crowning glories───至高无上的荣耀
morning glory───n.[园艺]牵牛花(番薯属植物);昙花一现的人或物
morning lines───早线
morning services───早间服务
working memories───工作记忆
boxing gloves───拳击手套
burning glasses───凸透镜;取火镜
When I got up this morning, I found three beautiful purple morning-glories blooming with silvery dew on the petals.───我早晨起床的时候,发现了三朵开得很漂亮的紫色牵牛花,花瓣上还滚着银色的露珠。
They are morning glories. They are cute, aren't they?───那是牵牛花。他们很可爱,不是吗?
I gave class on a verse from the Third Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam about the glories of the brahminical, or priestly, order.───我讲述了《圣典博伽瓦谭》的第三篇中的诗节,是关于婆罗们阶层或神职阶层的荣耀。
There were morning glories, jasmine, cactus, and the like in their flowerpots.───有牵牛花们、茉莉、仙人掌,以及类似的在花盆里。
Morning glories are still blooming and enjoying their sunlight now.───牵牛花好像还没有享受够夏天的阳光,还在尽情开放。
There is Our love which winds through days like morning glories.───有我们的爱情像牵牛花天风。
Morning-glories upfold their flowers by noon.───牵牛花在中午时就合上了。
His eyes are a violet-blue, the color of ground morning glories, and they radiate intelligence.
- morning kiolivbus
- morning clock
- morning glory muffins recipe
- mornings lalate
- morning glory
- morning hey
- morning vibes
- morning world
- morning sickness
- morning cool
- morning dears
- morning day
- morning glory plants
- morning call
- morning dear
- morning stars