楼价在堪培拉倒塌作为老卫兵其包装袋,并逃离现场.
The old guard can meet this challenge through the press and the courts.───老一代卫道士能够通过新闻界和法院应付这些挑战.
He belongs to the ruling Nationalist Party's old guard.───他属于执政的国民党的保守派。
They are replacing an old guard who ran clubs for love and glory.───他们取代了出于热爱和荣誉来管理俱乐部的老派管理者.
The Republican National Committee remained an Old Guard stronghold even after Mr Eisenhower's election.───共和党的全国委员会甚至在艾森豪威尔先生当选总统之后仍然是保守派的堡垒.
The old guard did not like the changes that Brewer introduced.
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