

词汇 master builder
释义 master builder
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master builders───监工;营造商;建筑工程队队长

master butcher───屠夫师傅

master butchers───屠夫大师

master cylinder───[机]主缸;制动缸;控制缸

master baker───贝克大师

master file───[计]主文件;帜件;主外存储器

master files───保密档案

master cylinders───[机]主缸;制动缸;控制缸

Easter bilby───复活节比尔比


For me these meditations are like a plumb line dropped by a master builder - to see if the walls are straight or crooked.───对我来说这些冥想就像一条建筑工人吊的铅垂线—来检查墙壁是否垂直。

Though burned down four times since it was first erected in 826 by the master builder Kobodaishi, the current building has stood its ground since 1644.───尽管自它在826年由建筑师Kobodaishi建成以来被烧过4次,但1644年重建后,它一直耸立在此。

But, it is also interesting that Imhotep was known as a "Master Builder" and Architect, and in some accounts is credited with the design and building of the Great Pyramid.───但是,非常有趣的是Imhotep(古埃及医神)也是一位建筑师,以某种方式说他设计并且建造了大金字塔。

Did the master builder of the Third Reich, Albert Speer, really not know about the Nazi extermination camps?───难道第三帝国,阿尔伯特施佩尔,师父真不知道纳粹灭绝营?

Yet, it is up to the master builder to make sure everything is done appropriately.───但要确认每个环节都妥善进行,则全仰赖造船大师。

The master builder Robert Moses had a legendary strategy for ambitious public works projects: Start now, and figure out how to finish later.───主建筑商罗伯特摩西有一个雄心勃勃的公共工程项目的传奇策略:从现在做起,并找出如何完成以后。

According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I have laid the foundation, and another builds on it.───我照神所给我的恩,好像一个聪明的工头,立好了根基,有别人在上面建造;

According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise master builder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon .───10我照神所给我的恩,好像一个聪明的工头,立好了根基,有别人在上面建造。

Return to "Master Builder" from "Master Designer" --Parametric Design Changes the Role of Architects───从“画匠”到“大匠”--参数化设计中建筑师的职能深化

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