

词汇 love with you
释义 love with you
love with you发音



not with you───不是和你在一起

off with you!───走开

done without───在没有的情况下

gone without───没有…也行

live with───忍受;承认;寄宿在…家;与…同居

vote with your feet───用脚投票

to vote with your feet───用脚投票


If you think that you can go from nowhere to having someone wonderful in love with you, you are probably wrong.───如果你认为无论身在何处都能让一个优秀的人爱上你,那你可能错了。

I'm madly love with you.───我疯狂地爱着你。

The craziest thing I have done is to fall in love with you. The greatest wish of mine is to have you with me for a lifetime.───这辈子最疯狂的事,就是爱上了你,最大的希望,就是有你陪我疯一辈子……

Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was choice, but falling in love with you was completely out of my control.───遇见你是命运,成为你的朋友是选择,爱上你却是完全不能由我控制的。

You know, I have fall in love with you since the first sight I saw you.───从我第一眼看到你,我就喜欢上了你。

Deadly don't change in love with you, because you are the one that I'm going to be looking for.───死性不改的爱着你,因为你才是我要寻找的那个唯一。

My dear Eliza, he must be in love with you, or he would never have called on us in this familiar way.───亲爱的伊丽莎,他一定爱上你啦,否则他决不会这样随随便便来看我们的。

Xiaoli Dear: I think you at all times, since the first time I see you have been in love with you, Do not you know?───亲爱的小丽:我每时每刻都在想你,自从第一次见到你我就已经喜欢上你了,你难道不知道?


i heel over head fall in love with you.

i fall in love with you at first sight.

I think she's in love with you.

I think I fall in love with you.

I fall in love with you at first sight.

I fell in love with you when I first saw you, And I still am after 40 years.

I heel over head fall in love with you.

Meeting you was fate,and falling in love with you was out of my control.

I fell in love with you the moment I saw you.

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  • love stranger
  • love and do
  • love is alive
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  • love lunch
  • love the last one
  • love is me
  • love the
  • love rules




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