muddle up───混淆;弄错;弄乱
puzzle out───苦苦思索而弄清楚
bubble up───往上冒泡;沸腾
buckle up───系好安全带;把…扣紧
bundle up───使穿暖;把…捆扎
cuddle up───蜷缩着睡
fuzz up───使…模糊
hustle up───v.迅速准备
From the opening crawled John Mortonson's cat, which lazily leapt to the floor, sat up, tranquilly wiped its crimson muzzle with a forepaw, then walked with dignity from the room.───特森的猫从空隙处慢慢走了过来。 它懒洋洋地跳到平台上,端然而坐,用前掌淡定地擦了擦它深红色的鼻口,然后高贵地从房间走开。
She knew the way he lowered his chin as he looked up, she knew his muzzle, the golden brown, and the greyish white.───她知道它抬头看时会低下下巴,她还熟悉它那棕黄和灰白色的鼻子。
Then, to my surprise, a second muzzle, much smaller, poked up beside it.───接着,我吓了一跳,我看到了第二只海牛在它旁边探出水面,比这只要小得多。
- muzzle velocity
- muzzle up