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词汇 off
释义 offUK:*/ˈɒf/US:/ɔf, ɑf/ ,(ôf, of )UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 off prep (away or down from, not on)从...上掉下;从...离开The glass fell off the table.玻璃杯从桌上掉下来了。 off prep (no longer enclosing) (固定物、附着物)从…脱离The lid was off the jar of mustard.芥末瓶的盖子掉了。 off adv (in the future)[时间上相隔很远]Sexual equality is still many years off.男女平等还需要很长时间。 off adv (setting: not in operation)中断;关掉After finishing cooking, he turned the stove off.煮好食物后,他把炉子关掉了。 off prep (away from: work)不上班;休假I'm afraid you can't see the manager as he's off work today.恐怕你见不到经理了,因为他今天不上班。 off adj (inaccurate)偏差的;脱离的His calculations were off by a hundred.I'm not sure what you've done here, but it looks off to me.他的计算差了一百。// 我不清楚你在这里做了什么,但这并不是我想要的。 off adj (not switched on) (电器、电流)关着的,切断的He couldn't see well because the light was off.他看不清楚,因为灯是关着的。 be off [sth] vi + prep (no longer using)停用Are you off the phone yet?你还没有挂电话吧? 其他翻译 off adj (not quite normal)状态不正常的;身体不舒服的He felt off that day. It must have been what he ate for dinner the night before.他那天身体不舒服,一定是因为头天晚上吃了什么。 off adj informal (food: not fresh)不新鲜的This fruit smells a little off. Perhaps it's fermented.这水果闻起来有点不新鲜。可能已经发酵了。 off adj (below usual standard)低于通常水准的Compared with her usual style, her singing seemed a little off at last night's recital.跟她一般风格比较,昨晚独唱会上,她唱得有些低于通常水准。 off adj (out of effect)失效的The insurance policy coverage is off as of next week.这份保单下周就失效了。 off adj (at lower activity level)不活跃的;淡季的Travel is cheaper in the off season.淡季时,旅游比较便宜。 off adj (farther, away)离开的;远离的The village is off a little - beyond the hills.村庄就在不远处,越过山丘就到。 off adj informal (poorly aimed) (非正式用语)不精确的;不准的;偏了的The basketball player's shot was off, and he was taken out of the game. off adj (sport: having started) (体育)已经开始了的And they're off! off adj informal (going)离开的;走开的I'm off now. See you later.我要走了,回见。 off adv used in expressions (to get rid of [sth])摆脱He walked off the pain in his leg and went back into the game.She went to bed to sleep off her headache. off adv used in expressions (away from)离开;远离;逃离The deer walked off into the forest and disappeared among the trees.Nicole drove off before I had a chance to say goodbye. off adv (distant, far)远远地;远处地He could see the mountain off in the distance.他能远远地看见山脉。 off adv used in expressions (at a discount)打折地;减价出售地The stereos were being sold at 30% off. off adv used in expressions (electricity: disconnected) (指电流)切断地,关掉地When there is a storm, the power goes off. off adv (discontinued)中断地;中止地,结束地The clearance sale is off after the close of business tomorrow.清仓大甩卖明天关店后就结束了。 off adv used in expressions (completely)完全地;全部地He paid off the loan in only three years.There's only a drop of wine left; you may as well finish it off. off adv used in expressions (speedily)赶紧地;迅速地You ought to dash off a condolence note to the widow. off adv used in expressions (nautical: away from land) (航海)远离大陆地They sailed off into the ocean. off adv (time, day: away from work)不上班;不工作;休假Can I please take the day off tomorrow?拜托,我能明天休假一天么? off interj (Go away!)走开!滚开!Off, damned mosquito!滚开啊,该死的蚊子! off n (machinery, device: off button)关闭键Press 'off' to stop the machine.按下关闭键关掉这台机器。 off prep (no longer attached to)不再跟...系在一起;脱开的,断开的;脱落的The kite is off the string, and flying freely in the wind.那个风筝断了线,自由地随风飘荡。 off prep (no longer on top of)掉下;取下;摘下The cloth is off the table, revealing many scratches in the wood. off prep (close to)在…的边上The restaurant is just off the highway.那家餐厅就在高速公路的边上。 off prep (no longer supported by)不再得到…支持(资助)She is off government assistance now.她现在得不到政府的资助了。 off prep (deviating from)偏离;背离Off the normal route, he discovered new restaurants.在不熟悉的路上,他发现了好几家新餐馆。 off prep (away from)离开;偏离I'm off school all next week.我整个下周都不来学校。 off prep slang (abstaining from)戒掉,戒除I'm off sweets now, as I'm trying to lose weight.由于要减肥,我现在戒糖。 off prep UK, informal (from)从,向,得自,来自I got the diamonds off him at a good price. off prep (down and away from)掉落;拿下The lid fell off of the jar, and onto the floor. off prep (nautical: seaward)位于离…的海面上Monhegan Island is off the Pemaquid Peninsula on the coast of Maine.蒙赫干岛位于缅因州海岸的佩马奎德半岛外的海上。 动词短语 auction [sth] off, auction off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (sell at an auction)拍卖掉;竞拍掉To settle the bankrupts' debt, they are going to auction off all of his belongings. back off vi phrasal (withdraw, retreat)退后;往后退The guys backed off when they saw the police coming.那些人看到警察过来时往后退了。 back off vi phrasal (stop harassing or nagging [sb])停下;放手My French teacher is always picking on me to answer questions in class; I wish she'd back off!我的法语老师总是让我在课堂上回答问题,我希望她别再烦我了! be off vi phrasal informal (leave)离开;滚开It's getting late, so it's time for me to be off.天色已晚,是我离开的时候了。 beat off vi phrasal vulgar, slang (masturbate)手淫He managed to beat off without his roommate hearing. beat [sb] off, beat off [sb] vtr phrasal sep vulgar, slang (masturbate)为...手淫She was beating him off. beg off vi phrasal informal (excuse yourself)请求免除 beg off on [sth] vi phrasal (excuse yourself)请求解除 beg off [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (excuse yourself)请求免除 bind off vi phrasal US (knitting: cast off, finish) (编织)收针 bind [sth] off, bind off [sth] vtr phrasal sep US (knitting: cast off to finish) (编织)给…收针 bite [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (sever with teeth)咬掉;咬下来During the fight, one of the boys bit off a piece of the other boy's ear. blast off vi phrasal (spacecraft: launch) (火箭等)发射升空The space rocket is preparing to blast off. block [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (make inaccessible, blockade)封闭;封锁They blocked off the main road so that the President's motorcade could drive through securely. blow off vi phrasal UK, slang (pass intestinal gas)放屁I think the dog blew off; it smells horrible.我觉得狗放屁了,好难闻。 blow [sb/sth] off vtr phrasal sep slang (reject or ignore) (俚语)赶走;拒绝;无视I smiled at Rita and said hi, but she blew me off; maybe she didn't recognise me.我朝丽塔微笑并打了招呼,但她却将我赶走,可能她没有认出我。 blow [sth] off, blow off [sth] vtr phrasal sep slang (cancel: plan, obligation)取消Since I was feeling better, I blew off my appointment with the doctor.因为感觉好多了,所以我取消了与医生的预约。 boo [sb] off vtr phrasal sep (performer: jeer from stage)喝倒彩;把…哄下舞台The audience booed him off for telling a joke in bad taste. branch off vi phrasal (diverge)分叉The path branches off to the right. break off vi phrasal (become detached)脱落;断开The door handle became loose and eventually broke off.门把手变松了,并且最终脱落下来。 break [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (snap, detach)掰下;折断Olga broke off a large piece from the chocolate bar.奥尔加从那板巧克力上掰下一大块儿。 break [sth] off vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (terminate)断绝(往来);绝(交);终止,结束,中断Matt and Glenda have decided to break off their engagement.马特和格伦达决定解除婚约。 bring [sth] off vtr phrasal sep informal (succeed in carrying [sth] out)办完, 完成We didn't think that he could bring it off, but the success of his business proved us wrong. brown [sb] off, brown off [sb] vtr phrasal sep UK, figurative, informal (annoy or anger)惹恼 brown [sth] off, brown off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (cook until brown)把…烹饪至棕色 brush [sb] off, brush off [sb] vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (dismiss: [sb])不理;漠视I've asked Walter repeatedly if we can talk but he keeps brushing me off.我不断地问沃勒我们是否可以谈一下,但是他一直不理我。 brush [sth] off, brush off [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (disregard: [sth])不理,漠视;不予理会;轻轻带过I was really upset; I had put a lot of work into that project, and my boss just brushed it off.我真的很沮丧。我在那个项目上花了很多精力,但老板却不屑一顾。 buck [sb] off vtr phrasal sep (animal: throw rider off) (指马等动物)将...甩下去 bugger off vi phrasal UK, slang, vulgar (go away) (俚语,粗俗)滚;滚开My little brother was being such a pest I told him to bugger off. bugger off vi phrasal UK, slang, vulgar (escape responsibility) (俚语,粗俗)逃跑,走掉,逃脱 bully off vi phrasal (hockey game: start) (冰球)开球 bump [sb] off vtr phrasal sep slang (murder)杀死, 谋杀The mob ordered a contract to bump off the snitch. bunk off vi phrasal UK, slang (play truant: from school, work)逃学;旷工 bunk off [sth] vtr phrasal insep UK, slang (play truant from: school, work) (学)逃…; (工)旷…I bunked off school with my mates to go to the mall. buy [sb] off vtr phrasal sep informal (bribe)收买,贿赂We can buy him off by making a donation to his wife's hospital. buzz off vi phrasal slang (go away)走开Terry was annoying me so I told him to buzz off. call [sth] off, call off [sth] vtr phrasal sep often passive (cancel)取消;停止;宣告终止The town's annual picnic was called off due to rain.由于下雨,小镇一年一度的野餐活动被取消了。 cap [sth] off vtr phrasal sep informal (round off, finish)结束某事 carry [sb/sth] off vtr phrasal sep (abduct, kidnap)挟持;绑架She was carried off by persons unknown and never seen again.她被几个不明身份的人挟持了,那之后就再也没过她。 carry [sth] off vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (succeed in doing) (非正式用语)成功完成,成功对付;驾驭Not everyone can wear a red hat with purple shoes, but you really carry it off in style.不是每个人都能驾驭红帽子配紫鞋子的,不过你穿起来却很时髦。 cast off vi phrasal (nautical: set sail) (航海)启航The Beagle cast off in 1831 on a five-year expedition with Charles Darwin on board.1831年,查尔斯·达尔文登上贝格尔号,开启了为期五年的探险。 cast off vi phrasal UK (knitting: bind off, finish) (编织)收针Janice cast off and wove in the ends of her knitting.珍妮丝收针并将毛线的末端织了起来。 cast [sth] off, cast off [sth] vtr phrasal sep UK (knitting: bind off to finish) (编织,针织)收针One way of shaping sleeves when knitting a sweater is to cast off a certain number of stitches at the beginning of each row.编织毛衣时,袖子成型的一种方法是在每一行开织的地方收一定数量的针。 cast [sth] off, cast off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (get rid of)摆脱;解脱The key to having a great vacation is to cast off your worries and concerns.度过一个美好假日的关键是摆脱烦恼和忧虑。 cast off, cast down vi phrasal (country dancing)乡村舞The dancers cast off and moved to the end of the line.;charge off vi phrasal (hurry away)冲走;急匆匆地离开 check [sth] off, check off [sth] vtr phrasal sep mainly US (mark checklist item with a tick)给…打勾,给…打上核对号cheese [sb] off vtr phrasal sep UK, slang, often passive (make angry)使感到生气,让人感到愤怒He was a big man, so I didn't want to cheese him off.chip off vi phrasal (paint: peel away)剥落Although they had just painted the wall, the cheap paint had already started to chip off.chip [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (remove by chiselling)凿下chip off vi phrasal (golf: play chip shot) (高尔夫)轻击短切choke [sth] off, choke off [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (restrict [sth] severely)制约,限制;打断,终止We believe that the government's economic policy has choked off the recovery.chop [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (sever)切开Before I cook broccoli, I chop off the stems.clear off vi phrasal slang (go away)走开Josie's little brother was annoying her, so she told him to clear off.close [sth] off, close off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (block, shut off)封锁;使与外界隔绝The police closed off the road due to a bad accident.come off vi phrasal slang (be a success)成功I thought your class presentation came off really well.我觉得你的课堂陈述真的很成功。come off [sth] vtr phrasal insep US ([sth]: finish period of) (演出等)停止上演The country is coming off a year of huge economic growth.该国家刚刚结束了经济高速增长的一年。come off [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (stop using: drugs)停止(服毒、酗酒等)Dave came off heroin two years ago and he has been clean ever since.戴夫两年前戒掉了海洛因,从那时起他就一直没再碰过。cook off vi phrasal (shell: fire spontaneously)自燃cool off vi phrasal (become less hot)凉快下来;变凉;冷却He went and sat in the shade to cool off.他去坐在遮阴处让自己凉快下来。cool off vi phrasal figurative, informal (become less angry)冷静下来;平静下来There's no point in arguing about it. We won't solve anything until you cool off.完全没必要就其发生争执。直到你冷静下来前,我们什么也解决不了。cool off, cool [sb] off vtr phrasal sep (make [sb] less hot)让...变凉;使...冷下来cool off, cool [sb] off vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (make [sb] less angry)让...平静;使...冷静cop off with [sb] vi phrasal + prep UK, slang (have sex with) (俚语)跟...睡觉;与...发生关系cordon [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (restrict access to, seal off)布置警戒线以进行隔离;封锁The police cordoned off the area around the accident site while investigators tried to establish its cause.警察封锁了事故现场周围的地区,调查人员正在寻找事故发生的原因。cream [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (cream: skim off)撇走…的奶油cream [sth] off vtr phrasal sep figurative (profits: take) (利益)攫取creep off vi phrasal (leave stealthily)悄悄离开cross [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (mark as done) (表示已做完)(从列表中)划掉Make a list of things to do and cross off each item once you have completed it.cross [sb] off vtr phrasal sep informal (eliminate)删除;剔除The interviewer crossed off the applicant with blue and purple hair.cry off vi phrasal informal (cancel, withdraw)取消;退却He cried off at the last minute.cry off [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (cancel)取消curtain [sth] off, curtain off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (create barrier with curtain)用帘子隔开cut [sb] off vtr phrasal sep figurative (estrange, disown)与…断绝关系;与…断绝往来The parents cut off their alcoholic son and he wasn't even mentioned in their will.那对父母与酒鬼儿子断绝了关系,他甚至都没有出现在他们的遗嘱里。cut [sth/sb] off vtr phrasal sep figurative (disconnect)切断(网络、电力等)的供应While on the net, we were cut off.正在上网时,我们断网了。cut [sb] off vtr phrasal sep (interrupt when speaking)打断…的话Francesca cut me off while I was in the middle of speaking.正当我讲话时,弗朗西斯卡打断了我的话。cut [sb] off vtr phrasal sep US (driver, vehicle: move suddenly in front)突然超车到...前方A black sedan cut me off as I was about to switch lanes.我正要换道时,一辆黑色轿车超了我的车。dash [sth] off vtr phrasal sep informal (write, compose hastily) (非正式用语)匆忙写好If you leave your homework to the last minute then dash the essay off in half an hour, you mustn't be surprised if you get poor marks.die off vi phrasal (disappear gradually)渐渐消失As the older generation begins to die, their ideas and traditions die off with them.doze off vi phrasal informal (fall asleep) (非正式用语)打瞌睡I dozed off for ten minutes during the end of the movie.在影片快结束时,我打了10分钟的瞌睡。drag [sth/sb] off vtr phrasal sep (carry away)把…拖走drift off vi phrasal informal, figurative (fall asleep) (非正式用语)慢慢睡着The calm music and low lights caused me to drift off during the movie.平缓的音乐和着昏暗的灯光使我在观影途中慢慢睡着。drive off vi phrasal (vehicle: pull out, move off)驶出I sadly watched him drive off, knowing I wouldn't see him again.我伤感地看着他驾车离开,知道我们不会再见了。drop off vi phrasal informal, figurative (decrease) (非正式用语)减少;下降备注: A hyphen is used when the term is a nounSales have dropped off dramatically since the start of the credit crunch.自从信贷紧缩以来,销售量就大幅下降。drop off vi phrasal figurative, slang (fall asleep) (俚语)睡着, 打盹儿I dropped off at the wheel and crashed the car.我开车时睡着了,结果发生了撞车。drop [sb] off, drop off [sb] vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (let out of a vehicle)送某人去;开车带某人去I drop my husband off at work every morning.我每天早上送丈夫去上班。