trans fats───反式脂肪;转化型脂肪酸;转脂肪
One type of natural trans fat, found in animal products, has been shown to have beneficial effects on diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and immune response.───一种是自然产生的反式脂肪——多来自动物制品——已经被证明对糖尿病,心血管疾病有免疫和积极的效果。
Other ingredients you should avoid are partially hydrogenated oils, trans fat, and food dyes, which will be marked with a number symbol, such as red #40 or blue #5.───你应该避免的其他成分是部分氢化油、反式脂肪和食用色素,食用色素会用一个数字符号标出,比如红色#40或蓝色#5。
Trans fat bans have been considered by Chicago and some cities in California among other places.───许多城市,比如芝加哥和加利福尼亚州的一些城市,已开始考虑禁止使用反式脂肪的问题.
Besides the low nutrition value and lack of fibres from green vegetables, vast amounts of fat, particularly trans fat, starts alarming the public.───除了低营养价值和缺乏纤维从绿色蔬菜,大量的脂肪,尤其是反式脂肪,开始令人担忧的公众。
Trans fat is produced when hydrogen is added to vegetable oil through hydrogenation.───当氢被加到植物油中使之发生氢化的时候,反义脂肪酸就生产出来了.
The irony: Americans eat about fie times more saturated fat than trans fat.───具有讽刺意味的是: 美国人摄入的饱和脂肪约为反义脂肪的5倍多.
Still, I'm betting you will see foods advertised as " low in trans fat. "───然而, 我敢打赌你会看到食品的广告说 “ 反式脂肪酸含量极低 ”.
Trans fat has become the new fall guy for bad nutrition.───反义脂肪已经成为了不健康营养的替罪羔羊.
Many companies are searching for trans fat alternatives that are healthier than saturated fats, Borra stresses.───Borra强调,很多公司正在寻找比饱和脂肪更有益于健康的反义脂肪替代品.
Trans fat is produced when hydrogen is added to egetable oil through hydrogenation.───,当氢被加到植物油中使之发生氢化的时候,反义脂肪酸就生产出来了.
So if the trans fat content is below 0.5g per serving, they can round down to zero and claim zero grams per serving.
Still, I'm betting you will see foods advertised as " low in trans fat. "
The committee's recommendations are, in essence, to note calories on the front of packs, and to provide a scale to indicate the relative quantity of added sugar, sodium, saturated fat and trans fat.
Trans fat has become the new fall guy for bad nutrition.
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