cocked hat───三角帽;[水运]船位误差三角形
mocked up───实体模型
picked at───吃得很少;挑毛病;指责
poked at───轻轻地拨动;翻找
cocked hats───三角帽;[水运]船位误差三角形
locked out───乌龙差佬(电影名)
mucked out───打扫马厩;为…清除粪便
The princes, peers, and great men mocked at him.───王公、贵族和大人物都嘲笑他。
They mocked at my timidity.───他们耻笑我胆小。
They mocked at his poverty.───他们嘲笑他是个穷光蛋。
It is but for a little thing, and the merchants have mocked at me, and denied me.───不过是微乎其微的的一件事,商人们却对我揶揄嘲笑,拒我于千里。
Evidently, those beautiful lies in life may catch a strong questioning power once mocked at.───不言自明的是生活中一些美丽的谎言一经调侃,便有了被质问的张力。
The poor boy wanted to marry the pretty rich girl, and she mocked at his chasing rainbows.───那个穷小于想娶漂亮的富家女,她笑话他做白日梦。
They mocked at me (my timidity).───他们嘲笑(弄)我(我的胆小)。
mocked at my gains, scorned my nation.───挖苦着我的盈余,侮蔑我的民族。
But the mistress still mocked at her dressing mode.───但女主人仍然嘲笑她的穿衣方式。
IF YOU are a German, the odds are that one day you will be mocked at the tiny PrimeTime Theatre in Wedding, a goulash of a neighbourhood in Berlin.
They mocked at the idea.
They mocked at my timidity.
They mocked at his poverty.
They mocked at her pronunciation.
He mocked at her hopes of stardom.
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