console game───电视游戏
console table───n.桌案;螺形托脚桌案;倚墙饰托桌
convex sole───凸面鞋底
console tables───n.桌案;螺形托脚桌案;倚墙饰托桌
consolidated schools───联合学校
Nintendo Wii and Microsoft Xbox 360 consoles sold was flat in 2009; sales of Sony’s PlayStation 3 were up by 22% after a price cut.───任天堂Wii和微软Xbox 360游戏机2009年的销售业绩平平,索尼的PS3在降价后,销售量上升了22%。
Since consoles are usually sold at a loss, they are usually locked down to prevent games from running on them without the publisher paying royalties to the console developer.───由于控制台销售价格都很低,因此它们通常都对系统进行了加锁以防止未向控制台开发者支付版税的游戏在上面运行。
which is well known to people, because since its March 4th Japanese launch, the PS2 has sold a huge total of 135, 621, 609 (!) consoles worldwide according to our numbers... ───这一点是众所周知的,根据我们的统计,自从日本人在三月四日将这种游戏机投入市场以来,ps2已经在全世界范围内卖掉了惊人的一亿三千五百六十二万一千六百零九台(135 621 609 ),而且它还在持续销售,并且还卖的不错,根据我们最新的数据,在全世界范围内,又销售了四万一千三百台。
That's 1. 66 million more units than December 2008, and the record for most consoles sold in a single month.───直到08年12月数据才刚刚超过166万,根据记录绝大多数的游戏机在一个月内卖完。
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- consoles sold