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词汇 not suddenly
释义 not suddenly
not suddenly发音



in a suddenty───突然间

on a suddenty───关于和主题



not likely───adv.不见得,不大可能

not so dusty───(人的健康或境况)还不错(非正式)





You're not suddenly going away again, are you?───你不是又打算掉头就走吧?

He hammered it into me that I had not suddenly become a rotten goalkeeper.───他反复向我灌输,我并没有突然变成一个糟糕的守门员。

DVD, after all, does not suddenly refuse to play for a week.───毕竟,仅仅是DVD的话,不会突然被关闭一周。

But such a policy would not suddenly turn the opposition into a fighting force.───不过这样的行动不会迅速把反对派变成可靠的战斗力量。

We might be a bit closer (in Barcelona) but we are not suddenly going to jump from the seventh to the front row.───我们可能是位更接近(巴塞罗那),但我们不会突然要跳转到第七前排。

Advertisers did not suddenly wake up to the Internet; they have been shifting growing portions of their budgets online for years.───广告主并不是突然醒悟开始关注互联网,而是多年来他们一直在将越来越多比例的预算资金转投向网络。

All of that does not suddenly kick in when a girl blows out the candles on her thirteenth birthday cake.───并非在她吹灭十三岁生日蜡烛时,这一切突然来临。

Obviously, Victor did not suddenly acquire a tremendous amount of additional knowledge.───显而易见的是,维克多并不是突然获得了大量的额外的知识。

Wall Street executives did not suddenly decide to enrich themselves and then change the direction of investing in order to do so.───华尔街的经理们,没有为了把他们自己变得更富有,突然决定改变投资方向。


Do not suddenly take up violent exercise after years of inactivity, or you will injure yourself.

When finally, remaining wartime controls were abolished these influences did not suddenly disappear.

He hammered it into me that I had not suddenly become a rotten goalkeeper.

But the Anglicans, like the Lutherans, did not suddenly give up the composition of Latin texts.

How glad I am, she thought simply, that I have not suddenly contracted syphilis.

Pieces of abstract art do not suddenly change colour because we have moved them from artificial light to daylight.

Remember that it is not a race, so do not suddenly ask your horse for maximum speed.

The welfare state and the managed economy did not suddenly emerge full-blown in this period.

The shark can not suddenly twist them to a vertical position to act as brakes.

  • not so sad
  • notary gadget
  • nothingness sep
  • not more
  • nothing much
  • not key
  • not body
  • not to drive
  • not only Zeaxl
  • not no
  • not before time
  • notion meaning
  • not for sale
  • not to die
  • not a long time
  • nothingness def
  • not play
  • not a yes sir
  • not happy
  • notes app
  • noted with thanks




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