drop [sth] off, drop off [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (take [sth] somewhere)把…放在;把…送到Don't forget to drop the keys off at your mother's before you go.你走之前别忘了把钥匙送到你妈妈家。dry off vi phrasal (become dry)变干;干燥She sat in the sun to dry off after her swim.游泳后,她坐在太阳下晒干身子。dry [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (make dry)弄干;使...干燥After he dropped his cell phone in the pool, he dried it off using a blow dryer.dust [sth] off, dust off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (wipe or brush clean)掸去;掸干净Just dust off the car; we don't have time to wash it.我们没时间洗车了,掸掸干净就行。dust [sth] off, dust off [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (use after a long period) (非正式用语)长期搁置后重新使用; (比喻)把...从箱底拿出来Dust off your shoulder pads - the '80s are coming back!快把垫肩从箱底拿出来,80年代风格又流行回来了!ease off [sth] vtr phrasal insep (reduce pressure on)减少;渐渐消退To slow the car down gradually, ease off the gas pedal.ease off vi phrasal (traffic, etc.: lessen)缓和ease off, ease up vi phrasal informal (be less severe)缓和;减轻You're very tough on your son. Why don't you ease off a little?eff off vi phrasal slang, euphemism (fuck off: euphemistic alternative) (表示气愤、厌恶、惊奇的脏话)滚开fall off vi phrasal figurative (decrease)减少;降低Car sales have fallen off during the recession.经济不景气的时期,汽车销售额减少了。feck off vi phrasal Ire, vulgar, euphemism (go away)滚开;走开feed off [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (thrive thanks to)因…而得到滋养The band fed off the energy of the crowd.观众的热情点燃了乐队的激情。fence [sth] off, fence off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (partition with fence)用围栏隔开…fend [sb] off vtr phrasal sep (defend yourself against [sb])抵挡;抵御The soldiers used hand grenades to fend off enemy troops.士兵们用手榴弹抵御敌军。fend [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (defend yourself against [sth])抵挡;抵御;抵抗The politician fended off the interviewer's accusations of fraud.政客对采访人员关于欺诈的指控予以回击。fend [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (avoid [sth])规避;避免The manufacturers hope to fend off stricter government regulation.制造商希望规避更加严格的政府监管。fight [sb/sth] off, fight off [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep (defend yourself from)击退;打败(对手)The 26-year-old woman bravely fought off her attackers with several kicks and punches.通过几次拳打脚踢,那名26岁的女性勇敢地击退了几个袭击者。fight [sb/sth] off, fight off [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (competition) (竞赛中)击退,打败(对手)Dannii fought off the competition to win the prize.达尼在竞赛中打败对手,赢得大奖。fight [sth] off, fight off [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (infection)抵抗(感染)Doctors are realizing that to successfully fight off sinus infection, medication alone isn't enough.医生们意识到要想成功抵抗鼻窦感染,光凭药物是不够的。finish [sth] off, finish off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (complete, perfect)做完;完成Finish off the report before you go home.在你回家之前做完这份报告。finish [sth] off, finish off [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (consume all of)吃光;全部吃完John finished off his meal and then left the house.约翰吃光饭后便离开了家。finish [sb/sth] off, finish off [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (kill) (非正式用语)杀死;使疲惫不堪That 30-mile walk has just about finished me off.那30英里的步行已使我筋疲力尽了。finish [sth] off, finish off [sth] vtr phrasal sep slang (destroy, kill)毁灭The hitman was hired to finish off the mafia boss.那个杀手是被雇来干掉黑手党老大的。fire [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (shot)开(火);开(炮);开(枪)The gunman fired off three shots before the police captured [sth] off vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (letter, e-mail: write and send quickly)恶狠狠地发出(电子邮件);匆忙寄出(信件)Tom fired off an e-mail to the sales [sth] off vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (rapid questions)机关枪似地问出一连串(问题)You fired off ten questions but didn't listen to the answers.flake off vi phrasal (become detached in thin pieces)剥落;呈薄片状剥落The house was so old the paint had begun to flake off.fling [sth] off, fling off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (clothing: remove quickly) (衣物)快速脱去flip [sb] off, flip off [sb], flick [sb] off, flick off [sb] vtr phrasal sep US, slang (gesture obscenely)竖中指I was extremely offended when the boy who stepped out in front of my car flipped me off.fob [sb] off vtr phrasal sep informal (give [sb] [sth] inferior, unsatisfactory)搪塞…;敷衍…The sales rep offered me a partial refund, but I could tell she was just trying to fob me off.frighten [sb/sth] off vtr phrasal sep (scare away)把…吓跑;吓走Tina's clingy nature frightened off all potential boyfriends.f*** off vi phrasal vulgar, offensive, slang (go away)滚开, 滚I wish our annoying neighbours would f*** off.get off [sth] vtr phrasal insep (alight: from train, etc.) (火车等)从…下来Here, it is common for passengers to thank the driver as they get off the bus.在这里,乘客下车时向司机道谢非常常见。usage: ‘get out’When you leave a car, you say that you get out of it or get out.We got out of the taxi at the station.I got out and examined the right rear wheel.You also say that you get out of a lift, plane, or small boat.get off vi phrasal (alight: from train, etc.)下车Take the subway and get off at Union Station.坐地铁,到联合车站下车。get off, also US: get it off vi phrasal vulgar, slang (have an orgasm)达到性高潮It takes me a long time to get off when we have sex in the missionary position.我们用传教士体位做爱时,我要花很长时间才能达到高潮。get off on [sth] vi phrasal + prep slang (take pleasure in)享受;以…为乐趣He really gets off on seeing other people suffer.他以看到别人受苦为乐。get off vi phrasal informal (be acquitted)被宣告无罪;被无罪释放He was tried for corruption, but he got off.他因腐败而受到审判,但却被无罪释放了。get off with [sb] vi phrasal + prep UK, slang (kiss) (异性)与...亲热I saw Tracy getting off with Kevin last night.get off with [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (lenient punishment)得到宽大处理He got off with just a warning.get off with [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (steal)偷走The boys were able to get off with an apple in each hand before the farmer chased them away.give [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (emit: heat, smell)散发出;排出Judy gives off a strong smell of perfume when she passes by.当朱迪经过时,她身上撒发出一股强烈的香水味。go off vi phrasal (bomb: explode) (炸弹)爆炸The bomb went off in the busiest part of town.炸弹在城中最繁华的区域爆炸了。go off vi phrasal (alarm: sound) (警报,闹钟)响I don't always wake up when my alarm goes off.闹铃响时,我并非总能醒过来。go off vi phrasal informal (food: spoil) (非正式用语,食物)变得腐败,不再新鲜Dairy products go off quickly if they're not kept in the fridge.如果不放冰箱,乳制品很快就会变质。go off vi phrasal (go away)离开;走开He left the family farm and went off to the big city to look for work.他离开了家族农场,去大城市找工作。go off [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep UK, informal (lose liking for) (非正式用语)对…失去兴趣I used to really like him, but since I heard about his strange habits I've gone right off him.我过去真的很喜欢他,但自从听说他那些古怪的爱好后,我对他完全失去了兴趣。go off on [sb] (US), go off at [sb] (UK) vtr phrasal insep informal (express anger)向某人发火;朝某人发作All I said was that he had a bit of a temper and he went off on me!go off with [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (steal [sth] and leave with it)拿走了…go off with [sb] vi phrasal + prep informal (leave a spouse, etc., for [sb] else)跟…私奔了;跟…走了goof off vi phrasal US, slang (be silly, unproductive)闲荡;游手好闲;混日子Quit goofing off and help me pick up this mess.hack [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (sever)砍掉;切断;砍下The polar explorer hacked off his gangrenous finger with a penknife.极地探险者用小刀切下了他那生了坏疽的手指。hack [sb] off vtr phrasal sep slang (irritate, anger)激怒, 使…生气The way he talks down to me really hacks me off!hand [sth] off, hand off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (American football: pass to opponent)给球The quarterback handed off the ball to the running back.四分卫把球传给跑卫。hand [sb] off, hand off [sb] vtr phrasal sep (rugby: push away opponent) (橄榄球)推开The player managed to hand off two opponents before being brought down.那个球员在被扑到之前成功地推开两个对手。hand [sth] off, hand off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (project: pass to [sb] else)送给;传送给;传递给The editor handed off the final text to the printers.编辑把最后的文稿交给印刷商。haul off vi phrasal US, informal (leave)离开The thieves hauled off in a hurry when the owner came back unexpectedly.head off vi phrasal (set out, go)出发,动身We need to head off at 8 o'clock in order to arrive at the party on time.要想准时出席宴会,我们必须8点就出发。head [sth] off, head off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (redirect by blocking path)拦截;阻拦He tried to head off the charging bull by closing the gate.他试图通过关上大门来拦截那头猛冲过来的牛。;head [sth] off, head off [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (avert, prevent)阻止;阻挠With torrential rain forecast, emergency measures have been put in place to try to head off a disaster.预报有暴雨,紧急措施已经到位,以防止灾难的发生。hit off [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep (describe aptly)刻画;恰当描述hit off [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep US (imitate in order to satirize) (为了讽刺)模仿hive off vi phrasal UK (move away from group)拆分;分出hive [sth] off, hive off [sth] vtr phrasal sep UK (business: transfer ownership) (商业: 转让所有权)转让hold off vi phrasal (bad weather: be delayed)拖延;推迟I hope the rain holds off till we get home.我希望雨能推迟下,直到我们到家。hold off doing [sth], hold off from doing [sth], hold off on doing [sth] vtr phrasal insep (postpone, delay)拖延;克制,节制,忍住Please hold off playing the drums until after I've gone!请克制一下,等我离开后再打鼓吧!hold [sth/sb] off vtr phrasal sep (prevent attack)抵挡The soldiers managed to hold off the attacking forces for three days.士兵们成功抵挡了攻击部队三天之久。hop off vi phrasal informal, figurative (get out of a vehicle)跳下车Bus driver to young boy - " here we are, this is your stop, hop off now".hop off [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal, figurative (get off [sth])离开,抛开hurry off vi phrasal (leave quickly)匆忙离开;迅速离开The thieves hurried off before the police arrived.jack off vi phrasal vulgar, slang (masturbate)手淫;自慰Steve jacks off when he reads his magazines.史蒂夫边看杂志边手淫。jack [sb] off, jack off [sb] vtr phrasal sep vulgar, slang (bring to orgasm)手淫He asked her to jack him off, but she refused and left.他要她帮他手淫,但她拒绝了,然后走了。jerk off vi phrasal US, vulgar, slang (boy, man: masturbate) (男子)手淫jet off vi phrasal (go somewhere by plane)乘飞机前往;飞往Many of us like to jet off in search of winter sunshine. They jetted off to Mexico for the weekend.我们许多人都喜欢乘飞机去享受冬日阳光。他们飞往墨西哥去度周末。keep off [sth] vtr phrasal insep (do not walk on)不接近;避开;避免(践踏)Please keep off the grass.请避免践踏草坪。keep off [sth] vtr phrasal insep (resist, not indulge in)防止;避开;使…免受影响He is an alcoholic, and it is a daily struggle for him to keep off the booze.他是个酒鬼,他的日常就是努力防止大饮特饮。kick off vi phrasal (ball game: start play) (球赛)开始;开球The game will kick off at noon on Sunday.球赛将在周日中午开始。kick off vi phrasal figurative, slang (begin)开始The festivities will kick off this afternoon.庆祝活动于今天下午开始。kick off vi phrasal UK, figurative, slang (argument, fight: begin) (争论等)开始Things kicked off when James accused Carl of stealing from him.詹姆斯指责卡尔偷了他的东西,争论就此开始了。kick off vi phrasal UK, figurative, slang (person: become argumentative)开始争吵Ian kicked off when he realized he wasn't going to get his own way.当意识到自己不能自主时,兰就开始了抗争。kick [sth] off vtr phrasal sep figurative, slang (begin)使开始They are going to kick off the new season with a big party.他们将以盛大派对开启新一季。kill [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (exterminate)消灭;灭绝I have finally killed off all the bugs on my tomato plants.kiss [sb/sth] off, kiss off [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep US, figurative, slang (disregard, consider lost)放弃;死了...的心Kiss off your inheritance: your mother left everything to her cousins twice removed.knock [sth] off vtr phrasal sep slang (finish rapidly)完成, 结束I knocked off a politics essay while I was waiting for her to get ready.我在等她准备好的同时,完成了一篇政治论文。knock [sth] off vtr phrasal sep UK, slang (brand: copy)仿;仿造They're knocking off designer brands and selling the goods in the local market.他们正在仿造设计师品牌,并在当地市场销售相关商品。knock off vi phrasal slang (finish day's work) (俚语)下班,收工When it rains, the boss lets us knock off work early.开始下雨后,老板让我们早点下班。knock [sth] off vtr phrasal sep slang, figurative (price: reduce) (价格)降低,降There's a button missing from this dress. Could you knock a couple of pounds off the price?这件衣服少了一颗扣子。能便宜几英镑吗?laugh [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (dismiss as not serious)对…一笑而过John laughed off the suggestion that he change his behavior.lay [sb] off vtr phrasal sep (make redundant)解雇;解聘The current economic crisis has led many companies to lay off some of their employees.当前经济危机已导致许多公司解雇部分员工。lay off vi phrasal slang (stop bothering [sb]) (俚语)不再骚扰I've had a bad day. Just lay off!我今天过得很糟。别闹了!lay off [sb] vtr phrasal insep slang (stop bothering: [sb])别再烦;别再骚扰Lay off your sister for five minutes, would you? You've teased her enough.让你姐妹休息五分钟,好吗?你已经戏弄她够久了。lay off [sth] vtr phrasal insep slang (stop indulging in)戒掉He needs to lay off the booze for a while.他需要暂时戒酒。lead off vi phrasal (baseball: begin) (棒球)率先击球lead off vi phrasal US, figurative (begin a meeting)开始开会Let's lead off by introducing ourselves.lead off from [sth] vi phrasal + prep (room: adjoin) (房间)与…相连,紧挨…; (书面语)与…毗连lead off into [sth] vi phrasal + prep (room: continue into) (房间)通向,通往leave off vi phrasal informal (stop doing [sth])停止Maisie's brother was taunting her about her new glasses, so she told him to leave off.梅齐的兄弟嘲笑她的新眼镜,她让他住嘴。leech off [sb] vtr phrasal insep figurative (scrounge from [sb] else) (比喻)吸…的血,从…身上榨取Martin doesn't have a job; he leeches off his parents and brother.leech [sth] off [sb] vtr phrasal insep figurative (obtain [sth] from [sb] else)从…处搞到Trevor leeched a few dollars off his friend so that he could buy some ice cream.let [sb] off vtr phrasal sep informal (find [sb] not guilty)无罪释放The man was charged with assault, but the judge let him off due to insufficient evidence.这名男子被控袭击罪,但因证据不足,法官判他无罪。let [sb] off vtr phrasal sep informal (forgive, not punish)放过Alfie forgot to do his homework, but the teacher let him off.阿尔菲忘记做家庭作业,但老师放过了他。let [sb] off vtr phrasal sep (excuse [sb] from a duty, job)允许某人不用做某事Ian's boss let him off for a couple of hours to visit his mother in hospital.伊恩的老板给他放了几个小时假,让他去探望住院的母亲。let off [sth], let [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (fire: explosive, gun, etc.) (枪炮)开,开火; (炸弹)引爆It is against the law to let off fireworks in the street.在街上放烟花是违法的。level off vi phrasal (become even, stable)变平坦,变平整;变平稳,变稳定The population of the world is expected to grow to about 9 billion, but then to level off.世界人口数预期会增长至90亿,不过之后会趋于平稳。level [sth] off, level off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (make even)使变平坦,使变平整Mark used sandpaper to level off the surface of the wood.马克用砂纸将木材表面磨平。lift off vi phrasal (plane, spacecraft: take off) (火箭等)发射; (飞机等)起飞The spaceship began to lift off.宇宙飞船开始发射了。live off [sth] vtr phrasal insep (survive on, be supported by)靠...过活The widow lives off her late husband's pension and Social Security checks.那个寡妇靠她过世丈夫的退休金和社保过活。