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词汇 malic acid
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maleic acid───[有化]马来酸;[有化]顺丁烯二酸

malic acids───n.[有化]苹果酸;羟基丁二酸

maleic acids───[有化]马来酸;[有化]顺丁烯二酸

malonic acid───[有化]丙二酸

gallic acid───没食子酸,[化学]五倍子酸

oxalic acid───[有化]草酸

folic acid───[生化]叶酸,维生素B

mucic acid───粘液酸;[有化]粘酸

malonic acids───[有化]丙二酸


Which lock hospital finish comparing the malic acid skin peeler!───果酸换肤哪锁医院比较好!

Malic acid occurs naturally in grapes.───葡萄中天然含有苹果酸。

For example, fumarase catalyzes the interconversion of malic acid and fumaric acid.───如延胡羧酸酶能催化苹果酸和反丁烯二酸的可逆反应.

The synthetic technique of pharmacopoeia grade DL - malic acid through orthogonal test was studied.───采用正交设计试验研究了药典级DL - 苹果酸的合成工艺.

MAP storage could delay the decline of organic acids by inhibiting malic acid metabolism during storage.───MAP保鲜主要是通过抑制苹果酸的代谢来减少有机酸在贮藏过程中的消耗.

Malic acid metabolism can also be annoying off heat, so that you and lower body obesity.───苹果酸还可代谢掉恼人的热量, 让你和下半身肥胖说拜拜.

Nanometer perovskite - type catalysts La _ ( 1 - x ) Sr _ xMnO _ 3 are preparation by malic acid sol - gel method that add surface - active agent.───采用添加表面活性剂的苹果酸溶胶 - 凝胶法制备了纳米钙钛石型氧化物催化剂La_ ( 1-x ) Sr_xMnO_3.

As a new type of biopolymers poly ( malic acid ) and its derivatives also possess some unique properties.───聚 苹果酸 及其衍生物作为一类新型的生物高分子同样具有一些独特的性质.

The effect of malic acid was better than that of fulvic acid and oleic acid.───其中,苹果酸的效果最佳,腐殖酸和油酸次之.

Its delicate blend of malic acid and sugar, together with that melt-in-your-mouth texture make them ideal for any number of sweet and savoury delights.───它的宜人的味道精妙的混合了果酸和糖,还有它入口即化的质地,使得它成为一切芳香可口味道的理想。

Poly ( malic acid ) is a new kind of water - soluble polymer with favorable biodegradability and biocompatibility.───聚 苹果酸 是一种具有生物降解性和生物相容性的新型 水溶性 高分子.

Tomatoes contain high levels of vitamin C, vitamin B 1, malic acid, citric acid and other nutrients.───西红柿含有大量维生素C 、 维生素B1 、 苹果酸 、 柠檬酸等营养成分.

The main organic acids inA actinidia chinensis a re : malic acid, acid, palmitic acid, acid and acid.───猕猴桃中的有机酸主要是苹果酸 、 柠檬酸 、 棕榈酸 、 油酸和亚油酸等.


For example, fumarase catalyzes the interconversion of malic acid and fumaric acid.

The results showed that there were citric acid, oxalic acid, malic acid, lactic acid, ascorbic acid etc in wampee fruits, the main organic acids were citric acid and oxalic acid.

Which lock hospital finish comparing the malic acid skin peeler!

The effect of malic acid was better than that of fulvic acid and oleic acid.

As the complexity steps and high cost of synthetic poly malic acid, producing poly malic acid fermentation is especially important.

The addition of malic acid decreased the activity of isocitrate lyase and the output of L-glutamate and the residual sugar content and cell growth had no obvious regular change.

Malic acid metabolism can also be annoying off heat, so that you and lower body obesity.

P-deficiency stress induced malic acid exudation from pigeon pea roots.

It is a precursor in the synthesis of various amino acids, such as alanine, and of malic acid and oxaloacetic acid, both intermediates in the KREBS CYCLE.

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