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how about───你认为…怎样

go about───v.着手做;四处走动;传开;从事

got about───来往于;传遍;在...传开(getabout的过去式)

saw about───考虑,查询;注意,处理;料理

knock about───漫游,漂泊;殴打

throw about───到处扔;舞动

boss about───将人指挥得团团转


mean to say is: I think differently now about everything.───说的意思是:我现在对所有事情的看法都不一样了。

Hal Cannon, who runs the Western Folklife Centre, says the first few gatherings in Elko were dominated by ranchers. Now about 40% of attendees come from the cities.───西部民俗中心主管哈尔·卡农说,最初一次的埃尔科聚会都是农场人打头阵,现在大约40%的参与者都是来自都市。

child told him now about all the happenings of the day, and especially about the wonderful fire.───孩子把一天中发生的一切都告诉了他,特别是那美妙的火焰。

The volume of Chinese ore imports has rapidly expanded and the price per metric ton is now about double the level of a year ago.───中国的铁矿石进口量迅速增长,目前每吨铁矿石的价格大约是一年前水平的两倍。

There's been major disruption and I think London Underground know we're serious now about trying to defend our members' interest.───罢工造成了大规模的混乱,我认为伦敦地铁知道,我们现在是非常认真的,我们要捍卫我们成员的利益。

The class is near capacity right now (about three spots left), and I'm ready to kick this thing off next Wednesday.───上课人数就快要满了(大概还有3个位置这样),而且,我打算把这课程开始的时间推迟到下周三。

Interestingly, Fan's excitement level seems to peak when he's asked why China is choosing to speak up now about the dollar.───有意思的是,当被问及中国为何选在现在这个时候公开对美元表示意见时,樊纲的兴奋程度似乎达到了顶点。

Ingram says the Bank evaluates one hundred percent of its projects, now about 270 projects a year.───Ingram说,世行对所有项目都进行评价,目前大约每年270个项目。

Dutch courage because Iam now about to return to the train station and spend a few hours committing a deadly sin: queue jumping.───荷兰的勇气,因为荫现在返回到火车站,花了几个小时犯下致命的罪孽:插队。


I am now about as tall as a flattened cricket.

You worry in the here and now about things in the future which may never happen.

Now about that little matter of club sponsorship.

Are you all clear now about what you have to do?

On a conservative estimate, there are now about 5,000 books or articles that deal with it, at least in part.

Latinos, now about 29 percent, are expected to replace whites as the largest ethnic group in the decades ahead.

Now, about my suspicions does a foreign girl know movie stars?

Now, about 30 people use the campus for offices.

You feel guilty in the here and now about things that happened in the past which you can not correct.

  • now i see your
  • now here
  • now you see me
  • now we stand
  • now the
  • now i go back
  • now words
  • now about
  • now with
  • now you see
  • now of never
  • now you
  • nowon your way
  • now try
  • now new nice
  • now you turn
  • now and again
  • now i work
  • now think
  • now you say
  • now go




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