narrow escape───九死一生,幸免于难;千钧一发
narrow a gap───缩小差距
narrow face───窄工作面
narrow seas───英吉利海峡和爱尔兰海
barren landscape───荒芜的景观
narrow staircase───狭窄的楼梯
amazing escape───惊人的逃脱
A piece of debris has narrowly missed the International Space Station (iss), forcing its six crew members to go to their escape capsules and prepare for an emergency evacuation back to Earth.───一块太空残骸与国际空间站擦身而过,让空间站上的六名航天员不得不进入逃生舱,做好紧急返回地球的准备。官方说,这片残骸距离空间站仅335米(1100英尺)。
On the second, the chances are narrowly in favour of Iran continuing to escape the full military fury of either the Americans or the Israelis. But if anyone were to attack it, Israel is the likelier.───关于第二点,伊朗勉强能够继续幸免于美国和以色列的军事打击,但是如果攻击伊朗,以色列的可能性更大。
To dodge a bullet means to narrowly escape a very bad situation.───to dodge a bullet 意思就是“逃过一劫”,躲过了非常糟糕的事情。
Carrot-munching Bugs Bunny was always being pursued by his human nemesis, hunter Elmer Fudd; yet, time and time again, Bugs would narrowly escape, outwitting the hapless Fudd.
Unlike its predecessor, which saw the emerging star narrowly escape prison on gun charges, this case has financial implications that could affect the entire record industry.
- narrowly escape
- narrowly beaten