lock [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (waterway: close with a lock)用水闸锁住lock [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (close off area)封锁;隔绝lock [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (button, setting: disable securely)安全关上;安全关闭log off vi phrasal (computing: sign out or disconnect) (计算机)退出,注销;登出Log off but don't shut down the computer.look off vi phrasal (gaze into the distance)了望;凝视远方lop [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (cut off)砍掉,砍下The movie's hero lopped the villain's head off.make off vi phrasal informal (escape, run away)逃掉,逃跑The criminals abandoned their vehicle and made off on foot.罪犯们弃车,步行逃走了。make off with [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (take away)顺手偷走;顺手牵羊The thief made off with over a thousand dollars.mark [sth] off, mark off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (delineate, outline)划出,划开;区分Mark off the area to be tiled and find the centre.They marked off the area of the garden that was to be laid to lawn.mouth off vi phrasal slang (give opinion loudly)毫无顾忌地高声谈论;高谈阔论The student got kicked out of class for mouthing off too much.mouth off about [sth] vi phrasal + prep slang (give opinion loudly)高声谈论...mouth off at [sb], mouth off to [sb] vi phrasal + prep slang (be rude to [sb])和...顶嘴, 对...无礼move off vi phrasal (vehicle: drive away)离开,走开;死去He put the car in gear and moved off down the highway.naff off vi phrasal UK, slang (go away)滚开When I asked him what he was doing, he told me to naff off.nip [sth] off, nip off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (remove)掐断;掐掉The gardener nipped off the dead flower heads.园丁掐掉了几个枯萎的花冠。nip off vi phrasal informal, UK (go quickly) (短语)溜出去;溜走Andy will be back in a moment; he's nipped off to make a quick phone call.安迪一会儿就回来,他是溜出去接一通简短的电话了。nod off vi phrasal informal (fall asleep)打瞌睡He nodded off while driving and wrecked his car.他开车的时候打瞌睡,然后出了车祸。;pack [sb] off vtr phrasal sep (send [sb] somewhere)送某人去...;送走某人;把某人打发走pair [sth/sb] off, pair off [sth/sb] vtr phrasal sep (match, put together in twos)将...配对The teacher made all the kids groan when he paired the boys off with the girls and made them learn how to dance.pair off vi phrasal (form pairs, separate into twos)两人一对Okay everyone, pair off and begin the exercise please.palm [sth] off on [sb] vtr phrasal sep informal (get rid of [sth] by giving it to [sb]) (非正式用语)转手摆脱,转手处理掉The car was such a junker that she couldn't palm it off on anybody.那辆车车况极为糟糕,她没法转手给任何人。pare [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (peel off: fruit skin, etc.)剥除;削皮pass off vi phrasal UK (happen)发生并顺利进展下去Although the event has attracted violence in the past, the latest march passed off without incident.虽说这个活动之前引发过暴力事件,不过最近一次游行进展顺利。pass [sth/sb] off as [sth/sb] vtr phrasal sep informal (present falsely)把…冒充成He tried to pass himself off as an expert, but we could tell he didn't know much.他试图把自己冒充成专家,但我们看得出他只有一知半解。pawn [sth] off vtr phrasal sep nonstandard (get rid of [sth])处理掉;扔掉pay [sth] off, pay off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (pay all of: money owed) (指债务)偿清,还清I've nearly paid off my mortgage. The collection company kept calling me for weeks until I finally paid off my debt.我几乎还清了房屋抵押贷款。催收公司连续几星期给我打电话,直到我还清欠款。pay [sb] off, pay off [sb] vtr phrasal sep informal (bribe: [sb])付给…封口费,贿赂The businesswoman wanted Leo to stay quiet about her fraudulent practices, so she paid him off.这位女商人想让里奥放过她的欺诈行为,所以她进行了贿赂。pay off vi phrasal informal (have good consequences)成功,有好的结果,得到回报Hard work and careful planning always pay off.不懈的努力以及谨慎的计划总能有所回报。peel off vi phrasal figurative (leave a group)退出One by one the members of the group peeled off until only Nelson was left.组员们一个接一个地退出,直到只剩下尼尔森一个人。pension [sb] off vtr phrasal sep (make [sb] retire with pension)发养老金使…退休They thought he was getting too old for the job, so they pensioned him off.pick [sb/sth] off, pick off [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep slang (kill one by one) (俚语)逐个杀死The police sniper picked off the bank robbers one by one.警方的狙击手瞄准那伙银行抢劫犯,将其逐个瞄准射杀。piss [sb] off, piss off [sb] vtr phrasal sep vulgar, slang (annoy, anger) (俚语,粗俗语)使生气,使厌烦That guy really pisses me off!那个人真让我生气!piss off vi phrasal vulgar, slang (leave, go) (俚语,粗俗语)走开,滚开Brad told his annoying little brother to piss off.布拉德让他那讨厌的弟弟滚蛋。play [sb/sth] off [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep (set against: [sth] else)在...和...挑拨离间The capricious girl played off one suitor against the off vi phrasal (sport: resolve a tied score)加赛The two teams will play off for the division title.polish [sth] off, polish off [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (eat all of, consume)快速做完, 迅速吃完He polished off the whole cake without offering a slice to anyone else.polish [sth/sb] off, polish off [sth/sb] vtr phrasal sep slang (dispose of, completely kill)杀死;干掉pop off vi phrasal informal (go suddenly)突然离去, 突然离开Popping off in the middle of a conversation is something he does all the time.pop off vi phrasal informal, euphemism (die)死, 死掉When I die, I hope to pop off peacefully in my sleep at a very old age.pop off vi phrasal (speak thoughtlessly)轻率地说出He couldn't keep himself from popping off to his boss, and was finally fired.pour [sth] off, pour off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (drain)流出Pour off the fat and add the garlic and onions.power [sth] off, power off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (computer: shut down) (电脑等)关闭...电源;关机Before leaving the office, I always power off my computer.Never forget to power your computer off before you go home for the night.print [sth] off, print off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (make a printed copy of)复印Let me just print this letter off and I will give it to you to sign.pull [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (remove: clothing) (衣服)脱下He pulled off his shirt.他脱下了衬衫。;pull [sth] off vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (succeed in doing [sth]) (非正式用语)成功做某事, 做到, 顺利完成The spy was able to pull off his mission with none the wiser.He surprised me - I didn't think he could pull it off.那个间谍能顺利完成他的任务,没有人比他更聪明。/ /他让我大吃一惊,我原本不认为他能成功。pull [sth] off vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (look, clothing) (衣服、打扮)驾驭Not many people could pull off that shirt with those trousers, but it actually looks good on you!没有多少人能驾驭那套衬衫搭配裤子,但你穿起来真的很好看!pull off vi phrasal (vehicle: turn off road) (车辆)把…停靠在路边We should pull off at the restaurant ahead.我们应该停在前面的餐馆。pull off vi phrasal (guitar-playing technique) (吉他技巧)拉弦Knowing how to pull off will help a guitarist to play faster.了解如何拉弦有助于吉他手更快地演奏。punch out, clock out (US), clock off (UK) vi phrasal (at work: record leaving time)下班打卡push off vi phrasal UK, slang (go away)走开;一边去He tried to break up their fight but they both told him to push off.push off vi phrasal UK, slang (leave)动身;出发We'd better push off; it's almost dark.push off vi phrasal (move boat away from shore)推离;推开put [sb] off vtr phrasal sep informal (discourage, deter)劝阻I don't want to put you off, but that make of car you're thinking of buying is very hard to maintain.我不想扫你兴,但是你想买的那个品牌的车很难保养。put [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (delay until later)推迟;延迟;拖延I'm busy this afternoon; can we put our meeting off until tomorrow? He was too busy in the morning, so he put his appointment off until the afternoon.今天下午我很忙。我们能将会议推迟到明天吗?他上午太忙了,所以他把预约推迟到下午。put [sb] off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (cause to dislike)使…反感,使…对…失去兴趣That was disgusting; it has put me off my dinner.这太恶心了,我都不想吃饭了。put [sb] off of [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal, nonstandard (cause to dislike)使…不喜欢…He was put off of seafood after getting food poisoning from some prawns.他吃虾导致食物中毒,从此之后就不喜欢吃海鲜了。raffle [sth] off, raffle off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (sell by lottery)举行抽奖销售活动;参加抽奖销售活动Our parish church will raffle off a new car to raise money for our youth groups.rattle [sth] off, rattle off [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (recite quickly)快速说出...;飞快地说...reel [sth] off vtr phrasal sep informal (recite)剿(丝);一口气说出;滔滔不绝地讲The award-winner reeled off a long list of all the people he wished to thank.ride off vi phrasal (cycle away)骑走ring off vi phrasal (telephone: hang up)挂断电话If you receive an unwelcome phone call, it's best to simply ring off [sth], rip [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (clothes: remove quickly) (衣服)扯掉;快速脱掉Seeing the cool, shimmering surface of the water, Steve ripped off his clothes and dived in.看到闪闪发光的清凉水面,史蒂夫当即脱下衣服,跳入水中。rip off [sb], rip [sb] off vtr phrasal sep slang (cheat, con)敲竹杠, 欺骗Some restaurants try to rip off foreign tourists.有些餐馆想要宰外国旅客。rip off [sth], rip [sth] off vtr phrasal sep slang (steal, plagiarize)剽窃;盗用;抄袭Carol accused Matthew of ripping off her work.卡罗尔指控马修剽窃她的作品。rope [sth] off, rope off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (block access to, cordon off)用绳子隔开;用绳子圈起The police roped off the area where the crime was committed.The police roped off the crime scene.round [sth] off, round [sth] off with [sth], round [sth] off by doing [sth] vtr phrasal sep (end, conclude)使圆满结束He rounded off his speech with a joke, leaving the audience in a good mood.他以一个笑话结束了他的演讲,为听众带来了愉悦的心情。round [sth] off, round [sth] off to [sth] vtr phrasal sep (express as nearest whole number)以整数计;四舍五入The price was eighty-seven euros, but the clerk rounded it off to eighty-five.价格是八十七欧元,但店员将其四舍五入到八十五欧元。round [sth] off, round off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (make [sth] less jagged)弄圆滑;磨圆滑Lana trimmed her fingernails, then used an emery board to round off the ends.拉娜修剪了她的指甲,然后用磨甲板将指甲尖磨平滑。rub off vi phrasal figurative (be transmitted)传播,感染,被效仿Johnny's enthusiasm for fishing began to rub off, and the other children wanted fishing poles too.约翰尼对钓鱼的热情开始感染他人,其他孩子也想要钓鱼竿。rub off on [sb] vi phrasal + prep figurative (be transmitted to [sb] else)影响;感染Dad's bad mood rubbed off on the rest of us, and by the end of the day we were all arguing.爸爸的坏心情影响到了我们,那天结束后,我们都在争吵。rub off vi phrasal (be wiped off deliberately)擦掉These crayons rub off without leaving a mess.这些蜡笔擦掉后没有留下一点污渍。rub off vi phrasal (be wiped off accidentally) (不小心)擦掉;蹭掉This lipstick is a nice colour but it rubs off easily.这款口红颜色很好看,但太容易掉色。rub off on [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep (be smeared onto [sth] else)擦到...上,蹭上The dirt from his clothes rubbed off on the furniture.他衣服上的尘土蹭到了家具上。rule [sb/sth] off vtr phrasal sep (disqualify [sb/sth] from contest)取消...参赛资格run off vi phrasal (flee)逃离;迅速逃走I saw the intruder run off as soon as he heard the alarm.我看见入侵者在听到警报声时立马就逃离了。run [sth] off, run off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (copies: print, duplicate)打印;复印Could you please run off a hundred copies of this handout for me?能请你帮我复印100份这个讲义么?run off vi phrasal (flow away)流走When it rains, water runs off and ultimately makes its way to a river, lake, or the ocean.下雨的时候,雨水会流走,并最终汇入河流、湖泊或者海洋。run off with [sth] vi phrasal + prep (steal)偷走The housekeeper ran off with the silver.管家偷走了银器。run off with [sb] vi phrasal + prep (kidnap)绑架;绑走The man ran off with his son after losing custody.那个男人失去抚养权后拐跑了儿子。run off with [sb] vi phrasal + prep figurative, informal (leave partner for [sb] else)和...私奔Mrs. Johnson apparently ran off with her gardener!很显然,约翰逊夫人和她的园丁私奔了!rush off vi phrasal (leave in a hurry)仓促跑掉;急忙跑掉I hate to rush off, but I am late for work.sack [sth] off vtr phrasal sep slang (avoid doing) (俚语)避免做某事sack [sb] off vtr phrasal sep slang (get rid of) (俚语)摆脱某人;解雇某人saw [sth] off, saw off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (sever by sawing)锯掉;锯下scare [sb/sth] off vtr phrasal sep (frighten away)吓走The scarecrow was used to scare off birds.scare [sb] off vtr phrasal sep figurative (deter)使…望而却步I was worried that publishing the starting salary might scare off some potential applicants.screw off vi phrasal potentially offensive, US, slang (go away, leave)离开seal [sth] off, seal off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (isolate, cordon off)封锁;封闭The scene of the road traffic accident has been sealed off by the police.警方已经封锁了道路交通事故现场。see [sb] off, see off [sb] vtr phrasal sep informal (chase away or dismiss)赶走;赶开The dog saw off the cat that was eating its food.那只狗赶走了正在吃它食物的猫。see [sb] off, see off [sb] vtr phrasal sep (say farewell to)为(某人)送行He came to the airport with me to see me off. I'll drive you to the station and see you off.他跟我来机场,为我送行。我会开车送你去车站,为你送行。sell [sth] off, sell off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (dispose of by selling)减价出售The company will sell off some of its assets to raise cash. If he needs money he should sell off his collection of paintings.这家公司将会减价出售其资产来筹措现金。如果他缺钱的话,他就应该减价出售自己的画作收藏。send [sb] off, send off [sb] vtr phrasal sep (direct [sb])派遣;派出The general sent more soldiers off into battle.将军派出了更多士兵投入战场。send [sth] off, send off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (mail, post)寄送;邮寄I went to the post office and sent off a package to my friend.我去邮局给我朋友寄送一个包裹。;set [sth] against [sth], set [sth] off against [sth] vtr phrasal sep (offset: cost, damages) (成本或损失等)将...与...抵销,以...补set off vi phrasal (begin a journey)动身;出发We'll have to set off very early to avoid the rush-hour traffic.我们必须很早出发,以便避开高峰时段的交通。set off on [sth] vi phrasal + prep (begin: a journey) (旅程)开始That morning, we set off on our trip to California.那天早上,我们开始了加州之旅。set off for [sth] vi phrasal + prep (begin a journey)动身去;出发去I usually set off for work at 8 a.m.我通常早上8点出发去上班。set [sth] off, set off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (trigger, switch on)触发;启动He set off an alarm when he opened the back door.他打开后门时触发了警报。set [sth] off, set off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (event: cause to happen)引发;触发The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand set off the First World War.弗朗茨·斐迪南大公遇刺引发了第一次世界大战。set [sth] off, set off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (highlight by contrasting)衬托That colour looks good on you; it sets off your eyes.你用那个颜色很好看,它能衬托你的眼睛。set [sb] off vtr phrasal insep informal (make [sb] angry)使…生气Don't mention politics to Richard; you'll set him off.不要对理查德提政治,你会惹怒他的。shove off vi phrasal slang (leave, go) (俚语)离开We had to shove off before the party off vi phrasal informal (behave boastfully) (非正式用语)炫耀,显摆备注: A hyphen is used when the term is a noun.He's showing off to impress her.他用炫耀来打动她。show [sth/sb] off vtr phrasal sep (display proudly)展示;炫耀When his famous mother came to school, he showed her off to all his friends.他那位有名的母亲来到学校时,他向所有的朋友炫耀她。show [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (draw attention to)展示;突显He bought a close-fitting shirt that showed off his newly developed muscles.他买了一件紧身衬衫来展示他新练出的肌肉。shrug [sth] off vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (disregard)对…不予理会;对…不屑一顾My wife always shrugs off my suggestions.shuffle [sth] off, shuffle off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (get rid of, shirk)摆脱;把...