

词汇 Bad guy
释义 Bad guy
Bad guy发音



bad guys───坏人

bad up───糟透了

bad eggs───坏蛋;不可信任的人

bad luck───运气不好,坏运气;噩运

fall guy───替罪羊;容易上当受骗的人

good guy───好家伙(电影鬼娃新娘中的玩偶)

hand gun───手喷枪


What if I'm not the hero? What if I'm the bad guy?───如果我不是英雄 呢 ?要是我是个坏蛋 呢 ?

What if I'm not a superhero? What if I'm the bad guy?───要是我不是超级英雄 呢 ?要暮光之城1电影是我是个坏蛋 呢 ?

The bad guy is very dark.───那个坏人很阴险.

No genius, not a bad guy, but the attacks are hurting and stiffening him.───不是天才, 人也不坏, 但是四面八方的攻击伤了他的感情,使他横下了心.

This man is ill intentioned, he looks like a bad guy.───这个人心路不正, 一看就知道不是个好人.

's a good guy, not a bad guy. He's a child in a man's body.───是一个好人,不是一个坏家伙。他男人的身体里面住着一个小孩。

He cheerfully blows away any bad guy stupid enough to get in his line of fire.───他兴高采烈地将蠢到撞上他枪口的坏家伙全都干掉。

He's a bad guy.───他是一个不折不扣的坏家伙。

Bond single - handedly takes on any'bad guy ', saves the world and always gets the girl.───邦德单枪匹马地打败任何坏蛋, 拯救世界,以及赢得女性芳心.

At the end of the film the bad guy gets shot.───这坏蛋在影片结尾时被击毙。

Bad book is worse than bad guy because it can't repent.───坏书比坏人更坏,因为它不会悔改.

Really think the bad guy ate their dessert.───真的觉得坏人吃他们的甜点.

He is not such a bad guy as you ( are ).───他不是那种和你一样的坏家伙.

Do these obstacles all need to be The Villain , The Bad Guy , The Opponent , The Foe?───这些障碍是否都有必要是恶徒,流氓 、 敌军或仇人 呢 ?

She shouted when the bad guy approached her.───她在坏人朝她接近时大叫.

Watch as Garfield and his friends track down Odie and the bad guy who took him.───且看加菲猫和它的朋友如何追踪欧弟以及偷走它的坏人.

People don't like to play the part of the Bad guy.───人们不喜欢扮演坏人的角色.

guy wins, and bad guy loses.───好人赢了,坏人输了。

  • Bad guy




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