

词汇 messy divorce
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get divorced───离婚



to divorce───离婚

limited divorce───有限离婚

limited divorces───有限离婚



of South Sudan from the rest of the country was always going to be a messy divorce.───一直以来,南苏丹脱离整个苏丹造成了十分混乱的局面。

With luck on his side, Obama saw not one but two opponents fall by the wayside, successive rivals destroyed by messy divorce scandals.───有运气站在他的一边,obama目睹两名对手因为麻烦的离婚丑闻相继半途而废。

John had been through a messy divorce himself.───约翰自己经历过一次棘手的离婚。

One of her acquaintances, a salesman in the firm, was going through a very messy divorce and was very depressed.───和她在同一家公司做推销员的一位熟人正陷入离婚窘境,他为此非常沮丧。

THE secession of South Sudan from the rest of the country was always going to be a messy divorce.───一直以来,南苏丹脱离整个苏丹造成了十分混乱的局面。

With luck on his side, Obama saw not one but two opponents fall by the wayside, successive rivals destroyed by messy divorce scandals.───有运气站在他的一边,Obama目睹两名对手因为麻烦的离婚丑闻相继半途而废。

The building was owned by a doctor going through a messy divorce.───这栋楼归一名医生所有,目前这名医生正身处一场麻烦的离婚之中。

While breaking off an engagement may help a couple dodge a messy divorce, it doesn't always keep them out of the courtroom.───虽然解除婚约可能会帮助两个人避开离婚时的纠葛,但并不意味着他们不会法庭上见。

A proper prenup, however, might not only save you a messy divorce, but it can also provide some insights as to your financial compatibility.───然而,一份恰当的婚前协议,不仅可以省去离婚时的诸多麻烦,还能为你们共同理财支招。


They had a bitter, messy divorce.

But he was also involved in a high-profile financial scandal and a messy divorce.

He's just been through a particularly messy divorce.

John had been through a messy divorce himself.

Deb's in the midst of a messy divorce.

  • messy divorce
  • messy life
  • messy play




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