推开My boss was in the habit of shuffling his work off onto the rest of us.shut [sth] off, shut off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (disconnect, stop supply)切断;关闭Shut off the electricity at the mains when you go away on holiday.外出度假时,请切断总电源。sign off vi phrasal (end a letter)结束写信Debbie signed off by telling Ian how much she missed him.黛比在落款处告诉伊恩她有多想念他。sign off with [sth] vi phrasal + prep (end a letter) (信件)以…结束My father always signed off with "love and kisses, Dad".我的父亲总是用“爱你亲亲,爸爸”来结尾。sign off vi phrasal (end a broadcast)结束广播This is WKRP in Cincinnati, signing off at midnight.这里是辛辛那提的WKRP,现在是午夜时间,节目到此结束。sign off with [sth] vi phrasal + prep (end a broadcast)以…结束一天的广播Ed Murrow always signed off with the words: "Good night, and good luck".埃德·穆罗总是这样来结束广播节目:“晚安,祝你好运”。sign off vi phrasal US, informal (stop doing [sth])结束;停止sign off on [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (authorize)认可,同意,批准The director must sign off on the project before work can begin.主管必须批准项目后方可开始工作。sign [sb] off vtr phrasal sep often passive (authorize to miss work)批准…不上班The doctor signed Greg off for two weeks after his surgery.医生同意格雷格在手术后休息两周。skim [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (remove from the surface)把…撇去The housewife skimmed the cream off the fresh milk to make butter.skim [sth] off vtr phrasal sep figurative (take [sth] valuable)捞取;偷走The accountant had been skimming off a few thousand dollars a month before the employer caught on.slack off vi phrasal figurative, slang (avoid work)懈怠,消极怠工Since his wife got ill, he has been slacking off at work.自打妻子生病起,他就一直消极怠工。slack off [sth] vtr phrasal insep (nautical: loosen)放松;松开Richard slacked off the mainsheet to reduce the boat's speed.理查德松开主帆索,将船的速度降下来。slag [sb] off vtr phrasal sep UK, slang (criticize, speak ill of)诋毁, 贬损Nigel is always slagging off his boss.sleep [sth] off vtr phrasal sep informal (recover from by sleeping)睡一觉就好了;通过睡眠来恢复;通过睡眠来消除He had a lot to drink last night, and is still sleeping it off.slink off vi phrasal (leave furtively)逃跑,溜走slip [sth] off vtr phrasal sep informal (clothing: remove quickly) (衣服等)快速脱掉I'm going to slip off these riding boots and put on more comfortable sandals.Harry came into the warm room from outside and slipped off his coat.slip off vi phrasal informal (leave discreetly)溜走;溜掉;溜出去She slipped off to go see her boyfriend before her parents could protest.slope off vi phrasal UK, informal (sneak away, leave furtively)溜走slough off, slough [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (shed, discard)剥去;脱去I sloughed off the dead skin with a skin brush.slough off, slough [sth] off vtr phrasal sep figurative (discard: [sth] undesirable) (坏习惯、坏毛病等)戒掉;戒除He was forced to slough off the terrible comments he heard about his friend.slough off vi phrasal (be shed or discarded)脱落;蜕下When you exfoliate, the dead skin cells slough off and you are left with a radiant complexion.sod off vi phrasal UK, vulgar, slang (go away)滚开;走开Henry was annoying me, so I told him to sod off.sound off vi phrasal (give one's opinion, complain)阐述;表明,说明,说出;畅所欲言This radio station is mostly talk shows with people sounding off about their pet peeves.sound off vi phrasal US (band: start playing) (乐队)开始演奏;开唱sound off vi phrasal US (call out marching rhythm)喊口令spark [sth] off, spark off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (cause, provoke)引起;引发Her comments sparked off a furious debate in the media.spin [sth] off, spin off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (create from [sth] existing)派生出;衍生出The production company plan to spin off a series about the show's most popular couple.spin [sth] off, spin off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (turn into separate company) (公司)分立;将...分离split off vi phrasal (break away, separate)解散;分散;分离The dissenters split off and formed a rival group.split off from [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep (separate from group)从...分裂出去;从...独立出去A number of left-wing politicians split off from the party to form a new one.sponge off [sb/sth], also UK: sponge on [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (obtain money, help)揩…的油Edward's friends are getting fed up with him sponging off them.sponge off, sponge down vtr phrasal sep (clean with a sponge) (用海绵)擦洗square off vi phrasal (prepare to fight)摆好架势准备打斗;把…划分成方格;使成四方形The boxers squared off before the referee blew the whistle.stake [sth] off, stake off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (area: mark off)标出...的边界stand off vi phrasal (keep at a distance)保持一定距离The girls stood off to the side.女孩们保持一定距离地站在一旁。start off vi phrasal (begin [sth])开始;出发;动身The marathon runner started off at a slow pace.马拉松运动员以缓慢的速度开跑。start [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (cause to begin)开始;引起;导致Tom and Stan had a big row today; I'm not sure what started it off.汤姆和史丹今天大吵了一架,至于是什么引起的,我不太清楚。start off with [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (begin with)以…开始;首先进行I think I will start off with an appetizer and then have a main dish.stave [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (prevent, ward off)预防;防止They say that if you take extra vitamins, you may be able to stave off the flu.据说多补充维他命可以预防流感。stay off [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (avoid, keep away from)躲开, 避开I trained my dog to stay off the furniture.step off [sth] vtr phrasal insep (alight from)从…走下来;走下I stepped off the train.stop off vi phrasal (stay briefly)中途停留We always stop off to visit Grandma on Saturdays.周六我们总会中途去看望一下奶奶。storm off vi phrasal (leave angrily)拂袖而去;怒冲冲地离开After the argument, he stormed off to pout. Don't storm off; I'm talking to you!stretcher [sb] off vtr phrasal sep (injured player: transport)用担架把…抬离The medics stretchered the injured player off the field.strike [sth/sb] off vtr phrasal sep (delete, remove: from a list) (从名单上)删去, 删掉, 划掉I don't like them any more, strike them off the party list.strip off vi phrasal UK, informal (remove clothes)脱掉衣服If one is searched by the police, very often one must strip off.suck [sb] off vtr phrasal sep slang, vulgar (perform oral sex on: a man)讨好;奉承;巴结Larry loves it when his girlfriend sucks him off.swear off [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (renounce, give up)发誓戒掉;保证放弃Ken keeps promising he'll swear off the booze.I have so much bad luck with men, I think I'll swear off dating altogether.sweat [sth] off, sweat off [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (weight: lose by exercising)通过出汗来减肥After the holiday season I'm going to need to sweat off a few kilos at the gym.switch off vi phrasal figurative (stop paying attention)没兴趣;不感兴趣The lecture was so dull, I switched off after 10 minutes.讲座太无聊了,十分钟后我就没兴趣了。tail off, tail away vi phrasal figurative (diminish gradually)变得越来越少The number of flu patients will tail off in the spring.take off vi phrasal (plane: depart) (飞机)起飞The plane took off after a short delay.短暂延误后,飞机起飞了。take off vi phrasal informal (depart suddenly)离开;走开Marius took off so quickly that I didn't have a chance to say goodbye.马吕斯走得太快了,我都没来得及说再见。take off vi phrasal figurative (enjoy sudden success) (经济、事业等)腾飞I have a feeling this band will take off after their first real concert.The new product really took off and everybody wanted it.我有一种感觉,这支乐队在开了第一场真正的演唱会后就会走红。//这款新产品爆红,人人都想买。take [sb] off, take off [sb] vtr phrasal insep mainly UK, informal (parody [sb]) (某人)模仿This comedian is very good at taking off politicians.这名喜剧演员很擅长模仿政客。take off for [sth] vi phrasal + prep (plane: start flying to)飞向Air France flight 123 is due to take off for Paris at 22:00h.The plane will take off for New York at 09.35am.take off for [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (depart for)动身去,出门去Edith and I like to take off for the beach early in the morning.The bank robbers took off for parts unknown.taper off vi phrasal (become narrower)逐渐变细The path tapered off towards the end.taper off vi phrasal figurative (diminish gradually)逐渐消失Alice's interest in literature tapered off as she grew older.tear [sth] off, tear off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (detach by ripping)撕掉;撕下He tore off the wrapping to discover what was inside.他撕掉包装来看看里面有什么。tear off vi phrasal informal (leave hurriedly)匆忙离开The bank robbers tore off in their car.抢银行的人开车跑了。tee off vi phrasal (begin round of golf) (高尔夫)开球,发球The golfers plan to tee off at nine o'clock next Saturday.tee off vi phrasal figurative, informal (start, begin)开始;起步I plan to tee off by explaining to the recruits what they can expect during the next few weeks.tee [sb] off vtr phrasal sep US, slang (anger, annoy)生气, 发怒It always tees me off when she corrects my grammar.The way some politicians act really tees me off.tell [sb] off vtr phrasal sep informal (reprimand)谴责, 责骂The teacher told the girls off for giggling in class.老师责备那些女孩在课堂上咯咯地笑。throw [sth] off, throw off [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (free yourself)摆脱;脱离I can't seem to throw off the depression I've been feeling.She managed to throw off her doubts.我似乎无法摆脱长久以来的抑郁情绪。//她成功打消了疑虑。throw [sb] off, throw off [sb] vtr phrasal sep figurative (lose: [sb] following)甩掉;摆脱Mark threw off his pursuer by ducking into an alleyway.马克躲进一条小巷,甩掉了追赶他的人。throw [sb] off, throw off [sb] vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (mislead)误导The fake suicide note threw the detective off.那封假遗书误导了侦探。throw [sb] off vtr phrasal sep figurative informal (confuse, distract)使…困惑;使慌乱Her silly answers threw me off.她愚蠢的回答让我感到困惑。tick [sth] off, tick [sth] off vtr phrasal sep UK (check off: mark checklist item)在…旁打勾; (指完成事项时从清单上)划去Ella ticked off the tasks on her list as she did them.艾拉边做边在清单的任务旁打勾。tick [sb] off, tick off [sb] vtr phrasal sep UK, informal (reprimand)责骂;责备The boss ticked Linda off for being late.老板责备琳达迟到。tick [sb] off vtr phrasal sep US, informal (irritate)激怒;使生气The new airline regulations really ticked me off.航空公司的新规定真让人生气。tip [sb] off vtr phrasal sep informal (inform, warn)暗中通知某人;暗中向某人透露消息The police arrived at the party after somebody tipped them off.有人向警察通风报信后,他们赶到了派对现场。top [sth] off vtr phrasal sep informal (make complete)完成, 使…完整To top off my bad day, I got a flat tire on the way [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (fill to the uppermost edge)注满;填满There's a little bit left in the bottle. Let me top off your glass for you.toss off [sth], toss [sth] off vtr phrasal sep informal (recite spontaneously)轻松完成;一饮而尽Polly can toss off any poem after just one reading.toss [sth] off vtr phrasal sep informal (produce quickly)轻松完成;一饮而尽John tossed off his essay the night before it was due.toss [sth] off vtr phrasal sep informal (say casually)轻松完成;一饮而尽I don't like the way he tossed off that short apology.toss off vi phrasal UK, vulgar, slang (masturbate)手淫Some men toss off using internet porn.toss [sb] off vtr phrasal sep UK, vulgar, slang (masturbate [sb])轻松完成;一饮而尽Fiona undid Mark's trousers and tossed him off.touch [sth] off vtr phrasal sep US (trigger)引爆,使爆炸;触发,引发The new virus touched off an off [sth] vtr phrasal insep (exploit for sales)以某物换取某物;牺牲...换取Counterfeiters trade off brand name reputations.销售假冒伪劣商品的商家以品牌声誉换取钱财。trail off vi phrasal informal (gradually stop)逐渐减少, 渐渐缩小The actor forgot his lines and his voice trailed off mid-sentence.trigger [sth] off, trigger off [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (prompt, provoke)激起, 触发, 引起turn off [sth] vtr phrasal insep (exit: a road)离开;转往另一条路We turned off the main road and drove into the country.我们离开了主干道,驶入了乡村。turn off vi phrasal (exit a road) (一条路)驶离,离开Evie's satnav told her to turn off at the next exit.Evie的卫星导航系统告诉她在下个出口出去。turn [sb] off vtr phrasal sep informal (disgust)使…反感Men who smoke really turn me off.那个吸烟的男人真让人感到恶心。;veer off vi phrasal (change direction suddenly)偏离He veered off the road into the bushes to avoid hitting a dog.veer off vi phrasal figurative (conversation: take up new subject)偏离We started discussing politics but somehow veered off onto religion again.walk off vi phrasal (go away on foot)走开He became angry and walked off.他生气了,然后走开了。walk [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (calories, fat: burn by walking) (消耗脂肪、热量等)通过走路来消耗I've just had a heavy lunch so I suppose I'd better go and walk it off.我才吃了一顿丰盛的午餐,所以我最好去走走来消耗一下摄入的热量。walk off with [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (take, steal)轻松获得,轻易取胜;顺手牵羊,顺手拿走After he broke into the house, the thief walked off with all my jewelry.walk off with [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (win)轻松赢得...wall [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (separate with wall)用墙把…隔开;用墙隔断wank off vi phrasal UK, vulgar, slang (masturbate to orgasm)手淫到高潮I can't believe my mom came into the room last night while I was wanking off!wank [sb] off vtr phrasal sep UK, vulgar, slang (masturbate [sb] to orgasm)帮...手淫到高潮My girlfriend wanked me off last night.ward [sth/sb] off, ward off [sth/sb] vtr phrasal sep (keep away)挡开;使…不靠近This spray will help ward off the mosquitoes.这种喷雾能够使蚊子不再靠近。warn [sb] off, warn off [sb] vtr phrasal sep (advise of the dangers of: [sth])警告某人;提醒某人有危险wash off vi phrasal (be removed by water)洗掉;洗净The dirt washes off easily.wave [sb/sth] off vtr phrasal sep (gesture goodbye to)挥手告别The onlookers waved the train off as it left the station.wave [sb/sth] off vtr phrasal sep figurative (dismiss, disregard)挥手赶走;挥手驱去wear off vi phrasal (effect: diminish) (指影响)逐渐减弱,逐渐消失The pain-relieving effects of the aspirin would wear off after just an hour.阿司匹林的镇痛效果会在一小时后逐渐消失。whack off vi phrasal slang, vulgar (masturbate) (俚语)自慰;打飞机whisk [sth] away, whisk [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (remove, take away)迅速拿走Rachel whisked away the dishes from the main course, before producing a wonderful dessert.蕾切尔快速收掉主菜,然后上了一道美味的甜点。whisk [sb] away, whisk [sb] off vtr phrasal sep (transport or escort quickly)护送离开;陪护撤离The minister's bodyguards whisked him away when the protest showed signs of becoming violent.whisk [sb] away, whisk [sb] off vtr phrasal sep informal (take on a romantic holiday)带某人去过一个惊喜浪漫的假期Henry's wife whisked him away for a weekend break in Barcelona.wipe [sth] off, wipe off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (remove by rubbing)擦掉;擦去They were able to wipe off the graffiti with a wet sponge.他们用一块湿海绵擦掉了涂鸦。work [sth] off, work off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (get rid of by physical effort) (通过体力消耗)摆脱;除掉;处理掉Walking around the neighborhood should work off some of that meal.在街区附近走走,应该多少能消耗掉刚刚那顿饭摄入的热量。work [sth] off, work off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (pay back through work) (通过工作)除去;消除write [sth] off, write off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (record as total loss) (将收不回的坏账列作损失)冲销;一气呵成地写出We're going to have to write off the warehouse that burnt down.我们要将烧毁的仓库作为坏账冲销掉。write [sb] off, write off [sb] vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (consider a failure)认为...不合格;...是失败的Even though he did so poorly on the exam, I wasn't going to write him off completely.虽然他在考试中表现不佳,但我不会完全认为他不合格。