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词汇 now think
释义 now think
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new thing───新事物;随意即席演奏的爵士乐

now then───那么;喂

to think───思考

new things───新生事物

snow blink───雪照云光

I think───我认为;我想

few thing───很少有东西




Some doctors now think that the internal fat surrounding important organs like the heart or liver could be as dangerous as the external fat which can be noticed more easily.───一些医生现在认为,心脏或肝脏等重要器官周围的内部脂肪可能和更容易被发现的外部脂肪一样危险。

Previously it was thought there were around 100, 000 microbial cells in every litre of seawater but scientists now think there could be one billion.───此前的推测中,每一升海水中可能会有大约10万个微生物细胞,但现在科学家们认为有可能达到10亿个。

Now think about these three pots.───现在想一想这三个锅。

Now think what will happen if, after two or more years of monstrous fiscal deficits, the US is still mired in unemployment and slow growth.───设想一下,假如在巨额财赤状况持续了两年或更长时间后,美国仍陷于失业和增长缓慢的泥潭之中,后果将会怎样呢?

Now think of it the moment that the camera records how valuable, I think it was the best childhood memories.───如今想起来那相机记录的一瞬间是多么的宝贵,我想那是童年时代最美好的回忆。

Now think of what this means as you seek to know God: What does He say about Himself, what do others say about Him, and what has He done?───现在让我们把这种手法也当成是瞭解上帝的方法,让我们看看:他如何说他自己?别人怎麽谈论他?他成就了什麽?

And then ask how much would it change your happiness Now, think for a moment What's the best thing that could happen to you?───然后问问它会使你的快乐感发生多大变化,现在来想想,你身上能发生的最快乐的事是什么?

Now think of a goal you have been wanting very much. Allow yourself to feel how much you want it.───现在回想一个你曾经非常想要的目标,允许你自己去感受你有多想要它。

Now, think you not, when either had set his foot upon a given territory, he did not instantly and instinctively feel, "This is mine" ?───这样,你想,岂不是他们的脚掌一踏下去的时侯,立刻就会顶自然地觉得,“这是我的了”?


Do you now think the way of organising your essay was in fact the best way of approaching the topic?

Now, think about the genetic investment an Ice Age woman makes in the sex act.

Now think again of the wound on Hector's face - a heavy blow, a wide gash.

We now think of an insistence on grammatical correctness as a conservative position.

Strategists now think the yield on the 10-year Treasury note could drop below 2% in coming months, from 2.23% now.

Market participants now think the Fed will likely announce a plan to sell short-dated Treasury debt and use the proceeds to buy long bonds after its meeting later this month.

I now think that only those who hate the real world do what I did.

We now think prices will flatten out towards the end of this year.

Now, think back to the Q and A portion of the pageant: Remember the finalists' answers?

  • now i see your
  • now here
  • now you see me
  • now we stand
  • now the
  • now i go back
  • now words
  • now about
  • now with
  • now you see
  • now of never
  • now you
  • nowon your way
  • now try
  • now new nice
  • now you turn
  • now and again
  • now i work
  • now think
  • now you say
  • now go




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