write [sth] off, write off [sth] vtr phrasal sep UK, informal (car, vehicle: completely wreck) (车辆)将…报废Brian had an accident and he wrote his car off.布莱恩出了车祸,车报废了。write [sth] off, write off [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (discount, dismiss)不考虑;略过We can certainly write off his opinion: he never knows what he's talking about!我们可以不用考虑他的意见,他从来不知道他在讲什么!write off for [sth] vi phrasal + prep (send, apply for [sth])发信索取,发信订购Joe wrote off for the skin cream he'd seen advertised in a magazine.乔写信订购在杂志广告上看到的那种护肤霜。 复合形式: a chip off the old block n informal, figurative (person: like parent) (非正式用语)外表或性格酷似其父母中一个的人He'll be a womanizer just like his father; he's a chip off the old block. a long way off adv (in the distance)在远处;在远方A long way off, you could just see the lights from a distant village. a long way off adv (distant, far away)遥远地;远方地Those birds are swimming a long way off shore, so you'll need a telescope to see them. a long way off adv US, colloquial (in the distant future) (口语)(时间上)遥远地,在遥远的将来My sixtieth birthday is still a long way off. all bets are off expr (outcome is unpredictable)扑朔迷离;世事难料If Celeste is coming to the party, all bets are off--she's crazy! Back off! interj (move away from me)走开;离我远点Back off! Don't touch me!走开!不要碰我! Back off! interj (stop harassing me)请不要说了;消停一下Back off, Dad! I'll do my homework later!爸爸,不要再说了!我待会就去做作业! bad off adj US, regional, informal (badly off: poor)穷困潦倒的;贫困交加的Jenna does not earn much and is quite bad off. badly off adj (poverty-stricken)贫困的;拮据的;穷的Parker is successful now, but when he was growing up, his family was badly off. bake-off n (baking contest)食品烘烤比赛My dad is competing in the town bake-off tomorrow. be washed off vi (be removed by washing)洗去;洗掉Unlike the real thing, these temporary tattoos can be washed off. beat [sb/sth] off, beat off [sb/sth] vtr + adv (repel, fight back)击退;赶走The pensioner fought back and succeeded in beating off his attackers. beat off [sth], beat [sth] off vtr + adv figurative (defeat)击退;打退;逐走He managed to beat off intense criticism from both left and right en route to the nomination. beetle along, beetle off vi + adv (hurry)匆忙走动The little old lady beetled off to her card game. better off adj (richer)更富有;更有钱I'm much better off now I have this new job.我现在有了这份新工作,变得更有钱了。 better off adj (more fortunate)状况好转;情形变好Don't worry, you're better off without him. You'd be better off just ignoring her.不用担心,没有了他,你会变得更好。不用管她,你会变得更好。 the better off npl (richer people)较富有的人The better off are expected to help those who have less than they do.富人应帮助那些比他们穷的人。 bindoff, bind-off n US (knitting: cast-off, finishing technique) (编织)收针 bindoff, bind-off n as adj US (knitting edge, technique: finished) (编织)收针的 bite off more than you can chew v expr figurative, informal (accept an overly ambitious task)贪多嚼不烂;不自量力Gabriella thought she would enjoy being team leader, but she may have bitten off more than she can chew. bite [sb]'s head off, bite the head off [sb] v expr figurative, informal (respond angrily, impatiently)对..发火;生...的气 blastoff, blast-off, blast off n (launch of a spacecraft) (火箭、飞船等)发射 blastoff, blast-off, blast off n figurative (energetic beginning)生气勃勃地开始, 腾飞 bleed off [sth], bleed [sth] off vtr + adv (draw or extract)放掉;排掉 blow off vi + adv (be swept off by wind)吹跑;吹走;吹掉The tarp covering our roof blew off in the gale.盖在我们屋顶上的防水布被大风吹掉了。 blow the dust off, blow the cobwebs off v expr figurative (abandon old routines, habits)忘掉过去;改掉旧习New Year is a time to blow the dust off and make a fresh start. blow the dust off [sth], blow the dust off of [sth] v expr figurative (use for the first time in ages) (放很久的东西)把...拿出来;翻出Let's blow the dust off this old record and see how it sounds. bludge [sth] off [sb] vtr + prep informal, AU (beg, scrounge)向…讨要Gary is always bludging cigarettes off me. boil [sth] off vtr + prep (liquid: heat to evaporation)煮开以蒸发Boil off the water until you are left with a thick gravy. bomb, bomb along, bomb off vi figurative, slang (move very quickly)快速移动;飞奔Nelson angrily bombed off for home. boo [sb] off the stage v expr (performer: jeer from stage) (表演者)喝倒彩把…赶下舞台 bounce [sth] off [sth] vtr + prep (cause to rebound off [sth])使...从...表面弹回Catherine bounced the basketball off the side of the building.凯瑟琳在楼边墙上来回弹着篮球。 bounce off vi + adv (rebound)弹回;跳回The squash ball hit the wall and bounced off.壁球击中墙面,弹了回来。 bounce off [sth] vi + prep (rebound)从...弹回;从...跳回The ball bounced off the wall.球从墙面弹回。 bounce off [sth] vi + prep (light: be reflected) (光线等)从...反射回来;反射在...上The glare of headlights bounced off of the shop window.头灯的亮光反射在商店橱窗上。 bounce [sth] off [sb] vtr + prep figurative, informal (idea: test)征求关于...的意见(看法)I'll bounce the idea off my boss and get back to you.我将去征求老板的意见,然后再回来找你。 break it off v expr informal (relationship: end) (非正式用语)断交Sarah and John were going to get married next month, but she found he was having an affair and broke it off. browned-off adj UK, informal (annoyed, irritated)厌烦的 brush [sth] off, brush [sth] off [sth] vtr + adv (remove, wipe)掸掉,把…掸掉,把…从…上拭去He brushed the crumbs off his shirt front.他把衬衫前襟上的面包屑掸掉。 brush [sth] off, brush off [sth] vtr + adv (clean)刷去, 拂去Brush off the bench before you sit down.坐下前先把长凳擦一下。 Bugger off! interj UK, slang, vulgar (go away) (俚语, 粗俗)走开, 离开, 滚开 bum [sth] off [sb], bum [sth] from [sb] vtr + prep slang (obtain by asking, begging)从...那里求得...;从...那里讨到...Brad is always bumming cigarettes off his friends.布拉德总是从朋友那里讨香烟。 bundle, bundle off vi + adv (leave unceremoniously)匆匆离去;匆忙离去The meeting was over and everyone bundled off to get on with their various tasks.会议结束,每个人都匆匆离去,继续他们各自的任务。 burn [sth] off vtr + adv (use up: energy)消耗(脂肪);消耗(热量);燃烧(脂肪)This exercise is a good way of burning off calories. burn [sth] off vtr + adv (remove by fire)烧掉;烧除One method of cleaning up an oil spill is to burn off the oil. burn [sth] off vtr + adv (cause to evaporate)使...蒸发;使...消失 burn off vi + adv (mist, haze: evaporate) (指雾等)散去,消散The haze started to burn off as the sun grew warmer. buzz off interj slang (go away)走开Stop disturbing me and buzz off! cadge [sth] from [sb], cadge [sth] off [sb] vtr informal (obtain by begging)向...讨要Grayson cadged a quarter from his neighbor to feed the parking meter. call-off contract n (under framework agreement)框架订单合同The company awarded a call-off contract to the supplier. call-off order n (order: with many delivery dates)随需交货订单The firm placed a call-off order with the supplier. carry it off v expr informal (succeed in [sth])成功I was terrified at performing for a crowd, but I carried it off. carry it off v expr (clothing: look attractive in) (衣服)驾驭Not many women could get away with that outfit, but she can carry it off. cast-off (UK), castoff (US) n UK, often plural (discarded object, esp. clothing)丢弃的衣物 cast-off n UK (bindoff: knitting finishing technique)收针;cast-off (UK), castoff (US) adj (secondhand)旧的, 二手的 cast-off (UK), castoff (US) adj (unwanted)淘汰的I gave my cast-off clothing to the thrift store.catch [sb] off guard v expr (take [sb] by surprise)使…惊讶;趁…不备,使…措手不及The offer of early retirement caught me off guard; I hadn't guessed it was coming.charge-off, chargeoff n (banking: write-off) (银行业)注销,冲销clean off [sth], clean [sth] off vtr + adv (dirt: remove)从…清除掉;从…清扫掉I hosed the car down to clean off the dirt.我用水管把车冲洗得干干净净。clean [sth] off [sth] vtr + prep (dirt, etc.: remove from) (尘土等)将…从…掸去,把…从…刷掉I cleaned the mud off my boots.我把泥巴从我的靴子上刷掉。clean [sth] off [sth] vtr + prep (tidy away, remove)把…从…清理走The waiter came and cleaned the plates off the table.服务员过来把餐桌上的碗盘收拾干净了。clear [sth] off, clear off [sth] vtr + adv (remove clutter from)清理干净If you clear off the dining table, we can play cards there.clear [sth] off [sth] vtr + prep (clutter: remove)将…从…表面清除;把...上的...收拾干净Mike cleared the papers off his desk.麦克把自己桌子上的纸张收拾干净了。Clear off! interj slang (go away)走开I'm busy now - clear off!clip [sth] off, clip off [sth] vtr + adv (cut physically)切去;削去The electrician clipped off the end of the wire.clip [sth] off, clip off [sth] vtr + adv (cut sound recording)截去;删除The audio software clipped off the beginning of the recording.come off vi + adv (detach itself)下来Once they are firmly stuck on, the labels won't come off.一旦牢牢地粘住,标签就掉不下来。come off it! interj slang (skeptical)别吹牛了Come off it! Do you honestly expect me to run a marathon?comfortably off adj (fairly wealthy)相当富有的,衣食无忧的cookoff, cook-off n US, AU (cooking contest)烹饪比赛;料理比赛cooling-off period n (purchase-cancelling period)冷静期;冷却期You often have a seven-day cooling-off period during which you can cancel internet purchases.cordoned-off adj + prep (area: partitioned)封锁的,隔离的cut [sth] off vtr + adv (remove using a blade)锯掉;砍掉;割掉His leg was so badly damaged, the doctors had to cut it off.他的腿损毁严重,医生不得不将其锯掉。cut [sb] off at the knees v expr figurative, informal (humiliate)使丢脸;蒙羞A man in the audience heckled the comedian, but her witty comeback cut him off at the knees.cut [sth] off at the knees v expr figurative, often passive, informal (thwart, cause to fail)断送...的未来cut off your nose to spite your face v expr figurative (put self at disadvantage through spite)跟自己过不去;自讨苦吃cut-off date n (deadline)截止日期The cutoff date for voter registration is two weeks before the election.cut-off point n (limit)截止点She likes tequila, but two drinks is her cut-off point on work nights.cutoff, also UK: cut-off n (limit, deadline)界限;截止点What is the cutoff for applications?cutoff, also UK: cut-off adj (date: limit, deadline)截止日期;到期日Midnight on 31st January is the cut-off time for submitting your tax return.cutoff, also UK: cut-off n (stopping of supply or service)中断供应If you use too many appliances, it can cause a cutoff of the electricity.cutoff, also UK: cut-off adj (jeans, etc.: cut short)截短Those cutoff jeans are too scruffy for work.cutoff date, also UK: cut-off date n (deadline)最后期限;截止日期The cutoff date for submitting your application is February 15.cutoff point, also UK: cut-off point n (limit)截点,分界点The cutoff point for sending in applications is 1st November.dash off vi + adv informal (leave in a hurry) (非正式用语)匆忙离开Alan had to cancel the meeting and dash off, because his wife had been taken into hospital.阿兰的妻子进医院了,阿兰取消了会议,匆忙离开。day off n (day of holiday from work)休息日No, I can't come into the office today, it's my day off!不行,今天来不了办公室,今天是我的休息日!die-off n (species, etc.: disappearance) (物种)灭绝The theory is that a huge asteroid collided with Earth causing a global die-off of dinosaurs.dine on [sth], dine off [sth] vi + prep (eat for dinner)吃...作为晚餐The guests dined on venison.drain off [sth], drain [sth] off vtr + adv (liquid: remove)使流走; (液体)抽干;沥去Allow the roasting tray to stand for a few minutes, so the solids settle, then drain off the excess fat.将烤盘静置几分钟,让固体沉淀下来,然后沥去多余的油脂。draw off [sth], draw [sth] off vtr + adv (liquid: remove by draining) (液体)排出;抽出The doctor had to use a large needle to draw off the liquid in my swollen knee.draw [sb] off vtr + adv ([sb]: induce to leave) (指人)拉走;让...离开draw [sth] off vtr + adv ([sth]: remove by pulling) (指物)拖走drive [sth/sb] off vtr (chase away)赶走We had to drive off the wolves that were stalking the sheep.我们必须赶走那些尾随羊群的狼。drop-off n informal (decrease)下降;减少There has been a sharp drop-off in sales as the economic crisis bites.受经济危机的影响,销售量急剧下降。drop-off point n (vehicle: place to set [sb], [sth] down)下客点,下车处There is a warehouse at the port that serves as a drop-off point, we collect the merchandise there.end off vi + adv informal (conclude, finish in a certain way)结束end [sth] off, end off [sth] vtr + adv informal (bring to a conclusion)结束了…face-off n (confrontation)对峙;对抗The situation triggered a face-off between the government and farmers.face-off n (ice hockey: start of play)开球face off vi (ice hockey: start play)开球face off vi (sports: compete)对峙England and France are due to face off in tomorrow's final.fall off vi + adv (become detached)掉下;掉落One of the buttons on Chloe's coat had fallen off.克洛伊大衣上的一个扣子掉了。fall off [sth] vi + prep (become detached from)从…掉下The picture had fallen off the wall.那幅画从墙上掉了下来。fall off [sth] vi + prep (slip down from)滑下;滑落The blanket fell off the bed slowly.那张毛毯从床上缓缓滑落。falloff, falling-off, also UK: fall-off n (decrease, decline)下降;减少far off adv (in the distance) (地点)在远处,在远方备注: A hyphen is used when the term is an adjective that precedes the nounFar off, Eric could just make out a village.far off, far-off adj (lands, places: distant)远的;遥远的;远方的I'd love to be able to travel to far-off lands and have adventures.far off, far-off adj figurative, informal (estimate: inaccurate) (估测等)相差太远的Your estimate wasn't far off.feck off interj Ire, vulgar, euphemism (expressing anger or contempt)滚;滚蛋feel off vi + adj informal (not seem quite right)感觉不舒服;状态不佳first off adv informal (introducing a list: firstly)首先;第一fly off vi + adv (insect, bird: take flight)突然离去,离开; (比喻)匆匆逃走,溜掉The startled bird flew off the handle v expr figurative, informal (lose temper)发火;失去控制;失去常态My dad flew off the handle when I told him I'd crashed the car.fob [sb] off with [sth] v expr informal (give [sb] [sth] inferior, unsatisfactory)用某事敷衍某人;用某事敷衍某人Frank is always trying to fob me off with excuses.fob [sth] off on [sb] v expr informal (give [sb] [sth] inferior, unsatisfactory)把...骗卖给...Martin tried to fob off his old laptop on me.F*** off! interj vulgar, offensive, slang (expressing anger or contempt) (粗俗,俚语,具有侮辱性)滚!;滚开!We don't want your type here, now f*** off!Get off my back! v expr figurative, informal (Stop nagging me)别唠叨我了;别烦我了get off on [sth], get off on doing [sth] v expr slang (enjoy, be excited by)享受…;因为…而兴奋get off on [sth], get off on doing [sth] v expr slang (be sexually excited by)因为…而亢奋;因为…而激起性欲get off on the right foot v expr figurative (have a good start)开头顺利;一开始就很顺利get off on the wrong foot v expr figurative (have a bad start)出师不利;一开始就不顺利get off the ground v expr figurative (project: start well)顺利开始Without funding, the project will never get off the ground.没有资金,这个项目将无法顺利启动。get [sth] off the ground v expr figurative (start: a project) (指项目或任务等)启动,开始I have a great idea for a business, but I'll need money to get it off the ground.get off the point v expr informal, figurative (digress)脱离主题;偏题The lecturer was getting off the point and some of the students had stopped paying attention.get off [sb]'s back v expr figurative, informal (stop nagging [sb])别唠叨某人get [sth] off your chest v expr figurative (confess [sth])倾诉;一吐为快get off your high horse v expr figurative, informal (stop acting morally superior)别那么趾高气扬get ripped off v expr slang (be swindled)被宰;受骗Jack got ripped off when he bought a designer watch which turned out to be a fake.get your rocks off v expr slang (have an orgasm) (俚语)发泄欲望;获得性高潮Tony wants to get his rocks off.get your rocks off v expr slang (get pleasure from [sth]) (俚语)从...获得满足;过把...的瘾give [sb] a good telling-off, give [sb] a good telling off v expr informal (reprimand)将某人狠骂一通When the boss found out what had happened, Sally was taken into the office and given a good telling-off.give off heat v expr (emit warmth)发热;散发热量Traditional incandescent light bulbs give off heat, primarily; the light is a by-product.传统的白炽灯主要是发热,附带照明功能。give [sb] the brushoff (US), give [sb] the brush-off (UK) v expr figurative, slang (snub [sb]) (某人)忽视;轻视;忽略;不理睬give [sth] the brushoff (US), give [sth] the brush-off (UK) v expr figurative, slang (idea: reject, dismiss) (想法等)不理睬;拒绝;忽视glance off [sth] vi + prep (be deflected by)略过;擦过The shot glanced off a defender and went into the goal.这一射门,球与防守队员擦身而过,球进了。gloves-off adj (fight, competition: unrestrained)激烈的,毫无保留的After his blatant insult, she took a gloves-off approach in the confrontation.go off course v expr (stray from intended direction)偏离方向go off course v expr figurative (go awry, not progress correctly)出岔子;跑偏go off on a tangent, also UK: go off at a tangent v expr figurative (digress, change subject)忽然离题;忽然转换话题go off on one v expr UK, slang (rant) (俚语)抱怨Brett went off on one about the amount of money it had cost to get the car repaired.go off the deep end v expr figurative (do [sth] extreme)走极端;莽撞行事go off the rails v expr (in socially unacceptable way)越界;出轨Bill went off the rails when he started drinking too much alcohol.go off the rails v expr (not according to plan)出现状况;偏离计划The project went off the rails because of financial problems.goof-off n US, slang (silly, unproductive person)懒汉,懒虫;游手好闲之人handoff, hand-off n (American football: hand ball to another) (美式橄榄球)手递手传球The defense didn't anticipate a handoff, and the running back easily gained a first down.对方防守球员没有想到手递手传球战术,因此跑锋轻松拿下首攻。handoff, hand-off n (rugby: push away opponent)推开handoff, hand-off n (project: pass on to [sb] else)传送;传递Hands off! interj informal (do not touch) (非正式用语)别碰!;不要摸!;把手拿开!;请勿动手!Hey! I've only just made those buns – hands off!Hands off! Make your own sandwich!嘿!我刚做了这些馒头。别碰!把手拿开!自己做三明治!hands-off adj figurative, informal (person: not interfering) (指人)不插手的,不干涉的I'm glad I have a very hands-off boss, since I like to work independently.hands-off adj figurative, informal (behaviour: not interfering)不干预的;不干涉的As a manager I try to take a hands-off approach with my employees whenever possible.作为一名管理者,我尽可能地不去干预员工。hands-off policy n informal, figurative (non-intervention)不干涉政策;静观态度,旁观策略;绥靖政策When confronted with crime, police advise residents to adopt a hands-off policy.hang [sth] from/off [sth] vtr + prep (suspend from a fixed point)悬挂,吊Let's hang that plant from a hook in the ceiling.我们把那盆植物吊在天花板的挂钩上吧。haul [sth] off, haul off [sth] vtr + adv (carry [sth] away)拉走,运走I hired someone to haul off my old sofa when I bought a new one.have an off day v expr informal (perform poorly)状态不佳He is normally a great performer, but I think he was having an off-day.他通常表现很好,但我认为今天状态不佳。have it off, have it away v expr UK, vulgar, slang (have sex) (粗俗,俚语)性交;发生性关系;hit it off v expr slang (get on well) (俚语)相处融洽,相处得好Me and my new roommate hit it off from the start.我和我的新室友打一开始就相处融洽。hot off the press adj informal (newspaper: freshly printed)刚印刷出的(书,报纸等);新鲜出炉的消息The club's latest newsletter is hot off the off the press adj informal, figurative (information: new)新鲜出炉的The latest news hot off the press is that Alice is calling off the wedding.jerk-off n US, vulgar, slang (contemptible man)混蛋jump off [sth] vi + prep (leap from)从…跳下She was too scared to jump off the highest diving board.她太害怕了,不敢从最高的跳水板上跳下去。jump off vi + adv (leap from [sth])跳下;从...跳下The little boy clung to the rock, reluctant to jump off into the sea.小男孩紧紧地抓着石头,不愿跳下海。jump-off n (showjumping round)赛马决胜赛jumping-off point, jumping-off place n figurative (starting point)起点Learning the alphabet is a good jumping off point for children who wish to learn how to read.jumping-off point, jumping-off place n figurative (starting point)起点;起跑点kick off at [sb] v expr UK, figurative, slang (become angry with)向…发火My ex kicked off at me when I said he couldn't keep borrowing my car whenever he liked after we split up.我对我的前任说了分手后他不能随时借我的车,他便开始朝我发火。kickoff (US), kick-off (UK) n (soccer) (足球比赛)开球The away team scored the first goal almost immediately after the kickoff.几乎刚开球,客队就踢进了第一个球。kickoff (US), kick-off (UK) n (American football) (橄榄球)开球At the kickoff, the home team took control of the field.kickoff (US), kick-off (UK) n figurative, informal (start, beginning) (集会、比赛等)开始Tonight is the campaign kickoff.kiss-off n mainly US, figurative, slang (dismissal, as from a job)解雇;免职Knock it off! interj slang (stop it)别闹了;停下来Knock it off! Go and play somewhere else--I'm trying to do some work!knock it off v expr slang (stop: doing, saying)停下来;别干(某事)了Gary was whistling tunelessly until Dave told him to knock it off.knock [sb/sth] off [sb/sth] vtr + adv (push [sb/sth] off [sb/sth] forcefully)把...从...上敲落, 把...从...上打落At the funfair, Jerry won a prize for knocking a coconut off its post.在游乐场,杰瑞将椰子从杆子上打落,因此获得了奖品。knock [sb] off their pedestal, knock [sb] off his pedestal, knock [sb] off her pedestal v expr figurative (humble [sb] who is self-important)使某人失去名气;让...掉下神坛Losing a game so early in the tournament knocked him off his pedestal.knock the rough edges off [sth/sb] v expr informal, figurative (refine)改掉…的坏毛病The band have knocked the rough edges off their playing and now sound more professional.knock [sb]'s socks off, knock the socks off [sb] v expr figurative, informal (amaze, impress)使...震惊;惊叹不已knockoff (US), knock-off (UK) adj slang (counterfeit)仿制的;冒牌的knockoff (US), knock-off (UK) n slang (bootleg copy)仿制品;山寨品It's not a real designer purse; it's only a cheap knockoff.know [sth] by heart, know [sth] off by heart v expr (have memorized)记住;背下来The students had to know the poem by heart.know [sth] by heart, know [sth] off by heart v expr informal (be completely familiar with)非常熟悉I never get lost in this neighborhood; I know it by heart.laid-off adj informal (redundant)被解雇的;被解聘的The laid-off workers were furious with the management.被解雇的工人对管理层十分不满。laugh your head off v expr figurative, informal (laugh heartily)大笑不止;捧腹大笑lay off doing [sth] v expr slang (stop doing)停止I wish my friends would lay off teasing me about my friendship with James.我希望朋友们不要再拿我和詹姆斯的友谊开玩笑了。laying off n (employees: dismissal)解雇;免职lead-off adj US (first, beginning)开始的leave off doing [sth] v expr informal (stop doing [sth]) (非正式用语)使停止The mother told her son to leave off ripping the pages out of the book.母亲让儿子别再撕书了。Leave off! interj UK, informal (stop)停止Leave off, mate! You're starting to annoy me.停下来,伙计!你开始让我觉得烦躁。Leave off! interj UK, informal (You must be joking!)别捣乱!;别烦人!let [sb] off with [sth] v expr informal (not punish severely)轻易放过;从轻发落The police caught Alfie tagging a wall, but let him off with a stern warning.警察逮到阿尔菲在墙上涂鸦,但在警告他之后就放他走了。let off steam, blow off steam v expr figurative (vent emotions or anger) (比喻)宣泄情感,宣泄怒气I was annoyed and wanted to let off steam.I called my boyfriend and he let me blow off steam for an hour.let off steam, blow off steam v expr slang, figurative (release energy)发泄感情;发泄过剩的精力There was a play area where the kids could let off steam.let [sb] off the hook v expr figurative, informal (free from punishment)放过某人I'm surprised he let you off the hook that easily, given the trouble you've caused.let off the leash, let [sb] off the leash, let [sb] off his/her leash v expr figurative (release [sb] from restraint, control) (比喻)解开...的枷锁,解开...的束缚;解放When they saw that he could handle the job, they let him off his leash and he quickly moved up to a higher position.let one off, let one go v expr UK, slang, figurative (pass intestinal gas)放屁;排气Did you just let one off?lick [sth] off, lick off [sth] vtr + adv (remove by licking)舔掉…Danny licked the frosting off his lip.liftoff, also UK: lift-off n (launch of a spacecraft) (航天器)发射The scheduled Ariane 5 liftoff has been postponed. Lift-off in ten seconds: ten, nine, eight….阿丽亚娜5型火箭的预定发射被推迟。10秒倒计时发射:10、9、 high on the hog, live high off the hog, eat high off the hog v expr US, figurative (live life of luxury)过奢华生活;享受豪华生活live off the fat of the land, live on the fat of the land v expr (enjoy plentiful lifestyle)过衣食无忧的生活;饫甘餍肥lop [sth] off [sth] vtr (cut, sever)将...从...砍去;将...从...砍掉;将...从...上剪掉The lumberjack lopped a few branches off the tree.march [sb] off vtr + adv (remove [sb] with authority)强制带走march off vi + adv (rhythmically walk away)行进退场,行进离开nab [sth] from [sb], nab [sth] off [sb] vtr + prep slang (steal from)从...偷盗The pickpocket nabbed wallets from tourists.naff off interj UK, slang (go away)滚Naff off and mind your own business!nick off interj AUS, slang (go away)离开;走开nip [sth] off [sth] vtr + prep (pick)把…从…掐下来;从...摘下...Kate nipped a few young fruits off the peach tree so the others would grow bigger.凯特从桃树上摘下几个没熟的果子,好让其他果子长得更大些。It's no skin off my back, It's no skin off my nose expr (it makes no difference to me)毫不相干;毫不在乎off and on, on and off adv informal (intermittently) (关系)时断时续We dated off and on for several years before we finally broke balance, off-balance adj (unsteady)不平衡的,失衡的off base, off-base adj (mistaken)错的off campus, off-campus adv (not on a university site)校外,在校外Most of the seniors at the State University don't live in the dorms--they live off color, off-color (US), off colour, off-colour (UK) adj informal, figurative (joke, etc.: obscene, in bad taste) (指玩笑等)不太正经的;有点下流的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounThe joke was a little off color.Jim is known for telling off-colour colour adj UK, figurative, informal (unwell) (非正式用语)气色不佳的,脸色很差的;不舒服的I haven't gone to work today as I'm feeling off course adv (in the wrong direction)偏离轨道地;偏离正轨地By this time, we'd been sailing off course for several course adv figurative (not progressing correctly)偏离正轨off-duty adj (not working)下班的;不在职的Fortunately, an off-duty policeman was there and detained the duty adv (outside work hours)下班时;不在工作时Most police in the U.S. carry weapons when off duty.I take dance lessons during my time off guard adv (when unprepared)猝不及防地I was taken completely off guard when the police arrived with a search guard, off-guard adj (unprepared)没有防备的;意外的备注: A hyphen is used when the term is an adjective that precedes a noun.The thief took advantage of a moment when the shopkeeper was off key, off-key adj (out of tune)跑调的Elena was off key and her voice sounded very key, off-key adv (out of tune)跑调Angela was singing off kilter, off-kilter adv (out of balance, askew)不平衡,不和谐off kilter, off-kilter adj (out of balance)不平衡的;失衡的The colors in this photo look off kilter; can we adjust the camera settings?这张照片看起来色彩失调,我们能调整一下相机的设置吗?off kilter, off-kilter adj (eccentric)古怪的;奇怪的off label, off-label adj (drug: prescribed for unapproved use) (药物)不遵照标签的,适应症以外的备注: hyphen used when term is an adj before a nounoff limits, off-limits adj (out of bounds)禁止入内的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounThe town was off limits to students at the boarding limits, off-limits adj figurative (not permitted)禁止的;不允许使用的The website is off limits to children under limits adv (out of bounds)禁止进入;禁止入内The gunboat fired warning shots at a fishing vessel that had strayed off of prep informal (off)从...下来;从...离开Get your feet off of that table!off peak, off-peak adj (outside prime time)非高潮期的;非旺季的备注: A hyphen is used when the term is an adjective that precedes the nounOff-peak rail travel is cheaper than going during rush peak adv (outside prime time)非高峰期的If you travel off peak, you can save a lot of money on train premise, off-premise, off premises adj (not on site)外部的,场外的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the road, off-road adv (on unmade terrain)山地的;越野地Four wheel drive cars are designed to be driven off screen, off-screen adv (cinema, TV: not on film)银屏外,生活中The actor's voice could be heard off adj (cinema, TV: not on film)银屏外的,生活中的off season, off-season adv (outside the busiest period)在淡季It's normally cheaper to travel adj (outside the busiest period)淡季的off season n (period outside the busiest time)淡季off sick expr informal (absent due to illness)因病不上班;因病请假off site, off-site adv (away from a given location)在指定位置外;现场之外地;私下地My job involved working off-site four days a site, off-site, offsite adj (not on the premises)不在范围内的off stage, off-stage adv (in the wings)在舞台两侧备注: hyphen used when term is an adj before a nounThe actress waited off-stage until it was time for her to come stage, off-stage adv (backstage)在后台off the air adj (not broadcasting) (节目)已经停播的,已停止放送的I loved that show, but unfortunately it's been off the air for years and I can't watch it the air, off air adv (no longer broadcast)停播;停止放送Our local radio station goes off the air at midnight, and then there are no more programs to listen the bat, right off the bat adv figurative, informal (straight away, from the very start)马上,立刻Mr. Davis walked into the room, and right off the bat, students began asking the beaten track, off the beaten path expr (away from tourist routes)在偏僻处;在人迹罕至处We prefer to eat with the locals in small restaurants off the beaten the books adj (not recorded in accounts)帐外的;未登记在账面上的I am being paid off the the chain adj UK, slang (wildly entertaining)狂野的off the charts, off the chart adj (extreme, not measurable)特别好的;不可估量的off the charts, off the chart adj figurative, informal (outstanding, unexpected)出色的;意想不到的off the coast adv (in water near shore)离岸地The abandoned boat was found adrift off the coast of South the cuff, off-the-cuff adj figurative (remarks: improvised)即兴的;未经准备的备注: Hyphens are used when the term is an adjective that precedes the nounoff the cuff expr figurative (in an improvised way)即兴;即席off the hook adj figurative, informal (freed from blame)没事的;不会被责怪的William isn't off the hook until he can prove it was his brother who stole the money.直到威廉证明他的兄弟偷了钱,他才逃过责备。off the hook adj figurative, informal (freed from punishment)逃过惩罚;逃脱惩罚You're not off the hook yet.你并没有逃脱惩罚。off the hook adj (telephone: unable to receive calls)断开的I've been trying to get hold of Audrey all day, but I keep getting the engaged tone. She can't have been on the phone this long; it must be off the hook.我一整天都在找奥德丽,但一直忙音。她不可能打那么久电话,她一定是断线了。off the mark expr (incorrect)不准确;不对off the record, off-the-record adj (unofficial, confidential)非官方的;不公开的备注: Hyphens are used when the adjective precedes the nounThe senator apologized for his off-the-record the record adv (unofficially, confidentially)非正式地;不公开地Those comments were made off the record and weren't intended for the shelf adv (from stock)现货供应off-the-shelf adj (readily available from stock)有现货的;现货供应的off-the-shelf adj (in a standard format)现成的;现成可用的off the top of your head expr figurative, informal (spontaneously, improvising)不假思索地;信口Off the top of my head, I can't remember the name of that off the wagon v expr figurative, informal (alcoholic: drinking again) (非正式用语)再度酗酒fall off the wagon v expr figurative, informal (alcoholic: start drinking again) (非正式用语)再次开始酗酒off the wall, off-the-wall adj figurative, informal (unusual, bizarre)奇怪的;奇异的;诡异的备注: Hyphens are used when the adjective precedes the nounbe off to [sth] v expr (leaving for somewhere)动身去...;前往...;去...I'm off to work now. See you tonight!be off to do [sth] v expr (leaving to do [sth])离开去做…She tells me she's off to make her fortune in the world of modelling.get off to a good start v expr informal (begin well)顺利开始Our new employee has gotten off to a good off to a good start v expr informal (have begun well)有好的开端;一开始就顺利off topic adv (away from the subject)离题off topic, off-topic adj (not relevant to the subject)离题的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the track, off-track expr figurative (not on expected path)脱轨的,离题的Our discussion seems to have gone off track; let's get back to the main white, off-white adj (whitish: greyish or yellowish white in colour)灰白的;白色泛黄的备注: hyphen used when term is an adj before a nounoff white, off-white n (greyish- or yellowish-white colour)灰白色;米白色;黄白色off with you interj informal (leave, go now)滚开;滚蛋Off with you, children! It's time for you all to go home!off work adv (not at work) (因生病等)没有上班off year n US (year without major election)非大选年off year n (year of inferior production)歉收年off-year n as adj (of a year without major election)非大选年的off-year n as adj (of a year of inferior production)歉收年的Despite the low off-year yield, the farmer still managed to make a profit.Off you go. interj (please leave)快去吧。;快走吧。It's almost time for school--off you your own bat adv figurative, informal (by your own initiative)主动;自愿备注: Sometimes used mistakenly as "off your own back".off your rocker adj slang, figurative (insane) (俚语)疯狂的;发疯的If you think I'm going to sell it to you at that price, you're off your rocker!off your trolley adj UK, figurative, slang (crazy)疯了;失去理智If you think I'm going to do a bungee jump off that bridge, you must be off your trolley!off-axis adj (situated away from axis)离轴的;轴外的off-board adj (transaction: not on stock exchange)场外交易的off-campus adj (away from university site)在校园外的off-center (US), off-centre (UK) adj (to the side of center)偏离中心的off-diagonal adj (mathematics)非对角线的,对角线外的off-farm, off farm adj (not taking place on a farm site)非农的备注: The hyphen may be omitted when the adjective follows the noun.;off-farm, off farm adv (not on a farm site)农场外的The slaughtering of the animals takes place, off-the-grid adj (energy: not from main supply) (能源)不靠主要供给网的;自给自足的off-grid, off-the-grid adj (living: without mains utilities)不入网的;离网的off-grid, off the grid adv (without mains utilities)离网地The community lives off-grid in a remote part of n often plural (time not working)非工作时间off-hour adj (during non-working time)非工作时间的off-licence (UK), liquor store (US) n (shop selling alcohol)酒铺;酒店I stopped by the liquor store and bought a bottle of rum for tonight's (UK), liquor license (US) n (permit to sell alcohol)卖酒执照;售酒执照This shop doesn't have an off-licence so we'll have to buy our beers adj (skiing: off-trail) (滑雪)滑道外的,偏离滑道的off-piste adv (skiing: off-trail) (滑雪)滑道外,偏离滑道地Only experienced skiiers should go adv figurative (deviating from convention)离经叛道地,非常规地off-plan, off plan adj (property: under construction)期房的备注: The hyphen may be omitted when the adjective follows the adj informal (unappealing, that deters)令人不快的, 令人厌恶的, 令人讨厌的Slurping is an off-putting habit in some cultures.吃东西发出声音在一些文化中是令人不悦的习惯。off-ramp n US, CA (exit from main road)出口匝道off-road adj (vehicle: for rough terrain)越野的An African Safari requires a sturdy off-road vehicle.在非洲森林里需要一辆坚固的越野车。off-roader n (vehicle for rough terrain)越野车off-roader n (driver of off-road vehicle)越野赛车手off-roading n (driving on unmade terrain)(汽车)越野运动My friends and I went off-roading during summer adj (not in the road)不临街的off-street parking n (private parking area)路外停车;街道以外停车off-taker n (financial go-between) (常出现在自然资源领域)预先承购者备注: 在建设、开发等前就签订合同,以确保未来市场off-task, off task adj (not focused)分心的备注: The hyphen may be omitted when the adjective follows the (UK), off-the-rack (US) adj (clothing: ready to wear) (衣服)现成的off-the-shoulder adj (clothing: not covering shoulder)露肩的offhand, off-hand, offhanded adj (casual, careless)未经考虑的;不加思索的;随口而出的The offhand remarks should not be taken seriously.offhand, off-hand adv (without preparation)即席地;未经准备地;不加思索地We decided offhand to take a family vacation.offhandedly, off-handedly adv (casually)随便地,随意地;即兴地,即席地'I'll come if you like,' said Claire offhandedly.offhandedness, off-handedness n (casual nature)漫不经心, 满不在乎I was surprised by Jim's offhandedness when he talked about his experiences during the war.offline, off-line adv (computing: while not connected)离线地;未连线地;脱机地I was chatting to Harry when he suddenly went offline.offline, off-line adj (computing: not connected)离线的;未连线的;脱机的When I work, I have no use for an offline computer.offline processing, off-line processing n (computing: not done on internet) (计算机)脱机处理,离线处理We have to do some off-line processing before we can publish the answer online.offload [sth], off-load [sth] vtr (cargo: unload) (指货物)卸下The sailors offloaded the cargo.offload [sth] onto [sth], off-load [sth] onto [sth] vtr + prep (cargo: unload)卸货The workers were offloading the cargo onto the waiting trucks.offload [sth] onto [sb], off-load [sth] onto [sb], offload [sth] on [sb], off-load [sth] on [sb] vtr + prep figurative, informal (pass something unwanted on to)转手I managed to offload that awful project onto Audrey.offload [sth], off-load [sth] vtr figurative (divulge [sth] worrying)倾吐,吐露Carol felt a great sense of relief once she had offloaded her secret.offload [sth] onto [sb], off-load [sth] onto [sb] vtr + prep figurative ([sth] worrying: tell [sb])减轻Angie offloaded her concerns onto her best friend.offload, off-load vi figurative, informal (share worries) (非正式用语)分担When I have nobody to talk to, I offload in internet forums.offshore adj (in sea)近海的;近岸的;海上的Carl works on an offshore oil rig.卡尔在近海的一个石油钻塔上工作。offshore adj (finance: abroad) (公司、资金等)设在海外的, 离岸的Rich people often invest in offshore funds to avoid taxes.为避税,富人常将自己的钱投在海外。offshore adj (wind: blowing towards sea) (风)吹向海面地,离岸地Offshore winds provide the best conditions for surfing.离岸风为冲浪提供了最佳条件。offshore adv (away from shore)离岸;向海里The boat is drifting offshore.小船向海里漂去。offshore adv (on the water)在近海;在海上The boat is anchored three miles offshore.小船在海上离岸三英里的地方下了锚。offshore adv (abroad, in other country)在国外;在境外;在海外Some financial institutions operate offshore.有些金融机构在海外运作。offstage, off-stage adj (theater: in the wings) (剧场)舞台旁的,舞台后的,幕后的The offstage whispering could be heard by the audience.offstage, off-stage, off stage adv (theater: in the wings)私生活中;在台下The furious director screamed at the actors offstage.on and off adv (intermittently)时断时续Jan has been going to the gym on and off for the past six months.过去六个月间,简时断时续地去健身房健身。on and off adv (switch)时开时关The computer screen keeps flickering on and off.电脑屏幕时开时关地闪个不停。on the off chance expr informal (just in case)万一, 碰碰运气on the off chance, on the off chance that expr informal (with clause: in case) (非正式用语)抱微弱希望;万一On the off chance that it rains, we will postpone the competition until tomorrow.on-off switch n (electrical or electronic device: control knob) (电源等的)开关The on-off switch on my DVD player has broken. Where is the on-off switch on the stereo?one-off n mainly UK, informal ([sth] done once only) (非正式用语)一次性事件;昙花一现The song was a one-off and the group never produced another hit.那首歌只是昙花一现,其乐队再也没能推出其他的热门歌曲。one-off adj mainly UK, informal (happening only once)一次性的I had a one-off chance to hear Sixto Rodriguez sing.OT adj initialism (internet: off-topic) (互联网)歪楼;跑题I will ignore any questions that are OT.OT adv initialism (internet: off topic)歪楼地;跑题地Apologies for going OT on this thread, but there's something I just have to ask you all.down pat (US), off pat (UK) adv (off by heart, memorized)记得非常清楚;了解透彻,烂熟于胸Allison didn't need any notes, as she had her speech down pat.艾莉森不需要任何笔记,因为她对自己的演讲内容已经烂熟于胸。pawn [sth] off on [sb] v expr nonstandard (get rid of [sth] by giving it to [sb])把不要的...送给备注: See "palm off"payoff, also UK: pay-off n informal (bribe)贿赂The drug dealer offered the police officer a payoff to look the other way.payoff, also UK: pay-off n (redundancy payment)解约金;解聘金Simon was made redundant last year, but after thirty years with the same company, he got a good payoff.payoff, also UK: pay-off n (profit)盈利The backers are hoping for a quick payoff on their investments.payoff, also UK: pay-off n informal (advantage)好处;收益Learning a new language is hard work, but the payoff is that you can communicate with a whole new group of people.payoff, also UK: pay-off n (amount to clear debt)全部偿还;偿清Quentin handed over the payoff and was relieved to know he was now clear of debt.peed off adj UK, slang, slightly vulgar (annoyed) (俚语,稍粗俗)心烦的;生气的;恼怒的peel [sth] off [sth] vtr + prep (remove: outer layer from [sth])把…从…上剥下来Harry peeled the old paint off the door before applying the new paint.上新油漆之前,哈利把旧漆从门上剥了下来。peel [sth] off vtr + adv (remove: fruit skin) (果皮)剥,去除I peeled off the skin of the apple, then cored it and cut it into wedges.peel off vi + adv (skin: flake) (皮肤等)脱皮,剥落My sunburnt skin is peeling off.我日晒后的皮肤正在蜕皮。peel off vi + adv (paint: flake) (油漆)剥落;剥脱Damp in the walls is causing the paint to peel off.墙壁受潮导致油漆脱落。peel [sth] off, peel off [sth] vtr + adv figurative (remove: layer by layer) (一层层地)剥除;脱去The striptease dancer peeled off her clothes during the show.脱衣女郎在表演中脱去了衣服。pick grapes off [sth] v expr (pluck grapes from)从…摘葡萄The boy picked the grapes off the vine and ate them one by one.Piss off! interj vulgar, slang (go away) (俚语,粗俗语)走开,滚远点Piss off! Why won't you leave me alone?滚开!你就不能让我单独待一会吗?pissed off, also US: pissed adj vulgar, informal (angry, upset) (粗俗语,非正式用语)极为郁闷的,非常恼火的Jim and Susan had an argument and Jim was really pissed afterwards.吉姆和苏珊发生了争执后,感到非常恼火。play-off n (game or series of games played to break a tie)加时比赛;加时赛The Lakers didn't make it to the play-offs this year.plunge off [sth] vi + prep (suddenly go downward)从...摔下去;从...上掉下去The car was going too fast to make the corner and it plunged off the cliff.point [sth] off, point off [sth] vtr (decimal places: mark from the right)给...加小数点;pull-off n (guitar-playing technique) (吉他技巧)拉弦The guitar player was practising his pull-offs.这位吉他手正在练习拉弦。pull off vtr + prep figurative, informal (person: remove from project) (项目)让某人退出My boss pulled me off the project with no explanation.我的老板没有解释就将我调离了这个项目。Push off! interj UK, slang (go away)走开!一边去!Push off! Go away and annoy someone else!put-off n (unattractive thing)令人反感;令人讨厌Tom's a nice guy, but his habit of putting himself down all the time is a real put-off.汤姆人挺不错的,不过他总是自我贬低的习惯着实令人反感。put-off n (evasive statement)推脱;避实就虚,闪烁其词The boss's response to the question of whether there would be redundancies was clearly a put-off.老板对于是否会进行裁员一问的回答显然是在避实就虚。put you off your stride v expr figurative (interrupt rhythm)打乱节奏;使慌乱Forgetting her words put the actor off her stride and she never quite recovered before the end of the play.put [sb] off the scent v expr figurative (mislead, distract)使失去线索, 误导, 使人迷失线索, 布下迷阵He laid a false clue to put the detective off the scent.quick on the draw, quick on the trigger, quick off the mark adj figurative, informal (quick to act or react)抢先行动;占取先机rake-off n figurative, informal (share, amount taken illegally) (非法的)回扣read [sth] off, read off [sth] vtr + adv (list: read aloud)朗读;宣读;大声宣布The teacher read off the names of the students who had never been absent.ricochet off [sth] vi + prep (be deflected)从…弹起The soldier was afraid of the bullets ricocheting off the walls.right off adv informal (immediately)立刻;马上I could tell right off that he was lying.rinse [sth] from [sth], rinse [sth] off [sth] vtr + prep (wash away)漂洗掉;漂洗净Edward rinses the dye from his hair. Zoe uses the hosepipe to rinse the soap suds off the car.爱德华把染发剂漂洗掉了。佐伊用水管喷水,漂洗掉了车上的肥皂泡沫。rip-off n slang (swindle, dishonest transaction)敲诈;敲竹杠Fifty pounds for that old piece of junk? What a rip-off!五十英镑买那辆破车?简直是抢钱!ripoff, rip-off n slang (con, swindle) (俚语)哄骗,骗取,骗人,诈骗ripped-off adj slang (swindled)被欺骗的;被欺诈的The ripped-off consumers got together to sue the company.roll off vi + prep (round object: fall off [sth])滚下;从...上落下;从...上滚下The ball rolled off the porch.roll [sth] off [sth] vtr + prep (cause [sth] round to fall off [sth])把...从...上滚下来;把...从...上扔下来Roll the marble off the table—the cat will chase it!roll off the tongue, trip off the tongue v expr (be easy to pronounce)脱口而出;张嘴就来roll-on/roll-off adj (ship: transporting vehicles)滚装的Roll-on/roll-off ferries operate out of the port.roped-off adj (separated, cordoned)用绳隔开的;用绳子隔离起来的Swimmers are not allowed in the roped-off part of the pool.round-off n (gymnastics move) (体操动作)腱子;回旋The gymnast did a perfect round-off, landing without a wobble.体操运动员完成了一个完美的回旋,落地时也没有晃动。round-off n (expression as nearest whole number)舍入;四舍五入The round-off of 47 to the nearest ten is 50.47四舍五入到十位是50。rub [sth] off, rub off [sth] vtr + adv (remove, wipe away)擦掉;擦除The teacher took the board rubber and rubbed off what she had written.老师拿起黑板擦,把她写的都擦了。rub [sth] off [sth/sb] vtr + prep (remove by wiping)擦掉…上的;将...从...上擦除He rubbed the specks of mud off his shoe.他将鞋上的泥渍擦除。run [sb] off [sth] vtr + prep US, informal (chase away)将…从…驱散The protesters were run off the property by the police.警察将抗议人员从房子里驱散。run off [sth] vi + prep (flow from)从…流出来Rainwater will run off a slanted roof.雨水会从倾斜的屋顶流下来。runoff, run-off n uncountable (liquid draining from surface)地表径流,溢流Runoff from the fields is polluting local streams.runoff, run-off n (election, race: deciding round)决赛; (竞选)决胜选举;平局后的加赛Only two candidates can compete in the runoff.runoff, run-off n as adj (vote, etc.: deciding) (投票等)决胜的sail off vi + adv (boat or ship: depart)起航;开船sail off vi + adv (leave via boat or ship)乘船走We shed a tear of joy as we watched them sail off into the sunset.sawed-off (US), sawn-off (UK) adj (gun: having a shortened barrel)枪身锯短的sawed-off adj US, informal (clothing: cut short) (衣服)改短的,截短的The young man was wearing sawed-off jeans.sawed-off (US), sawn-off (UK) adj informal, potentially offensive (shorter than average)矮小的sawed-off (US), sawn-off (UK) n informal (sawed-off shotgun)截短霰弹枪,短管霰弹枪sawed-off shotgun (US), sawn-off shotgun (UK) n (rifle with a short barrel)短管霰弹枪scoot, scoot off vi informal, figurative (go quickly)急走;飞奔;迅速跑开You're going to be late for school, so scoot!scrape [sth] off, scrape off [sth] vtr + adv (remove by scratching, rubbing)刮掉;擦去You can scrape off the top layer of paint with a nail file to see the original color underneath.scratch [sth], scratch [sth] off, scratch [sth] away vtr (remove by scratching)将…刮去;将…擦掉Rick scratched the label off the jar.里克将标签从罐子上刮去。scream your head off v expr figurative, informal (yell, shriek loudly)大声尖叫screw [sth] off, screw off [sth] vtr + adv (remove by unscrewing)拧下scrounge off [sb] vi + prep informal (live at [sb] else's expense)白拿;白吃白喝Even though he's over thirty, Evan is still scrounging off his parents and living at their house.scrounge [sth] from [sb], scrounge [sth] off [sb] vtr + prep informal (beg for, obtain from others)索取Beware of Adam; he's always trying to scrounge money off people.scrub [sth] off, scrub off [sth], scrub [sth] away, scrub away [sth] vtr + adv (remove by washing by hand) (用手)擦洗scuttle, scuttle along, scuttle away, scuttle off vi (insect: crawl quickly) (昆虫)快速蠕动A beetle scuttled along the rail.scuttle, scuttle away, scuttle off vi (leave hurriedly)急忙跑走;碎步疾跑The small man scuttled off quietly.section [sth] off, section off [sth] vtr + adv (partition)分隔,隔开sell-off, selloff n (business: liquidation)贱卖;低价卖出selling off, sell-off n (rapid sale)抛售sending-off, sending off n (sports: ejection from game) (运动)罚下场;罚出场外;sendoff, send-off n informal (act of saying farewell)道别, 送行When Audrey left for a new job, she was touched by her colleagues' send-off.当奥黛丽要前往新公司就职,她的同事为她举行一个盛大的欢送仪式。sent off adj (sportsperson: removed from play)被罚出场外的After assaulting another player, he was sent off when the referee showed him the red card.settle old scores, pay off old scores v expr figurative (take revenge) (指报复)算旧账;清算settle the score, pay off the score v expr figurative (take revenge)算账;报复;报仇settle the score with [sb], pay off the score with [sb] v expr figurative (take revenge on [sb])找…算帐;向…报仇Alex dreamed up ways to settle the score with his enemies.The author wrote the scandalous book to settle the score with her one-time friends.shake [sth] off vtr + adv (remove by shaking)抖落Shake the dust off your sandals before you come in the house.进屋子前,请抖干净你凉鞋上的尘土。shake [sb] off vtr + adv figurative (evade: [sb] following)甩掉(跟踪者)Someone was following me, but I managed to shake him off.有人在跟踪我,不过我设法甩掉了他。shake [sth] off vtr + adv informal, figurative (free yourself of)摆脱I just can't shake off this cold.我就是摆脱不了这感冒。shave [sth] off vtr + adv (hair: remove completely) (须发)刮掉,剃掉Dan shaved off his beard.shave [sth] off vtr + adv (remove thin layer)削掉..., 刨去...We need to shave off a little more wood from the door.shave [sth] off [sth], shave [sth] off from [sth] v expr figurative (cut, reduce)削减,减少,降低We need to shave at least one hundred dollars off the budget.shear [sth] off vtr + adv (remove by cutting, slice away)切断The gardener sheared off nearly half the bush to make it even with the rest of the hedge.shear off vi + adv (break off)折断A big chunk of the cliff face sheared off and fell into the river below.shout your head off v expr figurative, informal (rant, shout at length)大叫;大喊大叫He was shouting his head off but nobody heard him over the noise of the crowd. OK, I heard you - you don't have to shout your head off!shove off interj slang (go away) (俚语)走开!“Please go away” is a lot politer than “Shove off”.show-off, also US: showoff n informal ([sb] who is boastful)爱炫耀的人, 卖弄的人I don't like her – she's such a show-off.shrug it off v expr informal, figurative (pay little regard)不在乎;不屑一顾If you receive an insult from someone who doesn't really know you, it's best to shrug it off.shuffle off vi + adv (walk away with short steps)动身前往shut-off (UK), shutoff (US) n (abrupt stopping of [sth]) (突然的)阻断,切断,中止,关闭shut-off (UK), shutoff (US) adj (for stopping [sth] completely)用来彻底停止…的;用来彻底关闭…的siphon [sth] off, syphon [sth] off vi + adv (liquid: draw away)虹吸He had to siphon off gasoline from another car because his car was out of gas.siphon [sth] off, syphon [sth] off vi + adv figurative (funds: divert) (资金)抽走In order to avoid taxes, the business man started to siphon off his money to multiple accounts in the Bahamas.skim the fat off [sth] vtr (remove fat from top of)将…上的脂肪撇去After milking the cows, we skimmed the fat off the milk and made butter.skive, skive off vi UK, slang (schoolchild: play truant) (俚语)旷课,逃学Magda is in trouble for skiving off again.skive, skive off vi UK, slang (employee: avoid work) (俚语)旷工Two of the sales staff decided to skive off today, so we're understaffed.slacken off vi + adv mainly UK (slow down, get less intense)减慢,减缓;减弱;松懈slice [sth] off vtr + adv (sever: a thin piece)切下slip off [sth] vi + prep (slide off)从...掉落;从...滑落How can my favourite vase have slipped off the mantelpiece?slouch off vi + adv (leave in a sulky manner)闷闷不乐地离开smooth the rough edges off [sth] v expr (file down)磨掉…的角;磨掉…的硬边You can smooth the rough edge off the metal with a file or with sand paper.smooth the rough edges off [sb/sth] v expr figurative (refine)磨掉…的棱角;挫去…的锐气As soon as they were married she started trying to smooth the rough edges off him.snap off vi + adv (break away, become detached)折断The branches had been damaged by frost and snapped off easily.sneak off vi + adv (leave furtively)溜走;悄悄离开Paul looked around and realised Joe had snuck off again.Sod off! interj UK, vulgar, slang (Go away!) (粗鲁)滚开!Go away! Go on, sod off! You're not wanted here.spin-off n (offshoot from [sth] larger)副产品,衍生品The company's research yielded good results as well as several potential spin-offs.spin-off n (offshoot TV series)衍生剧The network just announced a spin-off of one of its most popular shows.spin-off n (company: subsidiary)子公司, 附属机构备注: 公司通过部分资产转让或出售而使一子公司独立,然后将该独立新公司的股份分派给股东以弥补股份损失Stock prices for the new spin-off have skyrocketed this quarter.spin-off adj (originating with [sth] larger)派生的Following the success of the television series, the network has decided to release several spin-off films.split [sth] off, split off [sth] vtr + adv (break [sth] off)掰下;撕下split [sth] off from [sth] vtr + prep (break [sth] off [sth])从...上撕下;从...上掰下Jason split off a branch from the tree and used it as firewood.split-off n (act of breaking off from)脱离, 分裂split-off n ([sth] broken off)分立部分;独立部分This political party started life as a split-off from one of the country's two major parties.split-off n (corporate restructuring)易股式重组,换股型公司分立spout off vi + adv (speak carelessly)信口开河; (俚语)满嘴跑火车standoff, stand-off n (confrontational impasse, deadlock) (两军互不相让)对峙, 僵持There's now a standoff between management and labour.standoff, stand-off n (sport: tie, draw) (比赛)平局The teams were at a standoff when darkness fell.standoff, stand-off n (spacing device)间隙器I installed the motherboard using six standoffs.start off by doing [sth] v expr (do first)首先;第一步start [sth] off with [sth] v expr informal (begin with)以...开始;在...时首先...I like to start my day off with a three-mile run.stiff-arm, stiff-arm fend, fend, fend-off n (rugby tactic)直臂挡开对手stop-off, stopoff n (stopover)中途停留We had a brief stop-off in Japan on our way to Australia.stop-off, stopoff n (brief visit)中途停留We made a stop-off at the off-licence on our way to the party.我们在去参加聚会的途中去了一家卖酒的商店。stop-off n (brief stopping place)中途站That pub was a lovely stop-off on our way home from holiday.那家酒吧是我们度假回家途中一个好去处。straight off adv informal (immediately) (非正式用语)立即,马上I'll mail that package straight off to make sure it gets there on time.strip [sth] off vtr + adv UK, informal (clothing: remove) (衣物)脱去,脱下strip [sth] off vtr + adv (paint, etc.: remove) (油漆等)将…除去Before applying new wallpaper, I need to strip the old paper off the walls.swan off vi + adv (wander off aimlessly)漫无目的地游荡,漫无目的地乱走Brian and Rick had been talking at the party, but at some point Brian had swanned off and Rick didn't see him again that night.sweep off vtr + adv figurative (take, carry)一举赢得;囊括John swept off the prize.约翰一举赢得了奖品。sweet [sb] off their feet, sweep [sb] off his feet, sweep [sb] off her feet v expr (make [sb] fall in love with you)使...倾心;让...爱上自己switch [sth] off, switch off [sth] vtr + adv (turn off power to) (电源)关闭,关掉Whenever I leave the house, I always switch off the lights.每当离开家,我总会把电灯关掉。tail-off n figurative (gradual decrease)渐少;逐渐减少take a vacation (US), take some holiday, take time off (UK) v expr (take time away from work)休假take [sb]'s mind off [sth/sb] v expr informal (distract [sb] from thinking about [sth], [sb])使某人分心不想某事;让某人从某事中抽身take [sth] off, take off [sth] vtr + adv (clothing: remove) (指衣服)脱去备注: A hyphen is used when the term is a noun.If you're hot, why not take off that jumper?如果你很热,为什么不脱掉那件毛衣?take [sth] off, take off [sth] vtr + adv (lid, etc.: remove) (盖子等)拿掉, 拿下You have to take off the foil capsule before you can open the bottle of wine.你需要先撕掉箔膜才能打开酒瓶。take [sth] off [sth] vtr + prep (lid, etc.: remove)拿掉…的…;拿下…的…Could you please take the lid off this jar for me?你能帮我把这个罐子的盖子拿掉吗?take off weight, take weight off v expr (reduce, lose weight)移去重量Fred's doctor told him he needed to take off weight.take off your shoes, take your shoes off v expr (remove footwear)脱掉你的鞋子It's good manners to take off your shoes before entering a house in Japan.take the edge off [sth] v expr (feeling: make less intense)化解...的感觉;纾解...的情绪take the edge off [sth] v expr (performance: make less outstanding)让...黯然失色take the lid off [sth], blow the lid off [sth] v expr figurative, informal (reveal [sth] previously secret)揭露;揭晓take the wraps off [sth] v expr figurative, informal (reveal: [sth] secret)揭开…的神秘面纱take time off v expr (take leave from work)休假I'm taking time off to see friends I haven't seen in years.She took time off to vacation in Madrid.take your hat off, take off your hat v expr (remove headgear)脱帽;摘下帽子take your hat off to [sb], take off your hat to [sb] v expr figurative, informal (respect, congratulate)向…脱帽致敬I take my hat off to the inventor of this amazing tool.takeoff, also UK: take-off n (aircraft: departure, launch) (飞机或航天器)起飞,升空The pilot and flight crew prepared for takeoff.takeoff, also UK: take-off n figurative, informal (sharp rise, increase) (经济)腾飞,增长Lately there has been a takeoff in the number of teenage mothers.takeoff, also UK: take-off n mainly UK, informal (parody) (针对动作语言)滑稽模仿The film is a takeoff of a classic Dickens the hind leg off a donkey v expr informal, figurative (talk a lot)喋喋不休Don't get Ray started; he'll talk the hind leg off a donkey, if you give him the chance.tap-off, tip-off n (basketball: start with jump ball) (篮球)跳球tear [sb] off a strip, tear a strip off [sb] v expr informal (berate, tell off)怒斥;痛骂tear-off adj (can be torn off)可撕下的telling-off n UK, informal (act of reprimanding)责备there is an off chance, there is an off chance that expr (there is a slight possibility that)机会很小throw [sb] off center (US), throw [sb] off centre (UK) v expr figurative (disorient)使某人方寸大乱;使某人感到迷惘;使某人不知所措It threw me off center when my parents told me to pack my bags.throw off the yoke of [sth] v expr figurative (free yourself: from a burden)放下...的沉重负担ticked off adj US, informal (angry)生气的;发怒的ticking-off n UK, informal (reprimand)责备, 训斥I got a ticking-off for talking during French class.tied-off adj (garment: fastened with a knot)系带的,绑结的This sleeveless tied-off shirt is perfect for the warmer weather.time off n (holiday, vacation from work)休假时间;病假时间I'll take some time off in April to visit Australia.四月我会休假一段时间去澳大利亚。tip [sb] off to [sth], tip [sb] off about [sth] v expr often passive, informal (inform, warn)暗中向某人透露某事The informant tipped off the police about the planned drugs drop.线人向警方透露了计划的毒品交易。tip-off n informal (hint, warning)暗中通知,暗中警告;暗中透露消息The building was evacuated after police received a tip-off that a bomb had been planted there.大楼被疏散,因为警察收到消息,一枚炸弹安置在那里。tipoff, tip off n (in basketball) (篮球开球时的)跳球toddle off vi + adv UK, informal (depart)出发;动身torn off, torn-down adj (detached by ripping)撕下;撕掉备注: A hyphen is used when the term precedes the noun.Emily put the torn-off strip from the bottom of the bill in an envelope with a off [sth] for [sth], trade off [sth] against [sth] v expr figurative (sacrifice for [sth])以某物换取某物;牺牲...换取The new speakers look stylish, but I would not trade off the sound for the appearance.这些新扬声器看起来很时髦,不过我是不会用声音品质来换取外观的。trade off, trade-off n (exchange)交易;交换The tradeoff is that I will teach you Dutch in exchange for Russian lessons.我教你荷兰语,代价是你给我上俄语课。trade off, trade-off n figurative (compromise)平衡;协调We proposed a tradeoff that both sides could agree to.我们提出了一个双方均可同意的交易。turn [sth] off, turn off [sth] vtr + adv (switch off, extinguish) (开关等)关闭;关掉;断开Before I go to sleep I turn off the T.V.睡觉前,我关掉了电视。;turn [sb] off [sth/sb] v expr informal (cause to dislike)使某人对某物失去兴趣;使某人不再喜欢某物Getting drunk on whisky turned Ben off alcohol completely.喝威士忌喝醉,让本彻底对酒失去兴趣。turnoff, turn-off n (side road off main road)岔路;岔道Take the next turnoff to get to the supermarket.turnoff, turn-off n informal ([sth] unappealing, repellent)使人扫兴的东西The bar's atmosphere was a bit of a turnoff for me.这家酒吧的氛围让我有点扫兴。turnoff, turn-off n informal ([sth] sexually unappealing)令人失去性趣的东西;让人丧失性欲的特征Beards are a turnoff for many women.twist [sth] off, twist off [sth] vtr + adv (bottle cap, etc.: unscrew)拧开vote [sb] out, vote out [sb], vote [sb] off, vote off [sb] vtr + adv (TV show, etc.: remove by vote) (电视节目等)让…出局;投票淘汰walled off, walled-off adj (blocked by wall)有墙阻隔的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.wander off vi + adv (stray, go missing)走丢;走偏Don't wander off. Stay with the group.别走丢了,跟紧队伍。wash [sth] off, wash off [sth] vtr + adv (remove with water)冲走;洗去I ran my trainers under the tap to wash off the mud.wash [sth] off [sth/sb] vtr + prep (remove with water)洗去;洗掉Mark washed the chocolate off his daughter's face.water off a duck's back, like water off a duck's back expr figurative (having no effect on [sb])毫无影响;毫无作用The press wrote all sorts of nasty stories about the politician, but it was like water off a duck's back; she paid no attention to them at all.wean [sb] off [sth] vtr + prep UK (stop feeding milk to a baby)使…断奶I gradually weaned the baby off breast milk.wean [sb] off [sth] vtr + prep figurative, informal (break [sb]'s addiction) (恶习、不良习惯等)戒除Sarah weaned her husband off drugs and guided him towards a healthy diet.well off, well-off adj (wealthy)富裕的备注: hyphen used when term is an adj before a nounThey must be well off if they can afford to buy a house there! These holiday packages are designed to appeal to well-off families.如果他们能在那儿买得起房子的话,那么他们一定很富裕!这些度假套餐是设计出来吸引那些富裕家庭的。whack [sth] off vtr + adv (remove with blow)砍掉;劈掉The man whacked off a chunk of the rock with a sledgehammer.whip [sth] off, whip off [sth] vtr + adv (remove quickly)驱散whip [sth] off, whip off [sth] vtr + adv (create quickly)突然发出He whipped off a sketch that looked just like her.wipe [sth] off [sth], wipe [sth] from [sth] vtr + prep (erase from)从…上擦去…;将…从…上抹去The teacher wiped the vocab list off the board.The trainee wiped several records from the database.老师从黑板上擦去了词汇。// 那个实习生从数据库上擦去了数条记录。work one's ass off v expr slang, figurative, vulgar (work extremely hard)拼命干活;拼命工作worse off adj informal (poorer)经济状况更糟糕Most people are worse off now than they were before the stock market crashed.大多数人现在的经济状况都比股市崩盘前更糟。worse off adj informal (less fortunate)更不幸;更加不幸Those people are no worse off than we are.那些人并没有比我们不幸。write [sth] off as [sth], write off [sth] as [sth] v expr (record as total loss)把…减记为…If someone owes you money and they do not pay it, you can cancel the debt and write it off as a loss for your business.如果有人欠你钱且没有偿还,你可以抵销债务,将它作为你生意的损失。write [sb] off as [sth], write off [sb] as [sth] v expr figurative, informal (consider a failure)把…看作Alison's teachers had written her off as a failure.艾莉森的老师将她视作是失败者。write-off n (finance: cancellation of bad debt)勾销坏款;注销坏账write-off n (accounting: tax deduction)减税write-off n UK, informal ([sth]: cannot be salvaged)报废的东西Olga's mobile phone was a write-off after she dropped it in the bath.write-off n UK, informal (wrecked car)报废的车Deirdre's car was a write-off after the accident.yank [sth] off, yank off [sth] vtr + adv (remove forcefully and quickly)扯掉;揪掉




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